Hate Talks
Showing 246 talks
Title | Speaker | |
February 2nd, 2005, Serial No. 00586 Ego, Hate, Precious Mirror, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Culture, Greed,... |
Feb 02 2005 |
September 11, 2001 Anniversary; Victims on Both SidesSerial: BZ-01246 Following in the Steps of the British and Roman Empires, Saturday Lecture Karma, Karma, American, War, Equanimity, Emotions, Evil, Building, Lineage, confusion... |
Sep 11 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Guidelines for Studying the Way: Dogen’s Gakudo Yojin-ShuSerial: BZ-01025B Class 4 of 5 Emotions, Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Posture, Hate, Passions, confusion,... |
Jun 03 2004 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
As Large as Life: Zen Koans for Everyday Practice; Mumonkan Case #12 Ruiyan Calls “Master”Serial: BZ-01020B Class 3 of 4 Monastic Practice, Birth-and-Death, Buddha's Birthday, Mindfulness, Cultivation... |
Mar 08 2004 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Digging Deep: Getting to the Bottom of the Soup PotSerial: BZ-01250 Getting to the Bottom of Ourselves, Sesshin Day 3 Buddha Nature, Happiness, Dragons, confusion, Bowing, Liberation, Discrimination,... |
Feb 16 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case # 82Serial: BZ-01349C Eternal Moment: Time, Transformation and Two Truths, Saturday Lecture Time, Two Truths, BCR-82, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Blue Cliff Record, Non-... |
Jul 19 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
Book of Serenity, Case #21: Yun-Yen Sweeps the Ground, One Thing at a TimeSerial: BZ-00136B Lecture Practice Period, Hate, Book of Serenity, Soto Zen, Vow, Culture, Mindfulness,... |
May 24 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
Untitled Talk Culture, War, Liberation, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Building, Diversity,... |
May 14 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Spirit of Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-01527B Saturday Lecture Practice Period, Practice Period, Aspects of Practice, Enemies, Lay, Commitment,... |
May 03 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
Basic Buddhism: Refuges, Marks, PoisonsSerial: BZ-00465 Class 2 of 4 Four Noble Truths, Greed, Hate, Sangha, Six Realms, Religion, Doubt, Absolute-and-... |
Feb 27 2003 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Peach MarchSerial: BZ-00181B Sesshin Day 3 Peace, War, Peace, Daily Life, Diversity, Conversation, Building, Intimacy, Enemies,... |
Feb 17 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
15 Sutras from the Old Way: Meghiya (Friendship)Serial: BZ-00457 Class 4 of 5 Right Speech, Attachment, Impermanence, Lovingkindness, Commitment, Cultivation,... |
Oct 03 2002 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Readings from “Windbell” the BookSerial: BZ-00154B Lecture Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Dragons, Big Mind, Hate, American, Instruction, Soto... |
Jul 20 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
ComplainingSerial: BZ-00145A Women's Sitting Death-and-Dying, true dharma, Liberation, Vow, Anger, Hate, Rinzai, Enemies, Soto Zen... |
Apr 20 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s Kokyo: The Eternal MirrorSerial: BZ-00471 Class 3 of 4 Sanctuary, Non-attachment, Bell, Separation, Hate, Duality, Doubt, War, Peace,... |
Feb 07 2002 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Martin Luther King Jr.: Buddhist ThemesSerial: BZ-00061A Lecture Enemies, Hate, Evil, Non-violence, Religion, Separation, Karma, Birth-and-Death,... |
Jan 19 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
EnlightenmentSerial: BZ-00065A Rohatsu Day 7 Enlightenment, Ordinary Mind, Discrimination, Daily Life, Instruction, Thoroughness,... |
Dec 08 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Events of September 11, 2001Serial: BZ-00091 What To Do, Saturday Lecture Current Events, Greed, Patience, Aspects of Practice, Karma, Practice Period,... |
Sep 22 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Totally GroundedSerial: BZ-00106A Sesshin Day 4 First Principle, Samadhi, Hate, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Anger, Karma, Demons... |
Jun 23 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Memories of Maylie Four Noble Truths, Right Speech, Peace, Daily Life, American, Priest, Silence,... |
May 12 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zendo CookingSerial: BZ-00483 Class 3 of 4 Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period, Hate, Offering, Forgiveness,... |
2001 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zendo CookingSerial: BZ-00485 Class 1 of 4 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Conversation, Instruction, Monastic Practice, Bell,... |
2001 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
OryokiSerial: BZ-00126A Rohatsu Day 3 Oryoki, Priest, Continuous Practice, Lay, Chanting, confusion, Hate, Building... |
Dec 06 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Birth and Death: Dogen’s Zenki and ShojiSerial: BZ-00486 Class 4 of 4 Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Nirvana, Hate, Samsara, Darkness and Light, Six... |
Nov 30 2000 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
How Love Drives the WorldSerial: BZ-00122B Saturday Lecture Love, Emotions, Hate, Anger, Buddha Nature, War, Ego, Attachment, Peace, Cultivation... |
Nov 04 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Rules for Being Human--Opening of Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-00122A One-Day Sitting Obstacles, Karma, Enthusiasm, Vow, Don't Know Mind, confusion, Hate, Offering,... |
Oct 29 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Abhidharma, Six Factors, Two AspectsSerial: BZ-00121B Saturday Lecture Abhidharma, Intuition, Practice Period, Composure, Hate, Building, Anger, Samadhi,... |
Oct 28 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #2Serial: BZ-00083A Nondiscriminating Mind within Discrimination, Sesshin Day 3 Discrimination, BCR-2, Discrimination, Dragons, Non-discrimination, Attachment, Hsin... |
Sep 04 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Sixth Precept "No Fault Finding"Serial: BZ-00059 Saturday Lecture Precepts, Big Mind, Anger, Hate, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Evil, Daily Life, Non-duality... |
Jul 15 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddhism and RacismSerial: BZ-00058B Saturday Lecture Discrimination, Diversity, Hate, American, Non-discrimination, Religion, Doubt,... |
Jul 08 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Interview of Sojun Don't Know Mind, Doubt, Culture, Religion, Conversation, Hate, Manjushri,... |
Jun 12 2000 |
Ignoring and Being IgnoredSerial: BZ-00208B Women's sesshin lecture Anger, Culture, Impermanence, Ego, Intimacy, Enemies, Observe, Conversation, Hate,... |
Apr 02 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Women Ancestors Chanting, Lineage, Buddha Ancestors, Diversity, Ordination, Precepts, Hate, Vow, War... |
Apr 01 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zen and Pschotherapy Birth-and-Death, Sanctuary, Lay Ordination, Ego, Hate, Family Practice, Book of... |
May 22 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Zazengi (Pt. 2)Serial: BZ-00070B One-Day Sitting Zazengi, Concentration, Samadhi, Equanimity, Mindfulness, Hate, Ego, Attachment, Big... |
Mar 28 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddhism and Diversity Diversity, Separation, Hate, Right Speech, Culture, War, training, Gratitude, Non-... |
Feb 27 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
World Faiths’ Dialogue with the World Bank War, Precepts, Separation, Culture, Religion, Building, Renunciation, Hate, Doubt,... |
Jan 09 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Guidelines For Studying The Way (Pt.1)Serial: BZ-00187 Rohatsu Day 7 Dogen, Big Mind, New Year, Ordinary Mind, Interview, Building, Enemies, Observe, Hate... |
Dec 06 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s Guidelines for Studying the WaySerial: BZ-00840 Part 1 of 4 Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Continuous Practice, Hate, Six Realms, Attachment,... |
Oct 29 1998 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Koun Ejo's Commentary - Ummon's Radiant LightSerial: BZ-00438B Saturday Lecture Koun Ejô, Ummon, Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Subject-and-Object, Samadhi,... |
Oct 11 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Building a Sustainable Future Gratitude, Karma, Hate, Culture, Renewal, American, Humility, Interdependence,... |
Aug 08 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen & Sojun on OryokiSerial: BZ-00344B One-Day Sitting Oryoki, Dogen, Observe, Rinzai, Silence, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Hate,... |
Mar 22 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 15th, 1997, Serial No. 01457 Precepts, Offering, Evil, Anger, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Addiction, Sixth Patriarch... |
May 15 1997 |
Faith/Belief, DeathSerial: BZ-00361A Saturday Lecture Faith, Death, Religion, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Evil, Hate, War |
Mar 29 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Hongzhi: Can't Find Oneness; Finding Our True PersonalitySerial: BZ-00793A Sesshin Day 2 Hongzhi, Oneness, Buddha Nature, Constancy, Emotions, Posture, Don't Know Mind,... |
Sep 01 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice in the USA Anger, Impermanence, Hate, American, Ordination, Chanting, Vow, Karma, Samsara,... |
Aug 03 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
18 Points of Practice, Ego, Acceptance of Your SituationSerial: BZ-00798A Saturday Lecture Ego, Ego, resistance, Non-duality, Hate, Precepts, Posture, Attachment |
Jul 14 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
DisendarkmentSerial: BZ-00818B Lecture Bodhidharma, Monastic Practice, Peace, Hate, Ego, Silence, Happiness, Thoroughness,... |
Nov 25 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #11Serial: BZ-00823A Sesshin Day 3 BCR-11, Teacher-and-Student, Attachment, Hate, Doubt, American, Anger, Politics,... |
Sep 04 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Double Bind of PracticeSerial: BZ-00825A Saturday Lecture Practice, Nirvana, Emotions, resistance, Happiness, Impermanence, Attachment, Aspects... |
Aug 19 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |