Priest Talks

A priest is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities. Their office or position is the "priesthood", a term which also may apply to such persons collectively. A priest may have the duty to hear confessions periodically, give marriage counseling, provide prenuptial counseling, give spiritual direction, teach catechism, or visit those confined indoors, such as the sick in hospitals and nursing homes.

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Showing 397 talks

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Title Speaker


Priest, Anger, Karma, Shikantaza, Delusion
Mar 06 2021

Let The Mystery Be

Dharma Transmission, Priest, Lay Ordination, Lineage, Karma
Jan 09 2021

Women Ancestors Class

Lay, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Transmission, Monastic Practice, Dharma Transmission,...
Nov 23 2020
2 of 3

Women Ancestors Class

Lay, Priest, Transmission, Monastic Practice, Dharma Transmission, Teacher-and-...
Nov 23 2020
2 of 3

Dead Or Alive

Birth-and-Death, Duality, Oneness, Teacher-and-Student, Samadhi, Funeral, Precepts,...
Nov 07 2020

Living On A Mountain

Dragons, Zoom, Bodhidharma, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Priest,...
Oct 24 2020


Zoom, Duality, Silence, Forgiveness, Peace, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Anger,...
Oct 18 2020

Dealing With Difficulties

Impermanence, Greed, Vow, Zoom, Offering, Dharma Transmission, Gratitude, Ordination...
Oct 10 2020

Public Dokusan 8

Nirvana Sutra, Buddha Nature, Happiness, War, Priest, Nirvana, Conversation, Anger,...
Sep 11 2020

Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Berkeley Zen Center, Emotions, Priest, Hindrances, Evil,...
Jul 25 2020

Virtual Skit Night

Offering, Zoom, Hate, Posture, American, Lay, Transmission, Discrimination,...
Jul 13 2020

Closely Watched Mind 1

Don't Know Mind, Karma, resistance, Karmic Consequences, Bodhisattva Vow, Priest...
Jun 29 2020

Harmony Of Diversity

Big Mind, War, Diversity, Priest, Karma, Duality, American, Politics, Impermanence,...
Jun 20 2020


Priest, Transmission, Big Mind, Dharma Transmission, Karma, Hindrances, Lineage, Lay...
Dec 08 2019

Making a Buddha

training, Daily Life, Separation, Hate, War, Bell, Culture, Building, Anger, Priest...
Sep 20 2019

Beloved Community (Study Sesshin AM)

Serial: BZ-02697

Study Sesshin AM


American, Building, Diversity, War, Soto Zen, Repentance, Priest, Non-violence,...
Sep 07 2019

What's Love Got To Do With It

Passions, Priest, Precepts, Impermanence, Bowing, Constancy, Daily Life, Practice...
Aug 10 2019

The Blue Mountain and the White Cloud

American, Teacher-and-Student, Interdependence, Lotus Sutra, Culture, Priest, Big...
Jul 27 2019

Sojun Roshi's 90th Birthday Party

Building, Dharma Transmission, Lay, Teacher-and-Student, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Jul 20 2019

Beat Zen Square Zen and Zen

Monastic Practice, Duality, Non-duality, Birth-and-Death, true dharma, American, Lay...
Jul 13 2019

About the Shuso

Serial: BZ-02688

Sesshin Day 5


Practice Period, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Posture, Cultivation,...
Jun 23 2019

Man up a Tree

Renunciation, Ego, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Priest,...
May 18 2019

Don't Be Stingy

Precepts, Lay, Separation, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Don't Know Mind,...
Apr 20 2019

Let the Mystery Be

training, Heart Sutra, Skandas, Daily Life, Practice Period, Silence, Posture,...
Mar 09 2019

Cypress Tree in the Garden

Bodhidharma, Priest, Greed, Conversation, Buddha Nature, Interview, Oneness,...
Mar 02 2019

This Sesshin was Wonderfully Done

Serial: BZ-02653

Rohatsu Day 6


Silence, Big Mind, Priest, Vow, Offering, Doubt, Culture, Lay, Ego
Dec 07 2018

Merit Gathas by Robert Aitken: The Dragon Who Never Sleeps

Serial: BZ-02651

Rohatsu Day 4


Bell, Vow, Offering, Bodhidharma, Priest-and-Lay, Buddha Mind, Soto Zen, Aspects of...
Dec 05 2018

I See You

Serial: BZ-02641

Women's Sesshin


Conversation, War, Gratitude, Interview, Discrimination, Building, Priest
Oct 21 2018

Tea Ladies and Their Mind-Refreshing Teaching

Serial: BZ-02639

Sesshin Open Aspects of Practice


Sixth Patriarch, Heart Sutra, Soto Zen, Priest, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period...
Oct 06 2018

Kyogen's Man Up in a Tree

Ego, Duality, Peace, Bodhidharma, War, Priest, Oneness, Conversation, Instruction...
Sep 29 2018


Precepts, Attachment, Addiction, Ordination, Bodhisattva Precepts, Priest, Teacher-...
Jun 09 2018

Priest Shexian and Fayuan from Eihei Shingi

Intuition, Diversity, Funeral, Commitment, Patience, Enemies, Concentration,...
May 26 2018

The Heart of Priest and Lay Practice

Priest, Gaining Mind, Lay, Lay Practice, Ego, Practice Period, Priest-and-Lay,...
Apr 21 2018

Way-Seeking Mind Talk

Soto Zen, Death-and-Dying, Vow, Priest, Interview, Lineage, Mahayana
Feb 11 2018

Blue Cliff Record Case 9: Joshu's Four Gates

BCR-9, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Attachment, Teacher-and-Student, Daily Life, Buddha...
Feb 03 2018

Save the World Save Yourself

Serial: BZ-02586

Day 5


Impermanence, Berkeley Zen Center, Harmonizing, Composure, Rinzai, Priest, Mandala,...
Dec 07 2017

Practice and Ritual: Just Enough

Soto Zen, Monastic Practice, Precepts, training, Heart Sutra, Chanting, zen...
Jun 24 2017

The Heart of Training, The Training of the Heart

training, Precepts, Practice Period, First Principle, Priest-and-Lay, Priest,...
May 20 2017

Precepts Class 2

Serial: BZ-02544

PP Class

Vinaya, Precepts, Priest, Lay, Confession-and-Repentance, Offering, Karma, Attachment...
May 11 2017

Not Always So

Religion, Priest, Gratitude, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student, Enemies, Culture,...
Mar 18 2017

Joshu Cuts the Cat

Duality, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Hate, Demons, Peace, Priest, Evil,...
Mar 04 2017

Training in Intuitation

Serial: BZ-02518

Rohatsu Day 5


Intuition, training, Priest, Soto Zen, Culture, Instruction, Don't Know Mind,...
Dec 08 2016

Talk Rohatsu Day 3

training, Composure, Four Noble Truths, Duality, Emotions, Vow, Priest, Ego,...
Dec 06 2016

Seijiki: Calling Hungry Heart

Peace, Offering, Dragons, Interview, Passions, American, Priest
Oct 29 2016

Practicing with Jizo Bodhisattva

Offering, Evil, Vow, Six Realms, Dharma Transmission, Priest, Karma, Mahayana, War,...
Oct 08 2016

Women's Roles and Attitudes in the 21st Century

Priest, training, Lay, Discrimination, Politics, Ego, Non-duality, Vow, Culture,...
Mar 06 2016

Taking Care of Our Practice

Heart Sutra, Don't Know Mind, Impermanence, Intimacy, Mindfulness, Priest,...
Feb 06 2016


Serial: BZ-02450

 Rohatsu Day 3


Concentration, training, Diversity, Posture, Duality, Heart Sutra, Practice Period,...
Dec 01 2015

Feel Me Good

Practice Period, Teacher-and-Student, Practice Position, Family Practice, Priest-and-...
Oct 03 2015

Ordination and Patience

Priest, Lay, Attachment, Transmission, American, Dharma Transmission, Ordination,...
Sep 12 2015
