Patience Talks
Kṣānti (Sanskrit) or khanti (Pāli) is patience, forbearance and forgiveness. It is one of the pāramitās in both Theravāda and Mahāyāna Buddhism. The term can be translated as "patience," "steadfastness," or "endurance," and encompasses meanings such as "forbearance," "acceptance," and "receptivity."
Kṣānti has several applications: It can refer to patience with others, that is, the ability to endure abuse and hardship inflicted by sentient beings while maintaining compassion and commitment to their liberation. Kṣānti can also refer to endurance on the path, the resolve to withstand the difficulties encountered during the long journey toward Buddhahood without losing focus on liberating all beings from saṃsāra. Finally, it can also mean receptivity to the truths of reality. This is a profound acceptance of the ultimate truths, including impermanence, suffering, emptiness, and non-self, as realized during advanced stages of meditation.
Title | Speaker | |
What Now, I Don't Know Book of Serenity, Lay Practice, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Chanting |
Aug 21 2021 |
Me Too, The Dharma of Friendship Constancy, Soto Zen, Patience, Lotus Sutra, Berkeley Zen Center |
Jul 17 2021 |
Six Paramitas Patience, Heart Sutra, Paramitas, Precepts |
Jun 18 2021 |
The Four Noble Truths Big Mind, Four Noble Truths, Religion, Precepts, Patience |
May 22 2021 |
The Practice Of Patience Patience, Bowing, Separation, Buddha Nature, Right Speech |
Apr 17 2021 |
Senior Student Tributes for Sojun Roshi Berkeley Zen Center, Heart Sutra, Constancy, Gratitude, Don't Know Mind,... |
Nov 01 2020 Zoom |
Undivided Zoom, Duality, Silence, Forgiveness, Peace, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Anger,... |
Oct 18 2020 |
Public Dokusan 10 Composure, Mindfulness, Renunciation, Patience, Ego, Gaining Mind, Greed, Buddha Mind... |
Oct 09 2020 |
Public Dokusan 9 Equanimity, Two Truths, Karma, Patience, Monastic Practice, Continuous Practice,... |
Sep 24 2020 |
Using At Hand Sanctuary, Bell, Book of Serenity, Building, Oneness, Separation, Zoom, Patience,... |
May 23 2020 |
Making Refuge Heart Sutra, Avalokiteshvara, confusion, Conversation, Practice Period, Subject-and-... |
May 16 2020 |
Joyful Effort Sangha, War, Enthusiasm, Politics, Patience, Silence, Bell, Culture, Lay |
Mar 01 2020 |
The Practice of Patience Patience, Constancy, Blue Cliff Record, Cultivation, Concentration, Equanimity, Anger... |
Nov 02 2019 |
The Mother Line of BuddhismSerial: BZ-02709 0103
War, Peace, Teacher-and-Student, Hindrances, Offering, Samsara, Sangha, Patience,... |
Oct 20 2019 |
Give Up Hope Hsin Hsin Ming, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Impermanence, uchiyama, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Sep 28 2019 |
Taking What is Good Right Speech, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Vow, Offering, Liberation, Precepts, Patience,... |
Mar 23 2019 |
Being Shuso and Learning to Say Yes Practice Period, Don't Know Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Lay, Patience, Bowing... |
Dec 15 2018 |
Introduction to Joshu Ordinary Mind, Passions, Hindrances, Patience, confusion, Culture, Karma, Gratitude,... |
Nov 24 2018 |
Magnanimous View Gaining Mind, Big Mind, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Instruction, Impermanence,... |
Sep 15 2018 |
Priest Shexian and Fayuan from Eihei Shingi Intuition, Diversity, Funeral, Commitment, Patience, Enemies, Concentration,... |
May 26 2018 |
Practices for PP Opening Sesshin Practice Period, Gaining Mind, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-Object, Continuous... |
Apr 28 2018 |
Witness to the Rohingas Religion, Greed, Liberation, Culture, American, Peace, Fox, Patience, resistance,... |
Mar 31 2018 |
Way-Seeking Mind Talk Blue Cliff Record, Building, Book of Serenity, Emotions, Lineage, Sangha, Gratitude,... |
2018 |
Mind WavesSerial: BZ-02584 Day 1
Big Mind, Samadhi, Duality, Composure, Patience, Non-duality, Religion, Five Ranks,... |
Dec 03 2017 |
The Zen of Going to the Restroom Addiction, Culture, Attachment, Patience, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Bodhisattva... |
Jul 08 2017 |
The Shuso Question: Full Spontaneous Encounter Practice Period, Hindrances, Patience, Aspects of Practice, Conversation, Gratitude,... |
Jul 01 2017 |
The Year of the Rooster 2017 Addiction, Sanctuary, War, Politics, New Year, Composure, Patience, Hate, Intuition,... |
Dec 17 2016 |
Watering Seeds of Wholesomeness Anger, Happiness, training, Diversity, Patience, Culture, Precepts, American,... |
Oct 15 2016 |
What is Bowing Bowing, Pure Existence, Duality, Monastic Practice, Soto Zen, Gratitude, Peace,... |
Oct 01 2016 |
Mary speaks to Dean about silence Silence, Bell, Book of Serenity, Manjushri, Four Foundations, Equanimity, Patience,... |
Apr 16 2016 |
Giving Gratitude, Giving-and-Taking, Offering, Commitment, Chanting, Patience, Posture,... |
Aug 01 2015 |
Every Day Is A Good Day - 3 Offering, Chanting, Daily Life, Conversation, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Practice... |
Jun 12 2015 |
Going and Stopping Composure, Enthusiasm, Daily Life, Patience, Posture, Harmonizing, Impermanence,... |
Nov 29 2014 |
Teaching for the Tenzo Separation, Family Practice, Ego, Five Ranks, Daily Life, Duality, Patience,... |
Jun 21 2014 3 |
The Dharma of MoneySerial: BZ-02329 History of BZC Finances, Saturday Lecture Money, Building, Fundraising, Priest, Sangha, Patience, Chanting, Observe, training... |
Sep 28 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice Buddha Does the Dishes Intimacy, Practice Period, Evil, Separation, Precepts, Gratitude, Patience,... |
May 04 2013 |
The Noble Truth of Suffering Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Daily Life, Patience, Silence, Conversation, Hate... |
Apr 13 2013 |
Mindfulness and Mindlessness Mindfulness, Hindrances, Patience, Four Foundations, Posture, Hate, Aspects of... |
Jan 19 2013 |
Our Minor PreceptsSerial: BZ-02275 Saturday Lecture Precepts, Renunciation, Emotions, Humility, Sangha, Conversation, Beginners, Patience... |
Nov 17 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Saying Yes To What Arises Patience, Dependent Origination, Platform Sutra, Forgiveness, Evil, Separation,... |
Jun 30 2012 |
Kshanti Or Patience And Our Practice Patience, Conversation, Bodhisattva Vow, Enemies, Buddha's Birthday, Anger,... |
Apr 21 2012 |
Occupy the Dharma Culture, Liberation, Precepts, American, Patience, confusion, Separation, Non-... |
Nov 19 2011 |
Eighty-second Birthday TalkSerial: BZ-02192 My Intention as a Priest, Saturday Lecture Four Methods of Guidance, Generosity, Transmission, Lotus Sutra, Culture, Gratitude,... |
Jul 09 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazenshin Class Transmission, Peace, Silence, Beginners, Instruction, Fundraising, Posture, Buddha... |
May 12 2011 1 |
Our Approach To Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-02174 Peaceful and Harmonious Abiding, One-Day Sitting Sangha, Ango, Practice Period, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Commitment,... |
May 07 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Denkoroku Class Mishaka Birth-and-Death, Karma, Karmic Consciousness, Ego, Patience, Family Practice,... |
Apr 14 2011 4 |
Leaning In To Difficulty Ego, War, Peace, Instruction, Fox, Dragons, Patience, Transmission |
Apr 09 2011 |
India and Community Karma, Culture, Mindfulness, training, Patience, Chanting, Conversation, Instruction... |
Mar 26 2011 |
Metta Kindness Happiness, Anger, Cultivation, Equanimity, resistance, Concentration, Daily Life,... |
Feb 26 2011 |
Intimate Zen, Perfect WisdomSerial: BZ-02154 Other Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Dharma Transmission, Four Noble Truths, true dharma,... |
Jan 29 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |