Chanting Talks

A chant (from French chanter, from Latin cantare, "to sing") is the iterative speaking or singing of words or sounds, often primarily on one or two main pitches called reciting tones. Chants may range from a simple melody involving a limited set of notes to highly complex musical structures, often including a great deal of repetition of musical subphrases, such as Great Responsories and Offertories of Gregorian chant. Chant may be considered speech, music, or a heightened or stylized form of speech. In the later Middle Ages some religious chant evolved into song (forming one of the roots of later Western music).

From chant on Wikipedia

Showing 219 talks

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Title Speaker

What Now, I Don't Know

Book of Serenity, Lay Practice, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Chanting
Aug 21 2021


Heart Sutra, Peace, Chanting, Lotus Sutra, Jukai
May 01 2021

Sangha Meeting After Sojun Roshi's Passing

Heart Sutra, Gratitude, Funeral, Chanting
Jan 09 2021

Sojun Roshi At YEBZ

Precepts, Absolute-and-Relative, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
Sep 26 2020

Zazen Refresher

Posture, Instruction, Concentration, Beginners, Bowing, Chanting, American, Building...
Sep 04 2020

Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Berkeley Zen Center, Emotions, Priest, Hindrances, Evil,...
Jul 25 2020

BZC Zoom Training

Zoom, training, Chanting, Conversation
Jul 08 2020

Work Group Recording 1

Bell, Zoom, Instruction, training, Chanting
Jun 17 2020

Work Group Recording 2

Bodhisattva Vow, Zoom, training, Bell, Vow, Chanting, Instruction
Jun 17 2020


true dharma, Doubt, Confession-and-Repentance, Vow, Evil, Karma, Hindrances,...
May 30 2020

Making Refuge

Heart Sutra, Avalokiteshvara, confusion, Conversation, Practice Period, Subject-and-...
May 16 2020

Buddha's Enlightenment

Concentration, Dependent Origination, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, training,...
Dec 05 2019

Going Beyond

Heart Sutra, Intimacy, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Renewal,...
Aug 24 2019

Practicing with Prayer

Chanting, Peace, Heart Sutra, Continuous Practice, Instruction, Separation,...
Apr 27 2019
Berkeley Zen Center

Three Treasures: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Bodhisattva Ceremony, Precepts, Sangha, Chanting, Greed, Non-violence,...
Feb 23 2019

Denko Roku 1: Shakyamuni

Serial: BZ-02662

Study Sesshin Day 1


true dharma, Transmission, Liberation, Nirvana, Dogen, Soto Zen, Chanting, Buddha...
Feb 16 2019

Taking Refuge

Impermanence, Heart Sutra, Conversation, Four Foundations, resistance, Mindfulness,...
Feb 09 2019

Whole-Hearted Practice

Buddha Mind, Dharma Transmission, Samadhi, Birth-and-Death, Rinzai, Soto Zen,...
Mar 17 2018

Nirvana Study Sesshin Day 2 Lecture 3

Composure, Bell, Nirvana, Daily Life, Ego, Heart Sutra, Two Truths, Chanting, Posture...
Feb 18 2018

Practice and Ritual: Just Enough

Soto Zen, Monastic Practice, Precepts, training, Heart Sutra, Chanting, zen...
Jun 24 2017

Precepts Class 3

Serial: BZ-02546

PP Class


Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Chanting, Nirvana, Mahayana, Lotus Sutra, Buddha...
May 18 2017

Fundamentals of Zazen: Being in Time

Serial: BZ-02514

Rohatsu Day 1


Posture, Big Mind, Bell, Beginners, resistance, Chanting, Discrimination, Offering,...
Dec 04 2016

State of the Union: How Buddhists Respond to the Burning World

Composure, Addiction, Big Mind, Greed, Bodhisattva Vow, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 25 2016

Chanting Class: Japanese Pronunciation

Chanting, Vow, Bell
May 09 2016
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record Case 53

Serial: BZ-02460


BCR-53, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Composure, Heart Sutra, Doubt, Intimacy...
Feb 27 2016

Suzuki Roshi Eko Lectures: 8 Dhyana Jhana

Serial: BZ-02451

 Rohatsu Day 4


Passions, Concentration, Anger, Karma, Emotions, Nirvana, Beginners, Aspects of...
Dec 02 2015

Bodhisattva Ceremony

Religion, Repentance, Karma, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Precepts, Vow, Chanting, Greed,...
Nov 21 2015


Gratitude, Giving-and-Taking, Offering, Commitment, Chanting, Patience, Posture,...
Aug 01 2015

Practice of Dialogue

Four Noble Truths, Ordinary Mind, Chanting, Teacher-and-Student, Global Warming,...
Jul 18 2015

Every Day Is A Good Day - 3

Offering, Chanting, Daily Life, Conversation, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Practice...
Jun 12 2015

Suffering is Not Enough

Oneness, Soto Zen, Impermanence, Global Warming, Book of Serenity, Fundraising,...
Sep 27 2014

Zen Bodies, Zen Mirrors

Lotus Sutra, Precious Mirror, Chanting, Instruction, Commitment, Soto Zen, Silence,...
Sep 14 2014

Differences in Zen and Psychotherapy

Big Mind, Commitment, Conversation, Buddha Ancestors, Vow, Sangha, Discrimination,...
Jul 05 2014

Case 17 Book of Serenity

Serial: BZ-02351


SER-17, Intuition, Continuous Practice, Discrimination, Observe, Equanimity, Hate,...
Feb 21 2014
Berkeley Zen Center

Living By Vow

Four Noble Truths, Vow, Karma, Samsara, Soto Zen, Chanting, Nirvana, Daily Life,...
Jan 25 2014

The Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Aspects of Practice, Ego, Interdependence, Beginners,...
Oct 19 2013

The Dharma of Money

Serial: BZ-02329

History of BZC Finances, Saturday Lecture

Money, Building, Fundraising, Priest, Sangha, Patience, Chanting, Observe, training...
Sep 28 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Paul Tanzillo Memorial

Serial: BZ-02733

 Heart Sutra, Dai Hi Shin Dharani


Sangha, Chanting, confusion, War, Priest
Jul 10 2013

What is the Basis of our Activity

Serial: BZ-02300

Why Do We Chant?, Saturday Lecture

Chanting, Suzuki Roshi, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, training, Lay Practice, Priest,...
Mar 30 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Sandokai Lecture Two

Discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Happiness, Anger, Oneness, Separation, Composure,...
Feb 16 2013

Sandokai Lecture Four

Serial: BZ-02281

Couplet 5, Rohatsu Day 4

Bell, Practice Position, Discrimination, Practice Period, Chanting, Subject-and-...
Dec 05 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

The Self Settling the Self on the Self

Birth-and-Death, Aspects of Practice, Chanting, Posture, Teacher-and-Student,...
Nov 10 2012

The Story of Buddha's Enlightenment

Four Noble Truths, Evil, Dream World, Lay, Bowing, Oneness, Liberation, Chanting,...
Dec 10 2011

Suzuki Roshi's Eko Lecture

Serial: BZ-02186

Encoragement of Practice, Sesshin Day 2

Chanting, Eko, Offering, Offering, Funeral, Chanting, Religion, Priest, Bodhidharma,...
Jun 16 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Chant Refresher

Serial: BZ-02185

Chanting Practice, Sesshin Day 1

Syllables, Beats, Vowels and Consonants


Chanting, Sanctuary, Chanting, Passions, Vow, Instruction, American
Jun 15 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

India and Community

Karma, Culture, Mindfulness, training, Patience, Chanting, Conversation, Instruction...
Mar 26 2011

Stillness and Activity

Enemies, Silence, Don't Know Mind, Intimacy, Chanting, Passions, Transmission,...
Apr 10 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Spiritual Friendship

Practice Period, War, Interdependence, Sangha, Impermanence, Chanting, Separation,...
Dec 05 2009

The Tao of Old Age, Sickness, and Death

Serial: BZ-02036

Shuso talk

Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, New Year, Ordinary Mind, Beginners, Patience,...
May 29 2009

Ordinary Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-02032

Shuso talk

Ordinary Mind, Intuition, Emotions, Big Mind, Practice Period, Forgiveness, Fox,...
May 16 2009
