Silence Talks

Showing 205 talks

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Title Speaker

The Dharma Of Listening and Speaking

Silence, Right Speech, Listening, Speaking, Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Zazen Mind...
Sep 18 2021

Practicing With Emptiness

Heart Sutra, Avalokiteshvara, Berkeley Zen Center, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Feb 27 2021

Teachers, Disciples

Silence, Blue Cliff Record, Ordinary Mind, Transmission, Rinzai
Feb 06 2021


Silence, Blue Cliff Record, Ordinary Mind
Feb 06 2021

Mountain Seat Ceremony Rehersal

Serial: BZ-02815

Rehersal for Hozan Alan Senauke's Mountain Seat Ceremony. 

Dragons, Bodhidharma, Bell, Silence, Bowing
Jan 23 2021
Berkeley Zen Center

Total Dynamic Working

Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Vow, Equanimity, Heart Sutra, confusion, Instruction,...
Dec 05 2020

Women Ancestors Class

Impermanence, Vinaya, Non-violence, Offering, training, Zoom, Gratitude, Liberation,...
Nov 17 2020
1 of 3


Zoom, Duality, Silence, Forgiveness, Peace, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Anger,...
Oct 18 2020

Three Doors Of Liberation

Liberation, Intuition, Discrimination, Nirvana, Non-discrimination, Silence, Birth-...
Aug 15 2020

Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Berkeley Zen Center, Emotions, Priest, Hindrances, Evil,...
Jul 25 2020

Public Dokusan

Zoom, Practice Period, Silence, Discrimination, Daily Life, War, Emotions, Sangha,...
May 29 2020

Living With The Epidemic

Transmission, training, Harmonizing, Bowing, Silence, Concentration, Bell, Separation...
Mar 07 2020

Joyful Effort

Sangha, War, Enthusiasm, Politics, Patience, Silence, Bell, Culture, Lay
Mar 01 2020

Skillful Communications

Precepts, Culture, War, training, Happiness, Karma, Fox, Funeral, Silence
Feb 29 2020

The Fire of Zen

Monastic Practice, Global Warming, Nirvana, War, Politics, Interview, Liberation,...
Jan 25 2020

Effortless Effort

Serial: BZ-02724

 IPHONE recording


Posture, Continuous Practice, Right Effort, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Karma,...
Jan 11 2020

Your North Star Precept

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Hate, Renewal, training, Composure, Interview,...
Dec 14 2019

Striding Off The Hundred-Foot Pole

Hindrances, Culture, Silence, Passions, confusion, Vow, War, Peace, training...
Aug 17 2019

Tosotsu's Three Barriers

Serial: BZ-02684

Sesshin Day 1


Birth-and-Death, Big Mind, Buddha Mind, Practice Period, Instruction, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 19 2019

Let the Mystery Be

training, Heart Sutra, Skandas, Daily Life, Practice Period, Silence, Posture,...
Mar 09 2019

This Sesshin was Wonderfully Done

Serial: BZ-02653

Rohatsu Day 6


Silence, Big Mind, Priest, Vow, Offering, Doubt, Culture, Lay, Ego
Dec 07 2018

Zazen Posture and the Problem of Touch

Posture, Big Mind, Conversation, Instruction, Silence, Manjushri, Passions, Culture...
Sep 08 2018

Eight Awarenesses of Great Beings (Study Sesshin Part 1)

Serial: BZ-02632

Study Sesshin Part 1


Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Concentration, Precepts, true dharma,...
Sep 01 2018

Prodigal Daughter

Gaining Mind, Repentance, Religion, Ego, Instruction, Gratitude, Silence, Hindrances...
Jul 07 2018

State of the Union

Composure, Politics, American, Demons, Silence, Greed, Passions, Evil, Conversation,...
Jun 30 2018

Practices for PP Opening Sesshin

Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-Object, Continuous...
Apr 28 2018


Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Berkeley Zen Center, Instruction, zen meditation, Posture,...
Jan 28 2018

Save the World Save Yourself

Serial: BZ-02586

Day 5


Impermanence, Berkeley Zen Center, Harmonizing, Composure, Rinzai, Priest, Mandala,...
Dec 07 2017

Music of the Spheres

Silence, Ordinary Mind, Lotus Sutra, Dragons, Birth-and-Death, Composure,...
Jan 14 2017

Mary speaks to Dean about silence

Silence, Bell, Book of Serenity, Manjushri, Four Foundations, Equanimity, Patience,...
Apr 16 2016

Turning the Light Inward

Soto Zen, Conversation, Instruction, Concentration, Culture, Building, Silence...
Mar 05 2016

Zazengi: Shikantaza is the Ultimate Koan

Serial: BZ-02449

Rohatsu Day 2


Pure Existence, Forgiveness, resistance, Monkey Mind, Vow, Building, Silence, Daily...
Nov 30 2015

Golden Age of Zen 6th Patriarch

Serial: BZ-02444

Aspects of Practice


Silence, Sixth Patriarch, Nirvana Sutra, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative,...
Nov 07 2015

Nothing Holy About It

Silence, Culture, War, Bodhidharma, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Emotions,...
Sep 19 2015

Hakuins' Song Not By Myself

Global Warming, Five Ranks, Religion, Bell, War, Silence, Lineage, Separation,...
Sep 05 2015

Zen of Four Seasons

Serial: BZ-02434

Part 1 of 2

Transmission, Silence, Culture, uchiyama, Fundraising, Precepts, Building,...
Aug 29 2015
Berkeley Zen Center

Everything Changes

Composure, Silence, Nirvana, Practice Period, Soto Zen, Greed, Precepts, Buddha...
May 23 2015

Ummon's Every Day Is A Good Day

Blue Cliff Record, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Zazen Mind, Silence, Posture,...
May 16 2015

Zen Bodies, Zen Mirrors

Lotus Sutra, Precious Mirror, Chanting, Instruction, Commitment, Soto Zen, Silence,...
Sep 14 2014

Upaya Chaplaincy Training

Bodhisattva Vow, Silence, Beginners, Four Noble Truths, Vow, Oneness, training, Non-...
Aug 30 2014

Dogen's Vow

Serial: BZ-02324

Part 1 of 4

true dharma, Vow, Silence, Repentance, Study Period, Doubt, Karma, New Year,...
Aug 31 2013

Seijo and Her Soul

Serial: BZ-02321

Lotus Sutra, Saturday Lecture

Lotus Sutra, MM-35, Birth-and-Death, Absolute-and-Relative, Lotus Sutra, Religion,...
Jul 27 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

On The Bodhisattva Ceremony

Serial: BZ-02309

Karma, Saturday Lecture

Katagiri Roshi, Karma, Confession-and-Repentance, Precepts, Repentance, Karma, Peace...
May 25 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice Buddha Does the Dishes

Intimacy, Practice Period, Evil, Separation, Precepts, Gratitude, Patience,...
May 04 2013

The Noble Truth of Suffering

Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Daily Life, Patience, Silence, Conversation, Hate...
Apr 13 2013

The Five Aspects of Effort

Culture, Beginners, Aspects of Practice, Greed, Emotions, Ego, Interview,...
Mar 09 2013

Including the Self

Ego, Practice Period, Aspects of Practice, Big Mind, Family Practice, Silence, Anger...
Nov 03 2012

Buddhas and Sentient Beings

Silence, Evil, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Five Ranks, Bodhisattva Ceremony,...
Oct 06 2012

Omnipresence of Dukkha

Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Daily Life, training, Impermanence, Silence, Offering...
Sep 29 2012

Please Call Me By My True Names

Birth-and-Death, Humility, Impermanence, Silence, Heart Sutra, Separation, Gratitude...
Jul 28 2012
