Priest Talks

A priest is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities. Their office or position is the "priesthood", a term which also may apply to such persons collectively. A priest may have the duty to hear confessions periodically, give marriage counseling, provide prenuptial counseling, give spiritual direction, teach catechism, or visit those confined indoors, such as the sick in hospitals and nursing homes.

From priest on Wikipedia

Showing 397 talks

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Title Speaker

What Makes Zen Center Run

Practice Period, Teacher-and-Student, Practice Position, Family Practice, Priest-and-...
Aug 22 2015

The Joy of Defying Gravity

Nirvana, Instruction, Four Noble Truths, Impermanence, Dharma Transmission, training...
Feb 21 2015

Hearing the Cries of the World

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Peace, Sangha, Constancy, Priest-and-Lay,...
Jan 31 2015

Teaching for the Tenzo

Monastic Practice, Big Mind, resistance, Harmonizing, Soto Zen, training, Priest, Ego...
Jun 18 2014

Heart Sutra Class

Birth-and-Death, Anger, Karma, Evil, Nirvana, Emotions, Renunciation, Attachment,...
May 22 2014

Zuigan Calls Master

Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Demons, Practice Period, Fox, Discrimination, Daily...
May 03 2014

Case 16 of Denkoroku

Priest, Absolute-and-Relative, Mindfulness, Heart Sutra, American, Lay, Conversation...
Apr 13 2014

The Three Bodies of Buddha

Priest, Precepts, Lay, Ordination, training, Practice Period, Karma, Lay Practice,...
Apr 12 2014

Buddha's Birthday

Buddha's Birthday, Enemies, Ordination, Separation, training, Priest
Apr 05 2014

Building A Zen Monastery

Building, Soto Zen, Priest, American, training, Culture, Religion, War, Lay
Jan 04 2014

Dharma and Aging

Birth-and-Death, Priest, Transmission, War, Gratitude, Enemies, Lineage, American...
Nov 16 2013

The Dharma of Money

Serial: BZ-02329

History of BZC Finances, Saturday Lecture

Money, Building, Fundraising, Priest, Sangha, Patience, Chanting, Observe, training...
Sep 28 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Vow

Repentance, Vow, Karma, Doubt, Confession-and-Repentance, Precepts, true dharma, Evil...
Sep 01 2013

Zen and Psychotherapy

Monastic Practice, Buddha Nature, Samadhi, Mindfulness, War, Priest, Dragons, Aspects...
Aug 03 2013

Non-Anxious Presence

Vow, Impermanence, training, confusion, Enemies, Priest, Karma, Attachment
Jul 20 2013

Paul Tanzillo Memorial

Serial: BZ-02733

 Heart Sutra, Dai Hi Shin Dharani


Sangha, Chanting, confusion, War, Priest
Jul 10 2013

Blue Cliff Record Case 89

Serial: BZ-02318

Find Out for Yourself, Saturday Lecture

Priest, Avalokiteshvara, BCR-89, Intuition, Instruction, Priest, Daily Life, Precepts...
Jul 06 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Lay Ordination

Serial: BZ-02312

History of American Lay Ordination, Saturday Lecture

Jukai, Lay Ordination, Lay, Priest, Lay Practice, Precepts, Ordination, Lineage,...
Jun 15 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

What is the Basis of our Activity

Serial: BZ-02300

Why Do We Chant?, Saturday Lecture

Chanting, Suzuki Roshi, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, training, Lay Practice, Priest,...
Mar 30 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Life of Homeless Kodo

Priest, Impermanence, American, Passions, Vow, Instruction, training
Mar 16 2013

Sandokai Lecture Three

Serial: BZ-02280

Couplet 34, Rohatsu Day 3

Forgiveness, Big Mind, Four Noble Truths, Oneness, Duality, Karma, Practice Period,...
Dec 04 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

The Wholehearted Way - Self Receiving and Employing Samadhi

Practice Period, Instruction, Non-duality, resistance, Priest, Transmission, Posture...
Oct 20 2012

My Three Weeks in Europe

Serial: BZ-02265

Zen in Europe, Saturday Lecture

Kobun Chino, Vanya Palmers, Culture, Building, Religion, Priest, Tassajara Zen...
Sep 15 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Raihai Tokuzui

Serial: BZ-02263

Study sesshin, part 4 of 4

Liberation, Priest, Lay, Vinaya, Ordination, Culture, Evil, Priest-and-Lay, Precepts...
Sep 02 2012

Raihai Tokuzui

Serial: BZ-02261

Study sesshin, part 2 of 4

Fox, Lay Practice, Ordination, Lay, Priest, Lineage, Buddha Ancestors, Transmission,...
Sep 01 2012

Dharma Transmission

Serial: BZ-02259

David Weinberg Catherine Cascade


Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Gratitude, Precepts, Lay Ordination, Ordination,...
Aug 25 2012

Poems of Miaza Never Despise

Serial: BZ-02256

Part 1 of 2

Lotus Sutra, Subject-and-Object, Transmission, uchiyama, Beginners, Separation,...
Aug 04 2012

Genjo Koan - Section 10B-Part-1

Serial: BZ-02248

Firewood and Ash, Sesshin Day 3

Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Dogen, Birth-and-Death, Three Treasures, Six Realms,...
Jun 22 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Family Practice

Serial: BZ-02245

Saturday Lecture

Zazen, Family Practice, Practice Period, Intuition, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Jun 16 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Suffering and Delight - Darlene Cohen

Mindfulness, training, Book of Serenity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Priest,...
Feb 11 2012

Being Time

Beginners, Ordination, Mindfulness, Buddha Nature, Priest, Funeral, Gratitude,...
Dec 05 2011

Non-Attachment to Buddha Nature Is Buddha Nature

Priest-and-Lay, Monastic Practice, Buddha Nature, Priest, Lay, Transmission, Non-...
Nov 05 2011

Seijiki and Halloween

Serial: BZ-02211

Feeding the Hungry Ghosts, Saturday Lecture

Hungry Ghosts, Seijiki, Demons, Current Events, Evil, Culture, Religion, Practice...
Oct 29 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Encountering Form in Daily Life

Heart Sutra, Aspects of Practice, Offering, Intimacy, Bell, Mindfulness, Vow,...
Oct 08 2011

Monastic Practice

Serial: BZ-02206

Founding of Tassajara, Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva, Suzuki Roshi, Monastic Practice, Practice Period, Composure, American,...
Sep 24 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Becoming A Priest

Priest, Vow, Aspects of Practice, Ordination, training, Anger, Lay Practice, Lay,...
Aug 27 2011

Eighty-second Birthday Talk

Serial: BZ-02192

My Intention as a Priest, Saturday Lecture

Four Methods of Guidance, Generosity, Transmission, Lotus Sutra, Culture, Gratitude,...
Jul 09 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Dharma Transmission

Serial: BZ-02188

Teacher/Disciple Relationship, Sesshin Day 4

Lineage, Transmission, Dogen, Transmission, Branching Streams, Buddha Ancestors,...
Jun 18 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Suzuki Roshi's Eko Lecture

Serial: BZ-02186

Encoragement of Practice, Sesshin Day 2

Chanting, Eko, Offering, Offering, Funeral, Chanting, Religion, Priest, Bodhidharma,...
Jun 16 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Going Beyond Teachers and Ourselves

Half-Smile, Study Period, resistance, Instruction, Patience, Practice Period, Hate,...
Jan 22 2011

Lineage Precept Vein - Not One, Not Two

Transmission, Precepts, Intuition, Monastic Practice, Dharma Transmission, Lineage,...
Jan 15 2011

A Remembrance of Rebecca Mayeno

Serial: BZ-02145

Rohatsu Day 3


Blue Cliff Record, Heart Sutra, Conversation, Priest, Lay, Forgiveness, Fox, Funeral...
Dec 07 2010

Zenki Birth and Death

Serial: BZ-02141

Time-being, Saturday Lecture

Zenki, Rebecca Mayeno, Priest, Koun Ejô, Birth-and-Death, Global Warming, Continuous...
Nov 27 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Receiving With Gratitude

Practice Period, Intimacy, Lotus Sutra, Gratitude, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Nov 20 2010

Going on a Pilgrimage

Priest, Posture, War, Don't Know Mind, Gratitude, stubbornness, Conversation,...
Oct 21 2010

The Kalame Sutta

Evil, Soto Zen, Doubt, Lineage, Monastic Practice, Happiness, Priest, Aspects of...
Oct 10 2010

This Is Getting Old

Conversation, Peace, training, Priest, Forgiveness, Enemies, Lineage, Bell,...
Sep 18 2010

The Painting of a Rice Cake

Hindrances, Composure, Intuition, Oneness, Liberation, Silence, Posture, training,...
Sep 05 2010

Ryokan Class

Serial: BZ-02119

Teaching class 2 of 2

Offering, Posture, Passions, Transmission, training, Priest, Hate, Doubt, Peace,...
Aug 14 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan Case 12

Serial: BZ-02117

Zuigan Calls "Master", Saturday Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, MM-12, Birth-and-Death, Fox, Ego, Concentration,...
Jul 24 2010
Berkeley Zen Center
