Gerry Oliva Talks

Showing 17 talks

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Title Speaker

The Four Establishments Of Mindfulness, Part Two

Mindfulness, Anger, Four Foundations, Observe
Jul 03 2021

The Four Establishments Of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, Shikantaza, Consciousness, Concentration, Mahayana
Jun 18 2021

Dogen's Vow

Vow, Buddha Mind, Passions, Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, true dharma, Book of...
Nov 21 2020

Courage, Part 2

Doubt, Buddha Ancestors, Attachment, Renunciation, Sangha, Continuous Practice, Hate...
Oct 31 2020


Doubt, Right Effort, Commitment, Precepts, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Subject-and-Object,...
Aug 29 2020


true dharma, Doubt, Confession-and-Repentance, Vow, Evil, Karma, Hindrances,...
May 30 2020

Historical Context and the Evolution of Buddhist Understanding of Karma

Karma, causation, Mahayana, Religion, Greed, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Vow,...
Feb 15 2020

Right Effort Joyful Effort Effortless Effort

Right Effort, Cultivation, resistance, Enthusiasm, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Commitment,...
Dec 07 2019

Cultivating the Mind and Practice of the Six Paramitas: Practicing Generosity From the Inside Out

Serial: BZ-02704


Mahayana, Confession-and-Repentance, training, Branching Streams, Bodhisattva Way,...
Oct 06 2019

What's Love Got To Do With It

Passions, Priest, Precepts, Impermanence, Bowing, Constancy, Daily Life, Practice...
Aug 10 2019

Practice Like A Fool, Like An Idiot, Like A Fool On The Hill

Half-Smile, Culture, Silent Illumination, Samadhi, resistance, Mahayana, Continuous...
Apr 13 2019

Provider of Many and Varied Opportunities To Experience and Penetrate the Arising and Cessation of Suffering

Serial: BZ-02652

Rohatsu Day 5


Impermanence, Anger, Mindfulness, Monkey Mind, Vow, Demons, Greed, Happiness, Birth-...
Dec 06 2018

Faith In Practice

Karma, Buddha Ancestors, Confession-and-Repentance, Doubt, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Evil...
Mar 24 2018

Wherever you are Enlightenment is Here

Big Mind, First Principle, Commitment, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Ego,...
Oct 14 2017

Practicing with Jizo Bodhisattva

Offering, Evil, Vow, Six Realms, Dharma Transmission, Priest, Karma, Mahayana, War,...
Oct 08 2016

Women's Roles and Attitudes in the 21st Century

Priest, training, Lay, Discrimination, Politics, Ego, Non-duality, Vow, Culture,...
Mar 06 2016


Mindfulness, Hindrances, Anger, Four Noble Truths, Daily Life, Four Foundations,...
Nov 04 2010