The Berkeley Zen Center Audio Archive

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Showing 2941 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Mountain Seat Ceremony Rehersal

Serial: BZ-02815 Rehersal for Hozan Alan Senauke's Mountain Seat Ceremony.  -
Dragons, Bodhidharma, Bell, Silence, Bowing
Jan 23 2021
Berkeley Zen Center

Martin Luther King, Jr Day

Serial: BZ-02813 -
Hate, Evil, War, Enemies, Diversity
Jan 18 2021

Alive Or Dead

Serial: BZ-02812 -
Blue Cliff Record, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bodhisattva Vow...
Jan 16 2021

Remembering Sojun

Serial: BZ-02811 Part of a series of online gatherings where at each meeting three long time students of Sojun Roshi share their memories of him.  -
Berkeley Zen Center, Dokusan, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Dragons, Heart Sutra...
Jan 15 2021
1 of 5

Let The Mystery Be

Serial: BZ-02868 -
Dharma Transmission, Priest, Lay Ordination, Lineage, Karma
Jan 09 2021

Sangha Meeting After Sojun Roshi's Passing

Serial: BZ-02869 -
Heart Sutra, Gratitude, Funeral, Chanting
Jan 09 2021

Inconceivable Life

Serial: BZ-02809 -
Conversation, Birth-and-Death, Intuition, Bowing, Enemies, Lineage, Passions, Transmission,...
Dec 26 2020

Birth and Death, Part 2

Serial: BZ-02808 -
Birth-and-Death, Building, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Ego, Zoom, Funeral, Interview, Separation...
Dec 20 2020

Birth and Death, Part 1

Serial: BZ-02807 -
Birth-and-Death, Don't Know Mind, Blue Cliff Record, Light-and-Darkness, Posture,...
Dec 19 2020

Attention and Attachment

Serial: BZ-02806 -
Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Ordinary Mind, Four Foundations, Daily Life, Book of Serenity,...
Dec 12 2020

Total Dynamic Working

Serial: BZ-02805 -
Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Vow, Equanimity, Heart Sutra, confusion, Instruction, Building...
Dec 05 2020

Women Ancestors Class

Serial: BZ-02804 -
Blue Cliff Record, Gratitude, Soto Zen, Lineage, Vow, Transmission, Culture, Instruction,...
Nov 30 2020
3 of 3

Yogacara Deconstructs Whiteness

Serial: BZ-02803 -
cognitive process, Subject-and-Object, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Precepts, training, Samadhi,...
Nov 28 2020

Women Ancestors Class

Serial: BZ-02798 -
Lay, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Transmission, Monastic Practice, Dharma Transmission, Teacher-and...
Nov 23 2020
2 of 3

Women Ancestors Class

Serial: BZ-02802 -
Lay, Priest, Transmission, Monastic Practice, Dharma Transmission, Teacher-and-Student,...
Nov 23 2020
2 of 3

Way-Seeking Mind Talk

Serial: BZ-02801 -
zen meditation, War, Conversation, Vow, Sanctuary, Zoom, Culture
Nov 23 2020

Dogen's Vow

Serial: BZ-02800 -
Vow, Buddha Mind, Passions, Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, true dharma, Book of Serenity,...
Nov 21 2020

Public Dokusan 13

Serial: BZ-02799 -
Birth-and-Death, Discrimination, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Harmonizing, Vow, Samadhi,...
Nov 20 2020

Women Ancestors Class

Serial: BZ-02797 -
Impermanence, Vinaya, Non-violence, Offering, training, Zoom, Gratitude, Liberation, Silence,...
Nov 17 2020
1 of 3

Looking Back To Look Forward

Serial: BZ-02796 -
Emotions, Blue Cliff Record, Diversity, Culture, Enemies, New Year, Dharma Transmission, Soto...
Nov 14 2020

Dead Or Alive

Serial: BZ-02795 -
Birth-and-Death, Duality, Oneness, Teacher-and-Student, Samadhi, Funeral, Precepts, Priest,...
Nov 07 2020

Public Dokusan 12

Serial: BZ-02794 -
Continuous Practice, Lay Practice, Instruction, Karma, Politics, Gratitude, Non-duality,...
Nov 06 2020

Senior Student Tributes for Sojun Roshi

Serial: BZ-02793 -
Berkeley Zen Center, Heart Sutra, Constancy, Gratitude, Don't Know Mind, Patience, Birth-...
Nov 01 2020

Courage, Part 2

Serial: BZ-02792 -
Doubt, Buddha Ancestors, Attachment, Renunciation, Sangha, Continuous Practice, Hate, Lotus...
Oct 31 2020

Public Dokusan 11

Serial: BZ-02791 -
Subject-and-Object, Intuition, Heart Sutra, Conversation, Posture, Karma, Birth-and-Death,...
Oct 30 2020

Living On A Mountain

Serial: BZ-02790 -
Dragons, Zoom, Bodhidharma, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Priest, Tassajara...
Oct 24 2020


Serial: BZ-02789 -
Zoom, Duality, Silence, Forgiveness, Peace, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Anger, Priest,...
Oct 18 2020

Kika's Ordination

Serial: BZ-02787 From the November/December 2020 newsletter: Sojun Ordains a New Priest On October 17 in the zendo Sojun Roshi ordained Doko Kika Susan Hellein as a priest, with online participation in the ceremony of over seventy-five members... -
Ordination, Karma, Precepts, Equanimity, Building, Attachment, Zoom, Beginners, Lineage,...
Oct 17 2020
Berkeley Zen Center

The Whole Earth Is Medicine

Serial: BZ-02788 -
Manjushri, Blue Cliff Record, Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Perfect Wisdom, uchiyama, Conversation...
Oct 17 2020

Problems, Prospects

Serial: BZ-02786 -
Impermanence, Greed, Dharma Transmission, Gratitude, Nirvana, Conversation, Ordination,...
Oct 10 2020

Dealing With Difficulties

Serial: BZ-02785 -
Impermanence, Greed, Vow, Zoom, Offering, Dharma Transmission, Gratitude, Ordination,...
Oct 10 2020

Public Dokusan 10

Serial: BZ-02784 -
Composure, Mindfulness, Renunciation, Patience, Ego, Gaining Mind, Greed, Buddha Mind,...
Oct 09 2020


Serial: BZ-02783 -
Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, Four Foundations, Lay, Bodhisattva Vow, Greed, Religion,...
Oct 03 2020

Letting Go

Serial: BZ-02781 -
Oneness, Emotions, Commitment, Book of Serenity, Five Ranks, Instruction, Posture, Anger,...
Sep 26 2020

Sojun Roshi At YEBZ

Serial: BZ-02782 -
Precepts, Absolute-and-Relative, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Bodhisattva Precepts, Duality,...
Sep 26 2020

Public Dokusan 9

Serial: BZ-02780 -
Equanimity, Two Truths, Karma, Patience, Monastic Practice, Continuous Practice, Buddha Nature...
Sep 24 2020

What Do You Call The World

Serial: BZ-02779 -
Book of Serenity, Mindfulness, Six Realms, New Year, Teacher-and-Student, Bodhidharma,...
Sep 19 2020

New Members Meeting

Serial: BZ-02778 -
Offering, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha, Aspects of Practice, Zoom, Practice Period,...
Sep 14 2020

All-Sangha Meeting

Serial: BZ-02777 -
Practice Position, Conversation, Fundraising, Peace, Zoom, Impermanence, Bell, American, Doubt...
Sep 13 2020

Appropriate Action

Serial: BZ-02776 -
Avalokiteshvara, Right Speech, Lotus Sutra, Book of Serenity, Diversity, Hindrances,...
Sep 12 2020

Public Dokusan 8

Serial: BZ-02775 -
Nirvana Sutra, Buddha Nature, Happiness, War, Priest, Nirvana, Conversation, Anger, Birth-and-...
Sep 11 2020

Humpty Dumpty

Serial: BZ-02774 -
Repentance, Platform Sutra, Politics, Karma, Peace, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student,...
Sep 05 2020

Zazen Refresher

Serial: BZ-02773 -
Posture, Instruction, Concentration, Beginners, Bowing, Chanting, American, Building, training...
Sep 04 2020

Dongshan Class 2

Serial: BZ-02772 -
Five Ranks, Duality, Global Warming, Zazen Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Samadhi, Platform Sutra,...
Sep 01 2020

Ordinary Mind

Serial: BZ-02770 -
Ordinary Mind, Mindfulness, Four Foundations
Aug 31 2020

Dongshan Class 2

Serial: BZ-02771 -
Five Ranks, Duality, Global Warming, Zazen Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Platform Sutra,...
Aug 31 2020


Serial: BZ-02769 -
Doubt, Right Effort, Commitment, Precepts, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Subject-and-Object, Emotions...
Aug 29 2020

Public Dokusan 7

Serial: BZ-02768 -
Intuition, Big Mind, Monkey Mind, Equanimity, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Karma, Happiness,...
Aug 28 2020

Dongshan Class 1

Serial: BZ-02767 -
First Principle, Transmission, Subject-and-Object, Oneness, Heart Sutra, Continuous Practice,...
Aug 25 2020

Thinking and Non-Thinking

Serial: BZ-02766 -
Right Speech, training, Four Noble Truths, Interview, Instruction, American, Diversity, Heart...
Aug 22 2020
