Hate Talks

Showing 246 talks

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Title Speaker

February 2nd, 2005, Serial No. 00586

Ego, Hate, Precious Mirror, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Culture, Greed,...
Feb 02 2005

September 11, 2001 Anniversary; Victims on Both Sides

Serial: BZ-01246

Following in the Steps of the British and Roman Empires, Saturday Lecture

Karma, Karma, American, War, Equanimity, Emotions, Evil, Building, Lineage, confusion...
Sep 11 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

Guidelines for Studying the Way: Dogen’s Gakudo Yojin-Shu

Serial: BZ-01025B

Class 4 of 5

Emotions, Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Posture, Hate, Passions, confusion,...
Jun 03 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

As Large as Life: Zen Koans for Everyday Practice; Mumonkan Case #12 Ruiyan Calls “Master”

Serial: BZ-01020B

Class 3 of 4

Monastic Practice, Birth-and-Death, Buddha's Birthday, Mindfulness, Cultivation...
Mar 08 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

Digging Deep: Getting to the Bottom of the Soup Pot

Serial: BZ-01250

Getting to the Bottom of Ourselves, Sesshin Day 3

Buddha Nature, Happiness, Dragons, confusion, Bowing, Liberation, Discrimination,...
Feb 16 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case # 82

Serial: BZ-01349C

Eternal Moment: Time, Transformation and Two Truths, Saturday Lecture

Time, Two Truths, BCR-82, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Blue Cliff Record, Non-...
Jul 19 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Book of Serenity, Case #21: Yun-Yen Sweeps the Ground, One Thing at a Time

Serial: BZ-00136B


Practice Period, Hate, Book of Serenity, Soto Zen, Vow, Culture, Mindfulness,...
May 24 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Untitled Talk

Culture, War, Liberation, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Building, Diversity,...
May 14 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

The Spirit of Practice Period

Serial: BZ-01527B

Saturday Lecture

Practice Period, Practice Period, Aspects of Practice, Enemies, Lay, Commitment,...
May 03 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Basic Buddhism: Refuges, Marks, Poisons

Serial: BZ-00465

Class 2 of 4

Four Noble Truths, Greed, Hate, Sangha, Six Realms, Religion, Doubt, Absolute-and-...
Feb 27 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

Peach March

Serial: BZ-00181B

Sesshin Day 3

Peace, War, Peace, Daily Life, Diversity, Conversation, Building, Intimacy, Enemies,...
Feb 17 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

15 Sutras from the Old Way: Meghiya (Friendship)

Serial: BZ-00457

Class 4 of 5

Right Speech, Attachment, Impermanence, Lovingkindness, Commitment, Cultivation,...
Oct 03 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Readings from “Windbell” the Book

Serial: BZ-00154B


Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Dragons, Big Mind, Hate, American, Instruction, Soto...
Jul 20 2002
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00145A

Women's Sitting

Death-and-Dying, true dharma, Liberation, Vow, Anger, Hate, Rinzai, Enemies, Soto Zen...
Apr 20 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s Kokyo: The Eternal Mirror

Serial: BZ-00471

Class 3 of 4

Sanctuary, Non-attachment, Bell, Separation, Hate, Duality, Doubt, War, Peace,...
Feb 07 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Martin Luther King Jr.: Buddhist Themes

Serial: BZ-00061A


Enemies, Hate, Evil, Non-violence, Religion, Separation, Karma, Birth-and-Death,...
Jan 19 2002
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00065A

Rohatsu Day 7

Enlightenment, Ordinary Mind, Discrimination, Daily Life, Instruction, Thoroughness,...
Dec 08 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

The Events of September 11, 2001

Serial: BZ-00091

What To Do, Saturday Lecture

Current Events, Greed, Patience, Aspects of Practice, Karma, Practice Period,...
Sep 22 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Totally Grounded

Serial: BZ-00106A

Sesshin Day 4

First Principle, Samadhi, Hate, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Anger, Karma, Demons...
Jun 23 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Memories of Maylie

Four Noble Truths, Right Speech, Peace, Daily Life, American, Priest, Silence,...
May 12 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Cooking

Serial: BZ-00483

Class 3 of 4

Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period, Hate, Offering, Forgiveness,...
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Cooking

Serial: BZ-00485

Class 1 of 4

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Conversation, Instruction, Monastic Practice, Bell,...
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00126A

Rohatsu Day 3

Oryoki, Priest, Continuous Practice, Lay, Chanting, confusion, Hate, Building...
Dec 06 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Birth and Death: Dogen’s Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-00486

Class 4 of 4

Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Nirvana, Hate, Samsara, Darkness and Light, Six...
Nov 30 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

How Love Drives the World

Serial: BZ-00122B

Saturday Lecture

Love, Emotions, Hate, Anger, Buddha Nature, War, Ego, Attachment, Peace, Cultivation...
Nov 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Rules for Being Human--Opening of Practice Period

Serial: BZ-00122A

One-Day Sitting

Obstacles, Karma, Enthusiasm, Vow, Don't Know Mind, confusion, Hate, Offering,...
Oct 29 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Abhidharma, Six Factors, Two Aspects

Serial: BZ-00121B

Saturday Lecture

Abhidharma, Intuition, Practice Period, Composure, Hate, Building, Anger, Samadhi,...
Oct 28 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #2

Serial: BZ-00083A

Nondiscriminating Mind within Discrimination, Sesshin Day 3

Discrimination, BCR-2, Discrimination, Dragons, Non-discrimination, Attachment, Hsin...
Sep 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Sixth Precept "No Fault Finding"

Serial: BZ-00059

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Big Mind, Anger, Hate, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Evil, Daily Life, Non-duality...
Jul 15 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddhism and Racism

Serial: BZ-00058B

Saturday Lecture

Discrimination, Diversity, Hate, American, Non-discrimination, Religion, Doubt,...
Jul 08 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Interview of Sojun

Don't Know Mind, Doubt, Culture, Religion, Conversation, Hate, Manjushri,...
Jun 12 2000

Ignoring and Being Ignored

Serial: BZ-00208B

Women's sesshin lecture

Anger, Culture, Impermanence, Ego, Intimacy, Enemies, Observe, Conversation, Hate,...
Apr 02 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Women Ancestors

Chanting, Lineage, Buddha Ancestors, Diversity, Ordination, Precepts, Hate, Vow, War...
Apr 01 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Zen and Pschotherapy

Birth-and-Death, Sanctuary, Lay Ordination, Ego, Hate, Family Practice, Book of...
May 22 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Zazengi (Pt. 2)

Serial: BZ-00070B

One-Day Sitting

Zazengi, Concentration, Samadhi, Equanimity, Mindfulness, Hate, Ego, Attachment, Big...
Mar 28 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddhism and Diversity

Diversity, Separation, Hate, Right Speech, Culture, War, training, Gratitude, Non-...
Feb 27 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

World Faiths’ Dialogue with the World Bank

War, Precepts, Separation, Culture, Religion, Building, Renunciation, Hate, Doubt,...
Jan 09 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Guidelines For Studying The Way (Pt.1)

Serial: BZ-00187

Rohatsu Day 7

Dogen, Big Mind, New Year, Ordinary Mind, Interview, Building, Enemies, Observe, Hate...
Dec 06 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s Guidelines for Studying the Way

Serial: BZ-00840

Part 1 of 4

Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Continuous Practice, Hate, Six Realms, Attachment,...
Oct 29 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Koun Ejo's Commentary - Ummon's Radiant Light

Serial: BZ-00438B

Saturday Lecture

Koun Ejô, Ummon, Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Subject-and-Object, Samadhi,...
Oct 11 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Building a Sustainable Future

Gratitude, Karma, Hate, Culture, Renewal, American, Humility, Interdependence,...
Aug 08 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen & Sojun on Oryoki

Serial: BZ-00344B

One-Day Sitting

Oryoki, Dogen, Observe, Rinzai, Silence, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Hate,...
Mar 22 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

May 15th, 1997, Serial No. 01457

Precepts, Offering, Evil, Anger, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Addiction, Sixth Patriarch...
May 15 1997

Faith/Belief, Death

Serial: BZ-00361A

Saturday Lecture

Faith, Death, Religion, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Evil, Hate, War
Mar 29 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi: Can't Find Oneness; Finding Our True Personality

Serial: BZ-00793A

Sesshin Day 2

Hongzhi, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Constancy, Emotions, Posture, Don't Know Mind,...
Sep 01 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice in the USA

Anger, Impermanence, Hate, American, Ordination, Chanting, Vow, Karma, Samsara,...
Aug 03 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

18 Points of Practice, Ego, Acceptance of Your Situation

Serial: BZ-00798A

Saturday Lecture

Ego, Ego, resistance, Non-duality, Hate, Precepts, Posture, Attachment
Jul 14 1996
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00818B


Bodhidharma, Monastic Practice, Peace, Hate, Ego, Silence, Happiness, Thoroughness,...
Nov 25 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #11

Serial: BZ-00823A

Sesshin Day 3

BCR-11, Teacher-and-Student, Attachment, Hate, Doubt, American, Anger, Politics,...
Sep 04 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

The Double Bind of Practice

Serial: BZ-00825A

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Nirvana, Emotions, resistance, Happiness, Impermanence, Attachment, Aspects...
Aug 19 1995
Berkeley Zen Center
