Karma Talks

Karma (, from Sanskrit: कर्म, IPA: [ˈkɐɾmɐ] ; Pali: kamma) is an ancient Indian concept that refers to an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences. In Indian religions, the term more specifically refers to a principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein individuals' intent and actions (cause) influence their future (effect): Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and worse rebirths. In some scriptures, however, there is no link between rebirth and karma. Karma is often misunderstood as fate, destiny, or predetermination.

The concept of karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in many schools of Indian religions (particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism), as well as Taoism. In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life as well as the nature and quality of future lives—one's saṃsāra. This concept has also been adopted in Western popular culture, in which the events that happen after a person's actions may be considered natural consequences of those actions.

From karma on Wikipedia

Showing 434 talks

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Title Speaker

Bodhisattva Precepts

Precepts, Karma, Evil, Bodhisattva Precepts, Freedom
Jun 04 2021

The Noble Eightfold Path

Right Speech, Mindfulness, Karma, Concentration, Four Noble Truths
May 28 2021

Three Refuges

Buddha Nature, Platform Sutra, Precepts, Karma
May 14 2021


Priest, Anger, Karma, Shikantaza, Delusion
Mar 06 2021

Let The Mystery Be

Dharma Transmission, Priest, Lay Ordination, Lineage, Karma
Jan 09 2021

Public Dokusan 12

Continuous Practice, Lay Practice, Instruction, Karma, Politics, Gratitude, Non-...
Nov 06 2020

Public Dokusan 11

Subject-and-Object, Intuition, Heart Sutra, Conversation, Posture, Karma, Birth-and-...
Oct 30 2020

Kika's Ordination

Serial: BZ-02787

From the November/December 2020 newsletter:

Sojun Ordains a New Priest

On October 17 in the zendo Sojun Roshi ordained Doko Kika Susan Hellein as a priest, with...

Ordination, Karma, Precepts, Equanimity, Building, Attachment, Zoom, Beginners,...
Oct 17 2020
Berkeley Zen Center

Public Dokusan 9

Equanimity, Two Truths, Karma, Patience, Monastic Practice, Continuous Practice,...
Sep 24 2020

Humpty Dumpty

Repentance, Platform Sutra, Politics, Karma, Peace, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student,...
Sep 05 2020

Public Dokusan 7

Intuition, Big Mind, Monkey Mind, Equanimity, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Karma,...
Aug 28 2020

July 21st, 2020, Serial No. 02759

Karma, Don't Know Mind, Fox, Culture, Bodhisattva Vow, Ego, Big Mind, Heart...
Jul 21 2020

Closely Watched 3

Karma, Dependent Origination, Ordinary Mind, Culture, Separation, Conversation,...
Jul 14 2020

Closely Watched Mind 2

Emotions, Anger, Four Noble Truths, Cultivation, Subject-and-Object, Discrimination,...
Jul 07 2020

Public Dokusan 3

Nirvana Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Karma, Commitment, Nirvana, American, Platform Sutra...
Jul 03 2020

Closely Watched Mind 1

Don't Know Mind, Karma, resistance, Karmic Consequences, Bodhisattva Vow, Priest...
Jun 29 2020

Harmony Of Diversity

Big Mind, War, Diversity, Priest, Karma, Duality, American, Politics, Impermanence,...
Jun 20 2020

Everything Is Burning

training, American, Karma, Emotions, Greed, Politics, Bodhisattva Vow, Building,...
Jun 06 2020


true dharma, Doubt, Confession-and-Repentance, Vow, Evil, Karma, Hindrances,...
May 30 2020

The Three Natures

Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, War, Bodhisattva Way, Precepts, Dharma Transmission,...
Apr 25 2020

Skillful Communications

Precepts, Culture, War, training, Happiness, Karma, Fox, Funeral, Silence
Feb 29 2020

Good Karma

Karma, Conversation, Mahayana, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Vow, Building,...
Feb 22 2020

Historical Context and the Evolution of Buddhist Understanding of Karma

Karma, causation, Mahayana, Religion, Greed, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Vow,...
Feb 15 2020

Effortless Effort

Serial: BZ-02724

 IPHONE recording


Posture, Continuous Practice, Right Effort, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Karma,...
Jan 11 2020


Priest, Transmission, Big Mind, Dharma Transmission, Karma, Hindrances, Lineage, Lay...
Dec 08 2019

Joyful Effort

Right Effort, Conversation, Gaining Mind, Enemies, Karma, Sanctuary, Enthusiasm,...
Oct 19 2019

Aspects of Practice Class - Paramitas - Part 2 October 10th, 2019, Serial No. 02706

Karma, Mindfulness, Practice Period, Precepts, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Peace,...
Oct 10 2019
Berkeley Zen Center

Don't Be Stingy

Precepts, Lay, Separation, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Don't Know Mind,...
Apr 20 2019

Drifting Thoughts, Stepping Back - Temporal and Eternal Mind

Big Mind, Ego, Karma, Gratitude, Discrimination, Samadhi, Renewal, Rinzai, Interview...
Jan 19 2019


Precepts, Karma, Anger, Monastic Practice, Samadhi, Birth-and-Death, Sangha,...
Dec 01 2018

Introduction to Joshu

Ordinary Mind, Passions, Hindrances, Patience, confusion, Culture, Karma, Gratitude,...
Nov 24 2018

Ryaku Fusatsu

Karma, Precepts, Four Noble Truths, Vow, Repentance, Duality, Addiction, Renewal,...
Sep 22 2018

Questions of Old Age

Practice Position, Emotions, Equanimity, Impermanence, Mindfulness, American,...
Aug 18 2018

Daikan Eno and The Hundred Dharmas

Serial: BZ-02618

Sesshin Day 2


Repentance, Doubt, Big Mind, Anger, Karma, Greed, Ego, Heart Sutra, Sixth Patriarch,...
Jun 14 2018

The Six Qualitative Factors That Keep Us Balanced and Centered

Serial: BZ-02617

Sesshin Day 1


Daily Life, Posture, Composure, Building, Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Mahayana, Karma,...
Jun 13 2018

Something To Die For: That's What Makes People Believe In Something

Peace, War, Ego, Practice Period, Karma, Dragons, Hindrances, Passions, Continuous...
May 19 2018

Faith In Practice

Karma, Buddha Ancestors, Confession-and-Repentance, Doubt, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Evil...
Mar 24 2018


Discrimination, Duality, Continuous Practice, Daily Life, Separation, Karma,...
Mar 10 2018

Right Speech

Right Speech, Vow, Precepts, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Mindfulness, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Feb 10 2018

Birth And Death

Birth-and-Death, Karma, Emotions, Death-and-Dying, Funeral, Continuous Practice,...
Dec 02 2017

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-02553

Sesshin Day 2


Ego, Heart Sutra, Emotions, Duality, Offering, Peace, causation, Karma, Addiction,...
Jun 08 2017

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-02552

Sesshin Day 1


Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Samadhi, Duality, Avalokiteshvara, Non-duality,...
Jun 07 2017

Precepts Class 2

Serial: BZ-02544

PP Class

Vinaya, Precepts, Priest, Lay, Confession-and-Repentance, Offering, Karma, Attachment...
May 11 2017

Composure in the Midst of Trumpism

Composure, Intuition, Evil, Building, Demons, Repentance, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana,...
May 06 2017

Dogen's Uji: Time Being Part 2

Continuous Practice, Karma, Karmic Consciousness, Enemies, Transmission, Nirvana,...
Feb 12 2017

Beyond Consciousness

Serial: BZ-02517

Rohatsu Day 4


Karma, Intuition, Anger, Composure, Precepts, Religion, Big Mind, Building
Dec 07 2016

Wheel of Life, Karmic Life, Buddhist Life

Big Mind, Karma, Emotions, Greed, Anger, Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Demons,...
Dec 03 2016

Macha Politics Despair Now What

Politics, War, Sanctuary, Three Treasures, Anger, Composure, Peace, Ego, Big Mind,...
Nov 26 2016

Original Buddhism and Beyond Consciousness

Karma, Fox, Posture, Aspects of Practice, Soto Zen, Religion, Mindfulness, Subject-...
Nov 19 2016
Berkeley Zen Center

Practicing with Jizo Bodhisattva

Offering, Evil, Vow, Six Realms, Dharma Transmission, Priest, Karma, Mahayana, War,...
Oct 08 2016
