Concentration Talks

Samādhi (Pali and Sanskrit: समाधि), in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools, is a state of meditative consciousness. In many Indian religious traditions, the cultivation of Samādhi through various meditation methods is essential for the attainment of spiritual liberation (known variously as nirvana, moksha).

In Buddhism, it is the last of the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In Jain meditation, samadhi is considered one of the last stages of the practice just prior to liberation.

In the oldest Buddhist sutras, on which several contemporary western Theravada teachers rely, it refers to the development of an investigative and luminous mind that is equanimous and mindful. In the yogic traditions and the Buddhist commentarial tradition, on which the Burmese Vipassana movement and the Thai Forest tradition rely, it is interpreted as a meditative absorption or trance attained by the practice of dhyāna.

From Samadhi on Wikipedia

Showing 336 talks

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Title Speaker

The Four Establishments Of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, Shikantaza, Consciousness, Concentration, Mahayana
Jun 18 2021

The Noble Eightfold Path

Right Speech, Mindfulness, Karma, Concentration, Four Noble Truths
May 28 2021

Zazen Instructions, Part 1

Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions, Part 2

Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Zenki, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions A

Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Zenki, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Zazen Instructions B

Zazengi, Non-thinking, Concentration, Zenki, Samadhi
May 15 2021

Fukanzazengi, Part 1

Buddha Nature, Balance, Aspects of Practice, realization, Concentration
May 08 2021

Zazen Refresher

Posture, Instruction, Concentration, Beginners, Bowing, Chanting, American, Building...
Sep 04 2020

Dongshan Class 2

Five Ranks, Duality, Global Warming, Zazen Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Samadhi,...
Sep 01 2020

Dongshan Class 2

Five Ranks, Duality, Global Warming, Zazen Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Platform Sutra,...
Aug 31 2020

Living With The Epidemic

Transmission, training, Harmonizing, Bowing, Silence, Concentration, Bell, Separation...
Mar 07 2020

Buddha's Enlightenment

Concentration, Dependent Origination, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, training,...
Dec 05 2019

The Practice of Patience

Patience, Constancy, Blue Cliff Record, Cultivation, Concentration, Equanimity, Anger...
Nov 02 2019

Paramita of Concentration

Silent Illumination, Concentration, Intimacy, Aspects of Practice, Impermanence, Book...
Oct 12 2019

Master Ummon's Everybody has Their Own Light

Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Buddha Nature, Duality, Demons, Concentration...
Aug 03 2019

Daowu's Condolence Call

Serial: BZ-02687

Sesshin Day 4


Blue Cliff Record, Doubt, Teacher-and-Student, Birth-and-Death, Funeral, Lineage,...
Jun 22 2019

Nirvana the Waterfall

Oneness, Composure, Nirvana, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Commitment,...
May 25 2019

Birth, Death and Breath

Serial: BZ-02649

Rohatsu Day 2


Birth-and-Death, Concentration, Duality, Passions, Peace, Ego, Impermanence, Bell,...
Dec 03 2018

Eight Awarenesses of Great Beings (Study Sesshin Part 1)

Serial: BZ-02632

Study Sesshin Part 1


Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Concentration, Precepts, true dharma,...
Sep 01 2018

Eight Awarenesses of Great Beings (Study Sesshin Part 2)

Serial: BZ-02633

Study Sesshin Part 2


true dharma, Concentration, Mindfulness, Equanimity, Light-and-Darkness, Dependent...
Sep 01 2018

Just Me

Concentration, Instruction, Ordinary Mind, Gratitude, Rinzai, Aspects of Practice,...
Jul 28 2018

Priest Shexian and Fayuan from Eihei Shingi

Intuition, Diversity, Funeral, Commitment, Patience, Enemies, Concentration,...
May 26 2018

The Therigata

Right Speech, Right Effort, Ordination, Humility, Mahayana, Discrimination,...
Mar 03 2018

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Mindfulness, Equanimity, Concentration, Ego, Samadhi, Enthusiasm, Happiness,...
Nov 11 2017

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-02552

Sesshin Day 1


Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Samadhi, Duality, Avalokiteshvara, Non-duality,...
Jun 07 2017

Eight Aspects of Enlightened Activity

Eight Aspects, Discrimination, Right Speech, Concentration, Separation, Daily Life,...
Jan 07 2017

Five Hindrances and Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02499

Class 4


Mindfulness, Equanimity, Cultivation, Concentration, Hindrances, Perfect Wisdom, Four...
Sep 22 2016

Five Hindrances and Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02497

Class 3

Mindfulness, Hindrances, Equanimity, Samsara, Concentration, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
Sep 15 2016

Turning the Light Inward

Soto Zen, Conversation, Instruction, Concentration, Culture, Building, Silence...
Mar 05 2016

Plum Blossoms

Concentration, Dharma Transmission, New Year, Teacher-and-Student, Bell, Priest-and-...
Jan 30 2016

Suzuki Roshi Eko Lectures: 8 Dhyana Jhana

Serial: BZ-02451

 Rohatsu Day 4


Passions, Concentration, Anger, Karma, Emotions, Nirvana, Beginners, Aspects of...
Dec 02 2015


Serial: BZ-02450

 Rohatsu Day 3


Concentration, training, Diversity, Posture, Duality, Heart Sutra, Practice Period,...
Dec 01 2015

Bringing Practice to Work

Berkeley Zen Center, training, American, Practice Period, Posture, resistance,...
May 22 2015

Friday Zazen Refresher

Posture, Beginners, Concentration, Silent Illumination, true dharma, Happiness,...
Mar 06 2015

Upaya Chaplaincy Training

Bodhisattva Vow, Silence, Beginners, Four Noble Truths, Vow, Oneness, training, Non-...
Aug 30 2014

Heart Sutra Class

Daily Life, Heart Sutra, Duality, Concentration, Nirvana, Samsara, Ego, Interview,...
May 15 2014

The Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Aspects of Practice, Ego, Interdependence, Beginners,...
Oct 19 2013


Serial: BZ-02313

Review of Zazen, Sesshin

Effort, Zazen, Sesshin, Nirvana, Mindfulness, Practice Period, resistance, Mahayana,...
Jun 19 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Eight Awakenings

Nirvana, Mindfulness, Practice Period, resistance, Mahayana, Passions, Concentration...
Jun 08 2013

What is the Basis of our Activity

Serial: BZ-02300

Why Do We Chant?, Saturday Lecture

Chanting, Suzuki Roshi, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, training, Lay Practice, Priest,...
Mar 30 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Sandokai Lecture Three

Serial: BZ-02292

Part 3 of 4

Buddha Nature, Evil, Concentration, Offering, Ego, Commitment, Oneness, Mindfulness,...
Feb 16 2013

Sick Day

Bodhisattva Precepts, Right Effort, Evil, Liberation, Conversation, Precepts,...
Jan 26 2013

Five Powers of Zen

Renunciation, Mindfulness, Impermanence, Dependent Origination, New Year,...
Dec 01 2012

Our Minor Precepts

Serial: BZ-02275

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Renunciation, Emotions, Humility, Sangha, Conversation, Beginners, Patience...
Nov 17 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Thinking and Not Thinking

Instruction, Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, Evil, Concentration, Sanctuary,...
Oct 13 2012

Zazen and the Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-02227

Beneficial Attachment, One-Day Sitting

Passive and Active Zazen


Shikantaza, Posture, Breath, Zazen, Monkey Mind, Concentration, Big Mind, Mindfulness...
Jan 21 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

Sitting With The Busy Mind

Concentration, Right Effort, Composure, Posture, Impermanence, Mindfulness, Gratitude...
Dec 06 2011

Sesshin Practice

Monkey Mind, Concentration, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Aspects of Practice, Mindfulness...
Dec 04 2011


Mindfulness, Zazen Mind, Four Foundations, Instruction, Concentration, Rinzai,...
Jul 23 2011

Metta Kindness

Happiness, Anger, Cultivation, Equanimity, resistance, Concentration, Daily Life,...
Feb 26 2011
