Hate Talks
Title | Speaker | |
The Question of LoveSerial: BZ-02243 Zen Lesson in the Art of Leadership, Saturday Lecture Partiality and Impartiality
Lovingkindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, Equanimity, Attachment, Big Mind,... |
May 26 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
We Are All Buddhas Lotus Sutra, Anger, Aspects of Practice, Daily Life, Culture, Conversation, Hate,... |
Nov 12 2011 |
Sep 11, 2022Serial: BZ-02204 Karma, Saturday Lecture Responding vs. reacting, Owning our own dark side
Bodhisattva, Karma, American, Hate, Culture, War, Evil, Greed, Vow, Peace, causation... |
Sep 10 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Daitzu Jisho BuddhaSerial: BZ-02180 Zazen, Saturday Lecture Ordinary Mind, Gaining Idea, Perfect Wisdom, Bodhidharma, Intuition, resistance, Hate... |
May 28 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Four Noble TruthsSerial: BZ-02163 Routine and Depression, Saturday Lecture Suffering, Faith, Karma, Death-and-Dying, Four Noble Truths, Hate, Liberation, Daily... |
Mar 05 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Going Beyond Teachers and Ourselves Half-Smile, Study Period, resistance, Instruction, Patience, Practice Period, Hate,... |
Jan 22 2011 |
The Simile of the Saw Evil, Anger, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Instruction, Hate, Precepts, Ego,... |
Oct 23 2010 |
Things I Have Faith In Right Effort, Blue Cliff Record, Oneness, New Year, Big Mind, Samadhi, resistance,... |
Aug 21 2010 |
Ryokan ClassSerial: BZ-02119 Teaching class 2 of 2 Offering, Posture, Passions, Transmission, training, Priest, Hate, Doubt, Peace,... |
Aug 14 2010 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Taking, Giving, and Receiving Precepts, Buddha Nature, resistance, Conversation, Hate, Vow, Karma, Attachment... |
Jul 17 2010 |
Taking Refuge Attachment, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Hate, Soto Zen, Anger, Fox, Demons, Impermanence... |
Mar 13 2010 |
The Landscape of the Self Attachment, Non-attachment, Ego, Anger, Hate, Composure, Patience, Bowing, resistance... |
Aug 29 2009 |
The Swastika as MandalaSerial: BZ-02046 Sesshin Day 5 Politics, Evil, Happiness, Mandala, Interview, resistance, Transmission, Hate,... |
Jun 21 2009 Berkeley Zen Center |
Continuous PracticeSerial: BZ-02044 Shuso talk Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Conversation, Intimacy, Happiness, Passions,... |
Jun 19 2009 |
Five Hindrances - Especially Restlessness Concentration, Hindrances, Forgiveness, Anger, Don't Know Mind, Avalokiteshvara... |
Apr 11 2009 |
Zen Compassion Passions, Emotions, Anger, Four Noble Truths, Book of Serenity, Five Ranks, Hate,... |
Mar 07 2009 |
Platform Sutra. Hui Neng. Commentary on Poem in Section on PraianaSerial: BZ-01083B Rohatus, Day 7, second tape Attachment, Karma, Ego, Big Mind, Non-attachment, Hindrances, Continuous Practice,... |
Dec 13 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Everyday Practice; Serial No. 01160, Side BSerial: BZ-01160B Women's sesshin Precepts, Greed, Separation, Vow, Silence, Hate, Offering, Culture, Instruction,... |
Sep 21 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 23rd, 2008, Serial No. 01152 Teacher-and-Student, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Commitment, War, Harmonizing,... |
Aug 23 2008 |
June 28th, 2008, Serial No. 01144 Discrimination, Practice Period, Anger, Non-discrimination, Funeral, Enemies,... |
Jun 28 2008 |
March 24th, 2008, Serial No. 01122 Oneness, Observe, Lineage, Mindfulness, Hate, Demons, Bowing, Non-duality, Greed... |
Mar 24 2008 |
RyokanSerial: BZ-01111 Teaching Retreat part 2 of 2 Offering, Silence, New Year, Hate, Passions, Separation, Conversation, Peace,... |
Jan 26 2008 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 19th, 2008, Serial No. 01109, Side B Bell, Daily Life, Hate, Culture, Emotions, Ego, Impermanence, Liberation, Silence,... |
Jan 19 2008 |
Our Sphere of PracticeSerial: BZ-01103 Nonseparation of Zazen and Worldly Activity, Rohatsu Day 5 Practice, Politics, Zazen, War, SER-12, War, Diversity, Evil, Religion, Building,... |
Dec 06 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
December 5th, 2007, Serial No. 01102, Side B Samadhi, Birth-and-Death, Non-duality, Hindrances, Evil, Nirvana, Hate, Building, War... |
Dec 05 2007 |
November 24th, 2007, Serial No. 01097 Hsin Hsin Ming, Oneness, Ego, Peace, Karma, Addiction, Hate, Doubt, Subject-and-... |
Nov 24 2007 |
July 28th, 2007, Serial No. 00987 Culture, Interview, Hate, War, training |
Jul 28 2007 |
Responding with Openness to Love and HateSerial: BZ-01445 And Other Opposites, Saturday Lecture Love, Hate, Composure, Hate, Teacher-and-Student, Attachment, Precepts, Equanimity,... |
Jun 30 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Seigen Gyoshi asks Daikan Eno about:Serial: BZ-01441 Falling Into Classifications, Sesshin Day 2 Seigen Gyoshi, Daikan Eno, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Four Noble Truths, Teacher-... |
Jun 21 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Attachment and Non-attachmentSerial: BZ-01428 Blue Cliff Record: Case #2 Nansen's "What is the Way?", Saturday Lecture Attachment, Non-attachment, Nansen, Mumonkan, BCR-2, Attachment, Diversity, Ordinary... |
Mar 31 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Letter and Spirit of Rules and RegulationSerial: BZ-01427 Dogen's Eihei Shingi, Saturday Lecture Brahmaviharas, Equanimity, Passions, Hate, Religion, Buddha Nature, Ego, Big Mind,... |
Mar 24 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sojun Gives Chanting InstructionSerial: BZ-01051 Class Chanting, Bell, Hate |
Mar 03 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Acupuncture Point of Zazen: Beating the cart or beating the horseSerial: BZ-01423 Saturday Lecture Zazenshin, Dogen, Lineage, Separation, Dharma Transmission, Dogen, Transmission,... |
Mar 03 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice in the New Year: This is It!Serial: BZ-01411 Saturday Lecture Practice, New Year, confusion, Birth-and-Death, Instruction, Ordinary Mind, Hate,... |
Jan 13 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Gratitude for AdversitySerial: BZ-01400B The Nun and the Stars, Saturday Lecture Gratitude, Composure, Non-duality, Hate, Enemies, Continuous Practice, War, Anger... |
Nov 25 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 29th, 2006, Serial No. 01176, Side B Heart Sutra, Anger, Forgiveness, Precepts, Practice Period, Patience, Hate, Karma,... |
Jul 29 2006 |
Commentary on "Komyo-zo Zammai" by Koun EjôSerial: BZ-01174 Storehouse of Radiant Light Samadhi, One-Day Sitting Koun Ejô, Concentration, Samadhi, Hate, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Liberation,... |
Jul 16 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Suffering: How We Create ItSerial: BZ-01171 The Meaning of Forgiveness and How We Free Ourselves, Saturday Lecture Suffering, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Anger, Emotions, Hate, War, training,... |
Jun 24 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 28th, 2006, Serial No. 01212 Aspects of Practice, Light-and-Darkness, Right Speech, Five Ranks, Non-duality,... |
Jan 28 2006 |
Buddhanature Is LightSerial: BZ-01206 Komyozo Zammai; Dogen and Keizan, Rohatsu Day 6 Buddha Nature, Dogen, Keizan, Buddha Ancestors, Buddha Nature, Continuous Practice,... |
Dec 03 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 3rd, 2005, Serial No. 01037, Side A Vow, Precepts, Zoom, Beginners, Composure, Enemies, Evil, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Nov 03 2005 |
Changing Our Karma Karma, Offering, Conversation, Vow, Politics, Happiness, Hate, Duality, Culture,... |
Oct 29 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #3Serial: BZ-01194B Gutei's One Finger, Saturday Lecture Gutei, MM-3, Renewal, Sanctuary, Rinzai, Bodhidharma, Hindrances, confusion, Hate,... |
Oct 22 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #2Serial: BZ-01193 Joshu's "Don't Know", Saturday Lecture Joshu, BCR-2, Attachment, Discrimination, Non-attachment, Hate, Duality, Building,... |
Oct 15 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Hui Neng, Sixth AncestorSerial: BZ-01189 Gatha of the Platform Sutra, Saturday Lecture Hui Neng, Platform Sutra, Composure, training, Platform Sutra, Attachment, Hate,... |
Sep 24 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Find Out for YourselfSerial: BZ-00576 Lecture Precepts, Duality, Instruction, Subject-and-Object, Discrimination, Oneness,... |
Jul 17 2005 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
June 24th, 2005, Serial No. 01331 resistance, Constancy, Interdependence, Bodhidharma, Conversation, Hate, War... |
Jun 24 2005 |
On RaceSerial: BZ-00601 Sesshin Day 7 Diversity, Culture, Lay, Discrimination, Hate, Soto Zen, Silence, confusion, Bell,... |
Mar 29 2005 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Way Seeking Mind Pt. 1Serial: BZ-00591 Lecture 1 of 4 Sojun Mel Weitsman, Way-Seeking Mind, War, Platform Sutra, Hate, Building, Posture,... |
Mar 08 2005 1 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
March 8th, 2005, Serial No. 01573, Side A War, Platform Sutra, Building, Hate, Posture, American, Ego |
Mar 08 2005 |