The Berkeley Zen Center Audio Archive

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Showing 2941 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Beyond Consciousness

Serial: BZ-02517 Rohatsu Day 4   -
Karma, Intuition, Anger, Composure, Precepts, Religion, Big Mind, Building
Dec 07 2016

Talk Rohatsu Day 3

Serial: BZ-02516 -
training, Composure, Four Noble Truths, Duality, Emotions, Vow, Priest, Ego, Manjushri,...
Dec 06 2016

Problems With Zazen

Serial: BZ-02515 Rohatsu Day 2   -
Instruction, Posture, Nirvana, Practice Period, Harmonizing, Oneness, Conversation, Culture,...
Dec 05 2016

Fundamentals of Zazen: Being in Time

Serial: BZ-02514 Rohatsu Day 1   -
Posture, Big Mind, Bell, Beginners, resistance, Chanting, Discrimination, Offering, training...
Dec 04 2016

Wheel of Life, Karmic Life, Buddhist Life

Serial: BZ-02513 -
Big Mind, Karma, Emotions, Greed, Anger, Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Demons, Liberation,...
Dec 03 2016

Macha Politics Despair Now What

Serial: BZ-02512 -
Politics, War, Sanctuary, Three Treasures, Anger, Composure, Peace, Ego, Big Mind, Karma...
Nov 26 2016

Original Buddhism and Beyond Consciousness

Serial: BZ-02511 -
Karma, Fox, Posture, Aspects of Practice, Soto Zen, Religion, Mindfulness, Subject-and-Object...
Nov 19 2016

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind: Attachment, Non-Attachment, or Universal Friendliness

Serial: BZ-02510 -
Big Mind, Oneness, Attachment, Hate, Instruction, Absolute-and-Relative, Forgiveness,...
Nov 12 2016


Serial: BZ-02509 -
training, Vow, Practice Period, Posture, Aspects of Practice, Intuition, Precepts, Religion,...
Nov 05 2016

Seijiki: Calling Hungry Heart

Serial: BZ-02508 -
Peace, Offering, Dragons, Interview, Passions, American, Priest
Oct 29 2016

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind: Study Yourself

Serial: BZ-02507 Sesshin -
Aspects of Practice, Teacher-and-Student, Bowing, Practice Period, Rinzai, Dragons, Intuition...
Oct 23 2016

Accept Yourself, Stand On Your Own Two Feet

Serial: BZ-02506 -
Precepts, Posture, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Liberation, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ordination, Aspects of...
Oct 22 2016

Master Ma is Unwell

Serial: BZ-02505 Koan Class 2 -
Attachment, Birth-and-Death, Dragons, Duality, Absolute-and-Relative, Beginners, Composure,...
Oct 17 2016

Watering Seeds of Wholesomeness

Serial: BZ-02504 -
Anger, Happiness, training, Diversity, Patience, Culture, Precepts, American, Addiction,...
Oct 15 2016

Master Ma is Unwell

Serial: BZ-02503 Koan Class 1 -
Birth-and-Death, Bodhidharma, Fox, Book of Serenity, Lineage, Buddha Mind, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Oct 10 2016

Practicing with Jizo Bodhisattva

Serial: BZ-02502 -
Offering, Evil, Vow, Six Realms, Dharma Transmission, Priest, Karma, Mahayana, War, training...
Oct 08 2016

What is Bowing

Serial: BZ-02501 -
Bowing, Pure Existence, Duality, Monastic Practice, Soto Zen, Gratitude, Peace, Diversity,...
Oct 01 2016

Dana Paramita

Serial: BZ-02500 -
Gratitude, Offering, Fundraising, Don't Know Mind, Ego, resistance, Daily Life,...
Sep 24 2016

Five Hindrances and Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02499 Class 4   -
Mindfulness, Equanimity, Cultivation, Concentration, Hindrances, Perfect Wisdom, Four Noble...
Sep 22 2016

Happy Birthday

Serial: BZ-02498 -
Karma, Dragons, Hate
Sep 17 2016

Five Hindrances and Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02497 Class 3 -
Mindfulness, Hindrances, Equanimity, Samsara, Concentration, Bodhisattva Precepts, Precepts,...
Sep 15 2016

Harmonious Life Straight from the Horses Mouth

Serial: BZ-02496 -
Intimacy, Mindfulness, Continuous Practice, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Emotions, Intuition,...
Sep 10 2016

The Bodhisattva Chaplaincy

Serial: BZ-02495 -
Lotus Sutra, training, Evil, First Principle, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Lay,...
Aug 27 2016

Five Hindrances and Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02494 Class 1 -
Hindrances, Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Doubt, Six Realms, Vow, Heart Sutra, Two Truths,...
Aug 25 2016

Karma Bodhisattva Ceremony

Serial: BZ-02493 -
Karma, Repentance, Vow, Evil, Bodhisattva Vow, Manjushri, Four Noble Truths, true dharma,...
Aug 20 2016

Practice is the Details of My Life

Serial: BZ-02492 -
Buddha Nature, Humility, Dharma Transmission, Soto Zen, Offering, Gratitude, Samadhi,...
Aug 13 2016


Serial: BZ-02491 -
Karma, Ego, Forgiveness, Evil, Demons, Building, Offering, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death,...
Aug 06 2016

The Four Postures

Serial: BZ-02490 -
Mindfulness, Posture, Four Foundations, Gaining Mind, Instruction, Dharma Transmission,...
Jul 30 2016

Dogen's Four Embracing Actions

Serial: BZ-02489 -
Enemies, Vow, true dharma, Politics, Bodhisattva Vow, Lotus Sutra, Don't Know Mind, Peace...
Jul 23 2016

Yogacara Teaching and Suzuki Roshi

Serial: BZ-02488 -
Culture, American, Interdependence, Heart Sutra, Emotions, Dependent Origination, Oneness,...
Jul 16 2016

Effort: The Book of Serenity and Not Forcing Things

Serial: BZ-02487 -
Book of Serenity, Right Effort, American, Gaining Mind, Duality, Posture, Harmonizing, Rinzai...
Jul 09 2016

Universal Spiritual Friendship and Practice of Bravery

Serial: BZ-02486 -
Gratitude, Non-violence, training, zen meditation, Buddha Nature, Peace, Right Effort,...
Jul 02 2016

State of the Union: How Buddhists Respond to the Burning World

Serial: BZ-02485 -
Composure, Addiction, Big Mind, Greed, Bodhisattva Vow, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, Demons,...
Jun 25 2016

Hsin Hsin Ming: More to Come

Serial: BZ-02484 Sesshin Day 5   -
Buddha Mind, Emotions, Attachment, Anger, Hate, Don't Know Mind, Big Mind, Discrimination...
Jun 12 2016

Practicing with Stickiness, Being Stuck

Serial: BZ-02483 Sesshin Day 3   -
Hsin Hsin Ming, Commitment, Practice Period, Conversation, Enemies, Precepts, training, Karma...
Jun 10 2016

Continuous Practice

Serial: BZ-02482 Sesshin Day 1   -
Mindfulness, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Meal Serving, Continuous Practice, Family Practice,...
Jun 08 2016

White Bird in Snow

Serial: BZ-02481 Jukai   -
Precepts, Lineage, Lay Ordination, Ordination, Bodhisattva Way, Lay, Transmission, Soto Zen,...
Jun 04 2016

More About Difficulty

Serial: BZ-02480 -
Practice Period, Absolute-and-Relative, Aspects of Practice, Four Noble Truths, Separation,...
May 28 2016

Hsin Hsin Ming

Serial: BZ-02479 Class 3 PP   -
Duality, Oneness, Nirvana, Non-duality, Samsara, Ego, Karmic Consciousness, Big Mind,...
May 19 2016

The Great Way Not Difficult Difficult

Serial: BZ-02478 -
Separation, Subject-and-Object, Blue Cliff Record, Precious Mirror, Practice Period, Happiness...
May 14 2016

Hsin Hsin Ming

Serial: BZ-02477 Class 2 PP   -
Composure, Oneness, Duality, Discrimination, Demons, Emotions, Birth-and-Death, confusion,...
May 12 2016

Chanting Class: Japanese Pronunciation

Serial: BZ-02476 -
Chanting, Vow, Bell
May 09 2016
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice of No Self

Serial: BZ-02475 -
Practice Period, Monastic Practice, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Lay Practice,...
May 07 2016

Hsin Hsin Ming

Serial: BZ-02474 Class 1 PP -  edited   -
Big Mind, Subject-and-Object, Platform Sutra, Attachment, Discrimination, Non-discrimination,...
May 05 2016

The Way of Tenderness

Serial: BZ-02473 -
Oneness, Diversity, Duality, Four Noble Truths, Non-duality, Anger, Dharma Transmission,...
Apr 23 2016

Mary speaks to Dean about silence

Serial: BZ-02472 -
Silence, Bell, Book of Serenity, Manjushri, Four Foundations, Equanimity, Patience, Practice...
Apr 16 2016

Leaving Home

Serial: BZ-02471 -
Demons, Platform Sutra, Ordination, Lay, Birth-and-Death, Vow, Buddha Nature, Building,...
Apr 09 2016

Buddha's Birthday

Serial: BZ-02470 -
Buddha's Birthday, Sangha
Apr 02 2016

Yunmen's Medicine and Sickness Heal Each Other

Serial: BZ-02469 Class Blue Cliff Record 67   -
BCR-67, Cultivation, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness,...
Mar 28 2016

Time Being

Serial: BZ-02468 -
Demons, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bell, Birth-and-Death, Addiction, Enemies, Greed, Continuous...
Mar 25 2016
