Karen Sundheim Talks

Showing 17 talks

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Title Speaker

Zazen Forms and Impermanence

Emotions, Bowing, Attachment, Daily Life
Jul 31 2021

Thinking and Non-Thinking

Right Speech, training, Four Noble Truths, Interview, Instruction, American,...
Aug 22 2020

Right Speech

Right Speech, Vow, Precepts, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Mindfulness, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Feb 10 2018

Working with Our Mind

Mindfulness, Ego, Peace, Hate, Anger, Continuous Practice, Culture, Lay
Jul 15 2017

Skillful Means and Anger

Anger, Greed, Four Noble Truths, Religion, Peace, Attachment, Diversity, American,...
Mar 05 2017

Watering Seeds of Wholesomeness

Anger, Happiness, training, Diversity, Patience, Culture, Precepts, American,...
Oct 15 2016

The Purpose of Buddhism

Vow, Karma, Repentance, Bodhisattva Vow, Hate, training, Greed, Lay, Building, War...
Mar 21 2015

Suffering and Faith

Anger, Death-and-Dying, Four Noble Truths, Practice Position, Duality, Don't...
Feb 15 2014

The Noble Truth of Suffering

Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Daily Life, Patience, Silence, Conversation, Hate...
Apr 13 2013

Omnipresence of Dukkha

Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Daily Life, training, Impermanence, Silence, Offering...
Sep 29 2012

Sitting With The Busy Mind

Concentration, Right Effort, Composure, Posture, Impermanence, Mindfulness, Gratitude...
Dec 06 2011

We Are All Buddhas

Lotus Sutra, Anger, Aspects of Practice, Daily Life, Culture, Conversation, Hate,...
Nov 12 2011

Metta Kindness

Happiness, Anger, Cultivation, Equanimity, resistance, Concentration, Daily Life,...
Feb 26 2011

Taking Refuge

Attachment, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Hate, Soto Zen, Anger, Fox, Demons, Impermanence...
Mar 13 2010

Five Hindrances - Especially Restlessness

Concentration, Hindrances, Forgiveness, Anger, Don't Know Mind, Avalokiteshvara...
Apr 11 2009

Dizang's Weakness: Case 20, Book of Serenity; Serial No. 01162

Serial: BZ-01162

Saturday talk

Koan, Dizang, SER-20, Intimacy, Gratitude, Teacher-and-Student, Heart Sutra, Nirvana...
Oct 04 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

What Does It Mean to Practice Prajna Paramita?

Serial: BZ-01167

Sesshin Day 2

Heart Sutra, Religion, Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Practice Period, Non-duality,...
Jun 15 2006
Berkeley Zen Center