Precepts Talks

The Bodhisattva Precepts (Skt. bodhisattva-śīla, traditional Chinese: 菩薩戒; ; pinyin: Púsà Jiè, Japanese: bosatsukai) are a set of ethical trainings (śīla) used in Mahāyāna Buddhism to advance a practitioner along the path to becoming a bodhisattva. Traditionally, monastics observed the basic moral code in Buddhism, the prātimokṣa (such as that of the Dharmaguptaka), but in the Mahāyāna tradition, monks may observe the Bodhisattva Precepts as well. The Bodhisattva Precepts are associated with the bodhisattva vow to save all beings and with bodhicitta.

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Showing 465 talks

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Title Speaker


Serial: BZ-02176

Bodhisattva Ceremony, Saturday Lecture

Karma, Precepts, Karma, Anger, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
May 14 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Japan Catastrophe

Serial: BZ-02165

Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Fallout, One-Day Sitting

Karma, Japan, Current Events, Karma, Repentance, Vow, Renewal, Composure, Interview,...
Mar 19 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Teshan and Lung Tan

Transmission, Don't Know Mind, Anger, Ordinary Mind, Teacher-and-Student,...
Mar 12 2011

Lineage Precept Vein - Not One, Not Two

Transmission, Precepts, Intuition, Monastic Practice, Dharma Transmission, Lineage,...
Jan 15 2011

Minor Precepts-Shingi

Serial: BZ-02139

Precepts, Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Shingi, Precepts, Forgiveness, Humility, Renunciation, Conversation,...
Nov 13 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

The Simile of the Saw

Evil, Anger, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Instruction, Hate, Precepts, Ego,...
Oct 23 2010

Loving Speech

Right Speech, Patience, Four Foundations, Offering, Precepts, Lay Ordination, Karma,...
Jul 31 2010

Taking, Giving, and Receiving

Precepts, Buddha Nature, resistance, Conversation, Hate, Vow, Karma, Attachment...
Jul 17 2010

Case 43 - Tozan's No Heat No Cold

Serial: BZ-02114

Absolute and Relative or Essence and Function, Saturday Lecture

Five Ranks, Birth-and-Death, Suffering, Precepts, Five Ranks, training, Birth-and-...
Jul 10 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

We Must Eat Time

Four Foundations, Dependent Origination, Mindfulness, Heart Sutra, Happiness, Nirvana...
Jul 03 2010

Lay Ordination and Bodhisattva Precepts

Serial: BZ-02106

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Evil, Gratitude, Lineage, Conversation, Priest, Bodhidharma, Equanimity,...
Jun 19 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Reality Revealed in the Workplace

Serial: BZ-02104

Shuso talk

Birth-and-Death, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Silence, Liberation,...
Jun 12 2010

The Short Cycle of Causation

Composure, training, Book of Serenity, Aspects of Practice, Impermanence, Precepts,...
May 08 2010

Buddhism in India and America

Lay, training, Religion, Lay Practice, Continuous Practice, Intimacy, Precepts,...
Mar 20 2010

Buddhism in India in the 21st Century

Karma, causation, Right Speech, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Precepts...
Feb 27 2010

Practice Not Practicing

Right Effort, Evil, Anger, Cultivation, confusion, Precepts, Instruction, Doubt,...
Feb 06 2010

The Advantage of New Years

New Year, Happiness, Bodhidharma, Emotions, Impermanence, Precepts, Culture, Fox, Vow...
Jan 02 2010

Everything is Presenting Itself

Serial: BZ-02070

Consciousness, Rohatsu Day 3

Intimacy, Culture, Dharma Transmission, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Dec 08 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

The Koan of a Bodhisattva

Precepts, Vimalakirti, Perfect Wisdom, confusion, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Attachment,...
Oct 03 2009

August 28th, 2009, Serial No. 01549, Side C

Precepts, Culture, American, Bodhisattva Precepts, Politics, Repentance, Platform...
Aug 28 2009

August 28th, 2009, Serial No. 01549, Side D

Cultivation, Conversation, Don't Know Mind, Transmission, Fundraising,...
Aug 28 2009

August 28th, 2009, Serial No. 01549, Side E

Culture, Precepts, American, Religion, Soto Zen, Diversity, Mindfulness, Dharma...
Aug 28 2009

Entering The Dragons Cave

Blue Cliff Record, Four Noble Truths, Dragons, Monastic Practice, War, Enemies,...
Aug 01 2009

Zazen is the true reference point

Serial: BZ-02047

Put your behind on the cushion, Saturday Lecture

Drama of life, Thoughts = dream world


Zazen, Ordinary Mind, Instruction, resistance, Precepts, Interview, confusion,...
Jun 27 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

The Precepts for Zaike Tokudo

Serial: BZ-02041

Giving and Receiving, Saturday Lecture

Zaike Tokudo, Jukai, Lay Practice, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Lineage,...
Jun 13 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Threading the Eye of the Needle

Serial: BZ-02029

Shuso talk

Practice Period, Conversation, Buddha Nature, American, Funeral, Patience, Passions,...
May 11 2009

Six Paramitas

Serial: BZ-02021

Dealing with Suffering, Sesshin

Attachment, Patience, Non-attachment, Precepts, Big Mind, Renunciation, Manjushri,...
Mar 21 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva Vows

Vow, Liberation, Evil, Precepts, Passions, Buddha Nature, Samsara, Oneness, Bell,...
Mar 14 2009

Ryokan's Poems - Butterfly Dreams

Discrimination, Anger, Heart Sutra, Nirvana, Enemies, resistance, Transmission, Evil...
Jan 24 2009

Platform Sutra: Saving Beings of Our Own Mind

Serial: BZ-01082

Rohatsu, Day 6, side B

Precepts, Platform Sutra, Ordination, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow,...
Dec 12 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra: Saving Beings in Our Own Mind

Serial: BZ-01447

Rohatsu, Day 6

Precepts, Platform Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Bodhisattva Precepts, Bodhisattva...
Dec 12 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Saving Beings In Our Own Mind

Serial: BZ-02009

Rohatsu Day Six


Precepts, Platform Sutra, Vow, Bodhisattva Precepts, Bodhisattva Vow, Repentance,...
Dec 12 2008

Beginner's Sitting; Serial No. 01163

Serial: BZ-01163

Beginners' Sesshin

Zazen, Monastic Practice, Soto Zen, Religion, Don't Know Mind, Priest, Precepts...
Oct 05 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Everyday Practice; Serial No. 01160, Side B

Serial: BZ-01160B

Women's sesshin

Precepts, Greed, Separation, Vow, Silence, Hate, Offering, Culture, Instruction,...
Sep 21 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Precepts and Zazen

Serial: BZ-01158

Harmonizing Buddha Nature, Instincts, and Desires, Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Zazen, Desire, Buddha Nature, Precepts, Concentration, Buddha Nature,...
Sep 13 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Dependent Origination

Serial: BZ-01153

Four Noble Truths; Birth & Death of Self, Teaching Retreat

Four Noble Truths, Birth-and-Death, Dependent Origination, Dependent Origination,...
Aug 30 2008
Part 1 of 2
Berkeley Zen Center

Reflections on Sutta Nipata Story "The Ploughing"

Serial: BZ-01148

Buddha encounters rich farmer and discusses the Buddha field, One-Day Sitting

Buddha, Lay, Vinaya, American, Ego, Repentance, Intuition, Nirvana, Mindfulness, Vow...
Jul 19 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

June 20th, 2008, Serial No. 01141

Karma, Precepts, Karmic Consequences, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Separation, Dependent...
Jun 20 2008

May 24th, 2008, Serial No. 01135

Practice Period, Manjushri, Attachment, Blue Cliff Record, Separation, Instruction,...
May 24 2008

Overview of Practice Period

Serial: BZ-01127

Requirements - Intention - Commitment, Saturday Lecture

Practice Period, Intention, Practice Period, Commitment, Daily Life, Family Practice...
Apr 26 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

March 15th, 2008, Serial No. 01120

Don't Know Mind, Emotions, Vow, Precepts, Culture, Anger, Forgiveness,...
Mar 15 2008

Find Out the Root of the Problem for Yourself

Serial: BZ-01118

Dokan and Gyoji: Let one teacher help you find your solution, Saturday Lecture

Continuous Practice, Aspects of Practice, Continuous Practice, training, Intuition,...
Mar 01 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #63

Serial: BZ-01113

Nansen Kills the Cat, Saturday Lecture

Nansen, BCR-63, Karmic Consequences, Karma, Buddha Nature, Silence, Forgiveness,...
Feb 09 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

December 15th, 2007, Serial No. 01106

New Year, Happiness, Berkeley Zen Center, Vow, Don't Know Mind, Heart Sutra,...
Dec 15 2007

October 27th, 2007, Serial No. 01006

Right Effort, Concentration, Aspects of Practice, Patience, Anger, Bodhisattva...
Oct 27 2007

October 21st, 2007, Serial No. 01005

Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Four Noble Truths, Practice Period, Patience, Right Speech,...
Oct 21 2007

Taking Care: Paramitas, Precepts and Eightfold Path

Serial: BZ-01003

Illumination Without Hindrance, Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Vinaya, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Precepts, Platform Sutra, Hindrances,...
Oct 13 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

September 22nd, 2007, Serial No. 00999

Vow, Bodhisattva Vow, Demons, Instruction, Silence, Precepts, Priest, Karma
Sep 22 2007

September 15th, 2007, Serial No. 00997

Culture, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Ordination, Aspects of Practice, Silence,...
Sep 15 2007

Tenzo Kyokun

Serial: BZ-00994B

Teaching Retreat, part 1 of 2

Tenzo Kyokun, Ego, Monastic Practice, Concentration, Anger, Blue Cliff Record,...
Sep 02 2007
Berkeley Zen Center
