Anger Talks

Anger, also known as wrath (UK: ROTH) or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong, uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt, or threat.

A person experiencing anger will often experience physical effects, such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Some view anger as an emotion that triggers part of the fight or flight response. Anger becomes the predominant feeling behaviorally, cognitively, and physiologically when a person makes the conscious choice to take action to immediately stop the threatening behavior of another outside force.

Anger can have many physical and mental consequences. The external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses, and at times public acts of aggression. Facial expressions can range from inward angling of the eyebrows to a full frown. While most of those who experience anger explain its arousal as a result of "what has happened to them", psychologists point out that an angry person can very well be mistaken because anger causes a loss in self-monitoring capacity and objective observability.

Modern psychologists view anger as a normal, natural, and mature emotion experienced by virtually all humans at times, and as something that has functional value for survival. Uncontrolled anger can negatively affect personal or social well-being and negatively impact those around them. While many philosophers and writers have warned against the spontaneous and uncontrolled fits of anger, there has been disagreement over the intrinsic value of anger. The issue of dealing with anger has been written about since the times of the earliest philosophers, but modern psychologists, in contrast to earlier writers, have also pointed out the possible harmful effects of suppressing anger.

From anger on Wikipedia

Showing 428 talks

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Title Speaker

Zazen Practice: Intention; Getting to Zendo and Seeing Reality

Serial: BZ-00965A


Family Practice, Posture, Precepts, Perfect Wisdom, Daily Life, Sangha, Anger,...
Mar 05 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Mindwaves, Unconsciousness: Taking the Posture Not One, Not Two

Serial: BZ-00981A

One day sitting

Karma, Big Mind, Posture, Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Daily Life, Anger,...
Jan 22 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Gateways to Liberation: Dogen’s “Plum Blossoms” and Oryoki

Serial: BZ-00660A


Big Mind, Buddha Mind, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Posture, Anger, Oneness,...
Nov 13 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Nagarajuna and Dogen on Buddhanature

Serial: BZ-00659B

Happiness, Reward, and Love, One-Day Sitting

Buddha Nature, Happiness, Love, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Daily Life...
Nov 07 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi: Cultivating the Empty Field

Serial: BZ-00656B

The Backward Step, The Upright Cauldron, Saturday Lecture

Hongzhi, Silent Illumination, Pure Existence, Anger, Instruction, Teacher-and-Student...
Oct 09 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mind and Heart of Practice in Daily Life

Serial: BZ-00627B


training, Oneness, Anger, Enemies, Lineage, Evil, Hate, Precepts, Posture, Religion...
Aug 28 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mind and Body in Zen and Yoga Practice

Serial: BZ-00627A


Posture, Concentration, Instruction, Anger, Lay, Duality, training, Beginners, Sangha...
Aug 21 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Fukan Zazen-gi: Dust and Cataracts are the Flowers of Emptiness

Serial: BZ-00654A


Anger, Instruction, Emotions, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Concentration,...
Jul 24 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Zuigan's Wake Up Call

Serial: BZ-00668A

Saturday Lecture

Zuigan, War, Greed, Daily Life, Oneness, Hate, Offering, Doubt, Anger, Karma, Ego...
Jul 10 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Zazengi II

Serial: BZ-00652A

Sesshin Day 3

Fukanzazengi, Concentration, Posture, Subject-and-Object, Observe, Samadhi, Daily...
Jun 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Fukanaazengi: Zazen Instructions

Serial: BZ-00653A

Sesshin Day 1

Fukanzazengi, Zazen, Posture, Concentration, Anger, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jun 09 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Introduction to Buddhism

Serial: BZ-00270

Class 6 of 6

Four Noble Truths, Enemies, Mahayana, Impermanence, Anger, Attachment, Monastic...
Apr 22 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Non-Attachment as Distinct from Detachment

Serial: BZ-00662B

One-Day Sitting

Non-attachment, Attachment, Peace, Commitment, Passions, Pure Existence, Observe,...
Apr 10 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mindfulness: the Satipattana Sutra

Serial: BZ-00662A


Mindfulness, Observe, Daily Life, Separation, Concentration, Posture, Duality,...
Mar 27 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Introduction to Buddhism

Serial: BZ-00263

Class 1 of 6

Four Noble Truths, Culture, Nirvana, Religion, Karma, Enthusiasm, Anger, Hindrances,...
Mar 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Ten Precepts: Eighth and Ninth Precepts

Serial: BZ-00620

Class 5 of 6

Anger, Precepts, Emotions, Bowing, Vow, Gratitude, Ordination, Culture, Greed,...
Feb 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Ten Precepts: Speech

Serial: BZ-00619

Class 4 of 6

Precepts, Anger, Right Speech, Intimacy, Buddha Mind, Repentance, Vow, true dharma,...
Feb 04 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

What is Meant by Saving All Beings?

Serial: BZ-00648A

Hui Neng, The Platform Sutra, One-Day Sitting

Hui Neng, Bodhisattva Vow, Platform Sutra, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature,...
Jan 31 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Practicing with Problems and Demons

Serial: BZ-01519

Monkey, It's a Wonderful Life, Saturday Lecture

Practice, Demons, New Year, Anger, Monkey Mind, Offering, Repentance, Hindrances,...
Jan 02 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Folk Tale of the Woman and the Crescent Moon Bear

Serial: BZ-00641B


Obstacles, Anger, Vow, Four Noble Truths, War, Absolute-and-Relative, Bodhisattva Vow...
Oct 23 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Paramitas: Sila (Virtue) and Kshanti (Patience)

Serial: BZ-00612

Class 3 of 6

Anger, Precepts, Patience, Ordinary Mind, Enemies, Emotions, Dependent Origination,...
Oct 01 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Family, Friends, and Practice

Serial: BZ-00636A

Sesshin Day 1

Family Practice, Mundane Life, Family Practice, Daily Life, American, Anger,...
Sep 05 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #45: Who Is that Other?

Serial: BZ-00711B

Buddha and Maitreya Are Servants to Another, Saturday Lecture

Buddha, Maitreya, MM-45, Ego, Anger, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative, Bodhisattva...
Jun 13 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00712B


Silence, confusion, Emotions, Anger, Greed, Funeral, Discrimination, Conversation,...
May 09 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Enthusiasm on the Path

Serial: BZ-00710A


Four Foundations, Enthusiasm, Mindfulness, American, Peace, Emotions, Anger
May 03 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

After the King Verdict

Serial: BZ-00712A

Saturday Lecture

Current Events, Karma, Culture, Peace, War, training, Offering, American, confusion,...
May 02 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Attention, Thought, Faith, Knowledge

Serial: BZ-00679A


Concentration, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Anger, Patience, Enemies,...
Apr 04 1992
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00677B

Reminiscences of the Old Days, Sesshin Day 2

Ordination, Priest, Precepts, Lay, Priest-and-Lay, Ordination, Bodhisattva Precepts,...
Mar 18 1992
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00958B

One-Day Sitting

Ordination, Priest, Precepts, Priest-and-Lay, Lay, Ordination, Anger, Bodhisattva...
Mar 15 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Numerous Dharma Gates: Elementary School Buddhists

Serial: BZ-00685A


Vow, Mindfulness, Right Speech, Right Effort, Concentration, Daily Life, Peace, Anger...
Feb 22 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Introduction to Buddhism: Heart Sutra, Emptiness

Serial: BZ-00278

Class 5 of 5

Heart Sutra, Dependent Origination, Bell, Practice Period, Chanting, Bodhisattva...
Feb 20 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen Instruction

Serial: BZ-00682B


Zazen, Instruction, Priest, Bowing, Posture, Passions, Concentration, Anger,...
Jan 09 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Compassionate Practice with Tibetan Flavor

Serial: BZ-00681B


Attachment, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisattva Way, Vow, Offering, Ego, Bodhisattva...
Dec 21 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00693B

Rohatsu Day 7

Religion, Ordinary Mind, Discrimination, Duality, Don't Know Mind, Greed,...
Dec 07 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Avatamsaka Sutra: The Ten Stages; Awareness and Acceptance

Serial: BZ-00272

Class 3 of 4

Soto Zen, Concentration, Liberation, Karma, Obstacles, Four Noble Truths, Commitment...
Nov 21 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Tozan's Five Ranks

Serial: BZ-00730


Continuous Practice, Observe, Silent Illumination, Buddha Nature, Anger, Ego, Five...
Nov 20 1991

Encountering the True Dragon

Serial: BZ-00704A


Dragons, Anger, Beginners, Posture, Culture, War, Sangha, Interview, Bowing, Lineage...
Nov 16 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Hui-Neng's Verse to Monk and Laity

Serial: BZ-00703A

Fault Finding, One-Day Sitting

Hui Neng, Precepts, Platform Sutra, Passions, Posture, Hindrances, Lay, Sixth...
Nov 04 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Metta Sutta

Serial: BZ-00715A


Enemies, Anger, Mahayana, Equanimity, Greed, Lovingkindness, Happiness, Peace,...
Sep 07 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Mindfulness Straight Through

Serial: BZ-00971B


Renunciation, Four Noble Truths, Mindfulness, Mill Valley, Four Foundations, Anger,...
Aug 03 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Time-Being

Serial: BZ-00966A

Sesshin Day 1

Time-Being, Dream World, Pure Existence, Doubt, Peace, Non-discrimination, Intuition...
Jun 26 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00726

Lecture part 2, part 1 is missing

Hindrances, Addiction, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Anger, Doubt, Lay, Ego,...
May 13 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: Thoughts on Emptiness

Serial: BZ-00264

Class 4 of 4

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Subject-and-Object, Evil, Bell...
Feb 28 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: Skanda, Form and Emptiness

Serial: BZ-00265

Class 3 of 4

Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Anger, Passions, Skandas, Four Noble Truths, causation,...
Feb 21 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: The Sutra’s Place in History

Serial: BZ-00267

Class 1 of 4

Heart Sutra, Chanting, Avalokiteshvara, Monastic Practice, Lineage, Practice Period,...
Feb 07 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Mideast Crisis

Serial: BZ-00687B

Discussion led by Alan Senauke, Saturday Lecture

Current Events, War, Peace, Avalokiteshvara, Enemies, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Building...
Jan 12 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva’s Four Ways of Guidance: Reasonableness and Responsiveness

Serial: BZ-00687A


confusion, Blue Cliff Record, Bodhidharma, Evil, Aspects of Practice, Silence, Right...
Jan 05 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Shikantaza: Being Present

Serial: BZ-00699A


Concentration, Soto Zen, Instruction, Anger, Hate, Family Practice, Posture, Emotions...
Dec 15 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Dedicate to World Peace

Serial: BZ-00696B

Starts with Ourself, Rohatsu Day 1

Peace, Anger, War, Enemies, stubbornness, Hate, Building, Emotions, Greed, Continuous...
Dec 02 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

The Eightfold Path

Serial: BZ-00695A

One-Day Sitting

Eightfold Path, Concentration, Right Speech, Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, Right...
Nov 11 1990
Berkeley Zen Center
