Priest Talks

A priest is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities. Their office or position is the "priesthood", a term which also may apply to such persons collectively. A priest may have the duty to hear confessions periodically, give marriage counseling, provide prenuptial counseling, give spiritual direction, teach catechism, or visit those confined indoors, such as the sick in hospitals and nursing homes.

From priest on Wikipedia

Showing 397 talks

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Title Speaker

Exacting Practice

Silence, Continuous Practice, Bell, War, Peace, Priest, Addiction, Composure,...
Oct 19 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Early Days of Suzuki-rôshi

Serial: BZ-00750B

Tokubetsu Sesshin: Japanese and American, Saturday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Sesshin, Tokubetsu, Practice Period, American, Transmission, training,...
Sep 28 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Why Do We Do Zazen?

Serial: BZ-00714B

Just Say "Yes!", Sesshin Day 3

Zazen, Offering, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Ordinary Mind, Fox, Doubt, Priest, Demons,...
Sep 02 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

August 17th, 1991, Serial No. 00972, Side B

Fox, Four Noble Truths, Priest, Right Speech, Right Effort, Funeral, Vow, Soto Zen,...
Aug 17 1991

Zen and Excitement

Serial: BZ-00968B

Saturday Lecture

Suzuki Roshi, Daily Life, Building, Constancy, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Priest...
Jul 06 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

June 28th, 1991, Serial No. 00967, Side A

New Year, Dharma Transmission, War, Transmission, American, Building, training,...
Jun 28 1991

June 6th, 1991, Serial No. 00276

Birth-and-Death, Subject-and-Object, Interview, Duality, Religion, War, Emotions,...
Jun 06 1991

May 4th, 1991, Serial No. 00701, Side B

Ordination, Bowing, Bell, Heart Sutra, Lineage, uchiyama, Priest, Chanting,...
May 04 1991

Mumonkan: Case #10

Serial: BZ-00701A

Sesai is "Poor" and Asks Sozan for Help, Saturday Lecture

MM-10, Culture, Teacher-and-Student, resistance, Birth-and-Death, Priest, Soto Zen,...
Apr 27 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Guidelines

Serial: BZ-00691B

No Gaining Idea, Discernment, Sesshin Day 2

Gaining Mind, Shingi, Bell, Don't Know Mind, Gaining Mind, Buddha Nature,...
Mar 17 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

All Being and Our Sense of Self

Serial: BZ-00691A

Sesshin Day 1

Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Buddha Nature, Ego, Platform Sutra, Priest, Religion,...
Mar 16 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Persian Gulf War

Serial: BZ-00689B

Saturday Lecture

Current Events, War, Politics, Precepts, training, Priest, Peace, Addiction,...
Feb 23 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

November 3rd, 1990, Serial No. 01478

Serial: BZ-01478

Lecture sesshin day 5

Dragons, Posture, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Nature, Karma, Hindrances, confusion,...
Nov 03 1990
Unknown Location

October 20th, 1990, Serial No. 00494, Side B

Ordinary Mind, Priest, Priest-and-Lay, Lay, Attachment, Commitment, Samsara, Non-...
Oct 20 1990

October 13th, 1990, Serial No. 00494, Side A

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Doubt, Hindrances, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Posture,...
Oct 13 1990

Blue Cliff Record: Case #25

Serial: BZ-00493A

Saturday Lecture

BCR-25, Birth-and-Death, resistance, Emotions, Daily Life, Priest, Ego, Hindrances,...
Sep 23 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Posture and Breath

Serial: BZ-00511B

One-Day Sitting

Posture, Breath, Posture, Concentration, Instruction, Harmonizing, Interview,...
Jul 15 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

June 30th, 1990, Serial No. 00512

Precepts, Bodhisattva Way, Patience, Priest, Evil, training, Ordination, Priest-and-...
Jun 30 1990

Lay Ordination

Serial: BZ-00513B

White Bird in the Snow, Sesshin Day 5

Lay Ordination, Priest, Lay, Priest-and-Lay, Ordination, Bodhisattva Way, Lay...
Jun 24 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

June 16th, 1990, Serial No. 00515, Side A

Five Ranks, Practice Period, Light-and-Darkness, Monastic Practice, Absolute-and-...
Jun 16 1990

Vinaya: Rules of Order

Serial: BZ-00504

Saturday Lecture

Vinaya, Precepts, Zazen Mind, Vinaya, Non-violence, Sangha, Priest, Hindrances,...
Jun 02 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Every Day is a Good Day

Serial: BZ-00510A

Saturday Lecture

Bell, Non-duality, Buddha Nature, Monastic Practice, Samadhi, Diversity, Rinzai,...
Mar 18 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

February 17th, 1990, Serial No. 00498, Side B

Mill Valley, Bell, Practice Period, Conversation, Priest, Karma, Discrimination,...
Feb 17 1990

Eating Rice, Drinking Tea

Serial: BZ-00387

Everyday Activity and Dharma, Saturday Lecture

Daily Life, Buddha Ancestors, Priest, resistance, Lineage, Doubt, training, Ego...
Nov 11 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Fall Practice Period

Serial: BZ-00386

Saturday Lecture

Practice Period, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Commitment, training, Priest, Daily...
Nov 05 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #7: Pt. 2

Serial: BZ-00382

"You Are, Echo", Sesshin Day 2

BCR-7, Buddha Nature, Pure Existence, Big Mind, Fox, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Anger,...
Sep 04 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Lay Ordination/Priest Ordination

Serial: BZ-00378A

Saturday Lecture

Ordination, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Precepts, Ordination, Lay, Lay Ordination, Priest...
Jul 01 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Three Enigmas

Global Warming, New Year, Hate, War, Peace, Priest
May 27 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

December 14th, 1988, Serial No. 01471

Serial: BZ-01471

Seventh day of Rohatsu sesshin at Tassajara. 

Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Intimacy, Commitment,...
Dec 14 1988
7 of 7
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

December 9th, 1988, Serial No. 01476, Side A

Serial: BZ-01476A

Sojun Roshi gives the Dharma talk on the second day of Rohatsu sesshin at Tassajara. 

Genjokoan, training, Priest, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Dec 09 1988
2 of 7
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Suzuki Roshi Memorial service

Bowing, American, Instruction, Priest, Humility, Gratitude, Lineage, Tassajara Zen...
Dec 03 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

October 13th, 1988, Serial No. 01513

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Priest, Practice Period, Lay, Lay Practice,...
Oct 13 1988


Serial: BZ-00368A

Saturday Lecture

confusion, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Fundraising, Priest, Ego, training,...
Oct 08 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

Boddhisatva Practice: Four Methods

Serial: BZ-00366B

Saturday Lecture

Anger, Pure Existence, Priest, Equanimity, Daily Life, Non-attachment, Emotions, Ego...
Sep 17 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

September 10th, 1988, Serial No. 00366, Side A

confusion, Dragons, Big Mind, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Priest, Rinzai, Bowing,...
Sep 10 1988

Blue Cliff Record: Case #51: Seppo’s “What is it?”

Serial: BZ-01498A

Seppo's "What Is It?", Saturday Lecture

Issan, confusion, Dragons, Big Mind, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Priest, Rinzai,...
Sep 10 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

February 26th, 1988, Serial No. 01535

Serial: BZ-01535

Sixth day of sesshin at Green Gulch Farm. 

Lineage, Dharma Transmission, Soto Zen, Chanting, Platform Sutra, Rinzai, Priest,...
Feb 26 1988
6 of 7
Green Gulch Farm

February 13th, 1988, Serial No. 00899, Side A

Transmission, Soto Zen, Priest, Dharma Transmission, Precepts, Rinzai, Bowing, Study...
Feb 13 1988

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: BZ-00900A

One-Day Sitting

Separation, Priest, confusion, Duality, Vow, Emotions, Lay
Jan 23 1988
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00901A

Saturday Lecture

Beginners, Ego, Priest, Samadhi, Concentration
Jan 09 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

New Year's Eve

Serial: BZ-00902B

Priest Ordination, Saturday Lecture

Ordination, Priest, Priest, New Year, Commitment, Lay, Practice Period, Attachment,...
Dec 19 1987
Berkeley Zen Center

December 10th, 1987, Serial No. 00307

Serial: BZ-00307

Sesshin Day 3

Renunciation, Priest, Forgiveness, Intuition, Patience, Interview, Silence, Happiness...
Dec 10 1987

August 20th, 1987, Serial No. 00310

Serial: BZ-00310

Sesshin Day 6

training, Offering, Demons, Subject-and-Object, Birth-and-Death, Priest, Harmonizing...
Aug 20 1987

March 1st, 1987, Serial No. 00332

Serial: BZ-00332

Sesshin Day 2

Gratitude, Priest, Bowing, Oneness, Observe, Separation, Lay
Mar 01 1987

Priests and Lay Members Practicing Together

Serial: BZ-00885B

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Lay, Priest-and-Lay, Three Treasures, training,...
Feb 14 1987
Berkeley Zen Center

Tenzo Kyokun Pt.IV

Serial: BZ-01529B

Issan and the Cow, Rohatsu Day 4

Tenzo Kyokun, Issan, Daily Life, Dragons, Practice Period, Priest, Bowing, Offering,...
Dec 04 1986
Berkeley Zen Center

November 22nd, 1986, Serial No. 00894, Side B

Ordination, Transmission, Priest, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Family Practice,...
Nov 22 1986

Bodhisattva ceremony

Serial: BZ-00882A


Bodhisattva Ceremony, Priest, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Practice Period, Karma, training...
Aug 09 1986
Berkeley Zen Center

Priest Practice

Priest, Ordination, Lay, Lay Ordination, Precepts, Commitment, training, Monastic...
May 1986
Berkeley Zen Center

Priest's Practice and Coming Ordinations at BZC

Serial: BZ-00874A

Saturday Lecture

Ordination, Priest, Priest, Lay, Priest-and-Lay, Lay Practice, Monastic Practice,...
Mar 01 1986
Berkeley Zen Center
