Chanting Talks
A chant (from French chanter, from Latin cantare, "to sing") is the iterative speaking or singing of words or sounds, often primarily on one or two main pitches called reciting tones. Chants may range from a simple melody involving a limited set of notes to highly complex musical structures, often including a great deal of repetition of musical subphrases, such as Great Responsories and Offertories of Gregorian chant. Chant may be considered speech, music, or a heightened or stylized form of speech. In the later Middle Ages some religious chant evolved into song (forming one of the roots of later Western music).
Title | Speaker | |
June 6th, 2002, Serial No. 01013, Side A Dragons, Buddha Nature, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Monastic Practice,... |
Jun 06 2002 |
Sounding Mokugyo BellSerial: BZ-00144A Bring Out the Voice of the Bell, One-Day Sitting Bell, Chanting, Zazen, Bell, Culture, Heart Sutra, Chanting, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Apr 07 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 2nd, 2002, Serial No. 00140, Side A Oneness, Forgiveness, Ego, Anger, American, Enemies, Attachment, Silence, Chanting,... |
Mar 02 2002 |
EgolessnessSerial: BZ-00063B Rohatsu Day 6 Ego, Precepts, Ego, Anger, Chanting, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Vinaya, Posture,... |
Dec 07 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #86Serial: BZ-00064B Rohatsu Day 4 BCR-86, Meal Serving, Samadhi, Ego, Big Mind, Addiction, Chanting, Precepts, Religion... |
Dec 05 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 18th, 2001, Serial No. 00474, Side A Heart Sutra, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Chanting, Hindrances, Aspects of... |
Oct 18 2001 |
EmptinessSerial: BZ-00102A Saturday Lecture Emptiness, Heart Sutra, Interdependence, Ego, Chanting, Duality, Composure,... |
May 26 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 12th, 2001, Serial No. 00101, Side B Four Noble Truths, Right Speech, Peace, Daily Life, American, Priest, Silence,... |
May 12 2001 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #36Serial: BZ-00099A Meeting a Person of the Way, One-Day Sitting BCR-36, Silence, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Enemies, Bell, Intimacy, Demons,... |
Mar 18 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
February 17th, 2001, Serial No. 00130, Side B Priest, Ordination, Vow, Culture, Monastic Practice, Chanting, Religion, American,... |
Feb 17 2001 |
OryokiSerial: BZ-00126A Rohatsu Day 3 Oryoki, Priest, Continuous Practice, Lay, Chanting, confusion, Hate, Building... |
Dec 06 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Recommendations for Fall Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-00120A Saturday Lecture Practice Period, Practice Period, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Intimacy, Commitment,... |
Sep 30 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, SamantabhadraSerial: BZ-00060A Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva, Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Samantabhadra, Manjushri, Practice Position... |
Jul 29 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 20th, 2000, Serial No. 00852 Silent Illumination, Lineage, Interview, Soto Zen, Attachment, Chanting, Obstacles,... |
Jul 20 2000 |
Meal Serving, Chanting and Liturgy DetailsSerial: BZ-00057A One-Day Sitting Meal Serving, Chanting, Instruction, Chanting, training, Heart Sutra, Funeral, Bell,... |
Jul 16 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Branching Streams Flow in the DarknessSerial: BZ-00162A Women and Men, Saturday Lecture Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Attachment, Chanting, Duality,... |
May 13 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 22nd, 2000, Serial No. 00163, Side B Culture, Silence, Daily Life, American, War, Ego, resistance, Chanting, Passions,... |
Apr 22 2000 |
April 1st, 2000, Serial No. 00208, Side A Chanting, Lineage, Buddha Ancestors, Diversity, Ordination, Precepts, Hate, Vow, War... |
Apr 01 2000 |
October 10th, 1999, Serial No. 00196, Side B Posture, Peace, Blue Cliff Record, Book of Serenity, Harmonizing, Nirvana, War,... |
Oct 10 1999 |
Precious Mirror Samadhi, Class 1 of 8Serial: BZ-01008A Fall practice period 1999
Hokyo Zanmai, Precious Mirror, Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi, Absolute-and-Relative, Buddha... |
Sep 23 1999 Class 1 of 8, |
July 15th, 1999, Serial No. 00924 Heart Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Mahayana, Manjushri, Sanctuary, Separation,... |
Jul 15 1999 |
July 8th, 1999, Serial No. 00925 Heart Sutra, Six Realms, Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Four Noble Truths, Doubt, Mindfulness... |
Jul 08 1999 |
Lotus SutraSerial: BZ-00862 The final class in a series on the Lotus Sutra taught by Ryuei Michael McCormick, a teacher in the Nichiren tradition, and sponsored by Maylie Scott. Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Mahayana, Peace, Vow, Happiness, Priest, Lay, Buddha Nature,... |
Apr 29 1999 5 of 5 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 11th, 1999, Serial No. 00072, Side A Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Chanting, Sangha, Aspects of Practice, Transmission... |
Apr 11 1999 |
Lotus SutraSerial: BZ-00835 The second in a series of five classes on the Lotus Sutra taught by Ryuei Michael McCormick, a teacher in the Nichiren tradition, and sponsored by Maylie Scott. ... Lotus Sutra, Dependent Origination, Four Noble Truths, Nirvana, Buddha Nature,... |
Apr 08 1999 2 of 5 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 24th, 1999, Serial No. 00183, Side A Silence, Offering, Beginners, Instruction, training, Attachment, Diversity, Sangha,... |
Jan 24 1999 |
November 19th, 1998, Serial No. 00837 Chanting, Separation, Harmonizing, Lotus Sutra, Subject-and-Object, Offering,... |
Nov 19 1998 |
Dogen: "Seek A True Teacher"Serial: BZ-00440A Saturday Lecture Teacher-and-Student, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, true dharma,... |
Nov 14 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 11th, 1998, Serial No. 00353, Side A Sanctuary, Chanting, Mindfulness, Book of Serenity, Daily Life, Practice Period,... |
Jul 11 1998 |
Tassajara And Esselen Indian NeighborsSerial: BZ-00350B Saturday Lecture Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Esselen, American, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Jun 13 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 9th, 1998, Serial No. 00348, Side B Heart Sutra, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Gratitude, Vow, Offering, Chanting, Continuous... |
May 09 1998 |
February 14th, 1998, Serial No. 00342, Side B Precepts, Confession-and-Repentance, Repentance, Commitment, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Feb 14 1998 |
Women Teachers Interview, Vow, Mahayana, Four Noble Truths, true dharma, Chanting, Lotus Sutra,... |
Nov 16 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Eights Aspects Enlightened Person/Right SamadhiSerial: BZ-00324A Saturday Lecture Eight Aspects, Enlightenment, Samadhi, Samadhi, Concentration, Eight Aspects,... |
Nov 02 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Miracle of the Moment Mindfulness, Peace, Hindrances, Happiness, Forgiveness, Patience, Chanting,... |
Aug 09 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
An Appropriate Response Bell, Blue Cliff Record, training, Four Noble Truths, Oneness, Chanting, Tassajara... |
Jul 19 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
How We Practice: Dogen's "Thoroughness"Serial: BZ-00314A Sesshin Day 2 Practice, Dogen, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Thoroughness, Bowing, Duality, Non-... |
Jun 19 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
February 22nd, 1997, Serial No. 00358, Side A Berkeley Zen Center, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Chanting, Anger, War, Diversity,... |
Feb 22 1997 |
Dogen’s Going Beyond Buddha Heart Sutra, Soto Zen, Silent Illumination, Buddha Ancestors, Building, Rinzai,... |
Aug 24 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice in the USA Anger, Impermanence, Hate, American, Ordination, Chanting, Vow, Karma, Samsara,... |
Aug 03 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Setting the Tone for Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-00805B Saturday Lecture Practice Period, Practice Period, Monastic Practice, Family Practice, Daily Life,... |
May 05 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Images Heart Sutra, Offering, Family Practice, Priest, resistance, Chanting, Daily Life,... |
Mar 02 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Meal ChantSerial: BZ-00810A Saturday Lecture Chanting, Nirvana, Perfect Wisdom, Lotus Sutra, Offering, Buddha Nature, Precepts,... |
Feb 18 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Trip to India: Buddhist Culture Culture, Conversation, Lay, Heart Sutra, Lineage, Daily Life, Building, Chanting,... |
Feb 04 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Rite of Passage - Ceremony and RitualSerial: BZ-00813A Saturday Lecture Ceremony, Family Practice, Karma, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Repentance, Bell,... |
Jan 06 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00815B Rohatsu Day 6 Discrimination, Vow, Six Realms, Bodhisattva Vow, Heart Sutra, Non-discrimination,... |
Dec 08 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bodhisattva CeremonySerial: BZ-00819B Lecture Bodhisattva Ceremony, Repentance, Sangha, Lineage, Right Speech, Duality, Lotus Sutra... |
Nov 04 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Images and the Feminine Chanting, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Religion, War, Humility, Beginners, Precepts... |
Oct 21 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Jodo Shinshu Practice Buddha Nature, Soto Zen, Priest, Birth-and-Death, Anger, Karma, Gratitude, Chanting,... |
Sep 23 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bodhisattva Practice Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Dharma Transmission, Aspects of Practice, Lay Ordination,... |
May 21 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |