Anger Talks

Anger, also known as wrath (UK: ROTH) or rage, is an intense emotional state involving a strong, uncomfortable and non-cooperative response to a perceived provocation, hurt, or threat.

A person experiencing anger will often experience physical effects, such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Some view anger as an emotion that triggers part of the fight or flight response. Anger becomes the predominant feeling behaviorally, cognitively, and physiologically when a person makes the conscious choice to take action to immediately stop the threatening behavior of another outside force.

Anger can have many physical and mental consequences. The external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses, and at times public acts of aggression. Facial expressions can range from inward angling of the eyebrows to a full frown. While most of those who experience anger explain its arousal as a result of "what has happened to them", psychologists point out that an angry person can very well be mistaken because anger causes a loss in self-monitoring capacity and objective observability.

Modern psychologists view anger as a normal, natural, and mature emotion experienced by virtually all humans at times, and as something that has functional value for survival. Uncontrolled anger can negatively affect personal or social well-being and negatively impact those around them. While many philosophers and writers have warned against the spontaneous and uncontrolled fits of anger, there has been disagreement over the intrinsic value of anger. The issue of dealing with anger has been written about since the times of the earliest philosophers, but modern psychologists, in contrast to earlier writers, have also pointed out the possible harmful effects of suppressing anger.

From anger on Wikipedia

Showing 428 talks

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Title Speaker

Zazen: It’s Good For Nothing, Thief in an Empty Room

Serial: BZ-00062B


uchiyama, Peace, Blue Cliff Record, Zazen Mind, Book of Serenity, Soto Zen, Dragons,...
Feb 09 2002
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00061B

Saturday Lecture

Forgiveness, Anger, Forgiveness, Equanimity, Evil, Attachment, Precepts, Politics,...
Jan 26 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Sixth and Seventh Precepts and Contention

Serial: BZ-00066B

One-Day Sitting

Precepts, Anger, Precepts, stubbornness, Separation, Subject-and-Object, Attachment,...
Jan 12 2002
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00063B

Rohatsu Day 6

Ego, Precepts, Ego, Anger, Chanting, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Vinaya, Posture,...
Dec 07 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #86

Serial: BZ-00064B

Rohatsu Day 4

BCR-86, Meal Serving, Samadhi, Ego, Big Mind, Addiction, Chanting, Precepts, Religion...
Dec 05 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Aspects of Practice: Opening Day

Serial: BZ-00092B

One Day Sitting

Bodhisattva Vow, Aspects of Practice, Vow, Blue Cliff Record, Practice Period,...
Sep 30 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Yogacara Dharmas

Serial: BZ-00088B

Four Unfixed Dharmas, Sesshin Day 1

Yogachara, Birth-and-Death, Precious Mirror, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Study Period,...
Sep 01 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

One Hundred Dharmas

Serial: BZ-00087A

Saturday Lecture

Anger, Ego, Greed, Patience, Enthusiasm, Renunciation, Mandala, Skandas, confusion,...
Aug 11 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Untitled Talk

Beginners, Culture, Bell, Aspects of Practice, resistance, Daily Life, Posture, Anger...
Aug 04 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Ten Beneficial Dharmas

Serial: BZ-00084A

Saturday Lecture

Anger, Karma, Doubt, Greed, Equanimity, Renunciation, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, Sixth...
Jul 21 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Totally Grounded

Serial: BZ-00106A

Sesshin Day 4

First Principle, Samadhi, Hate, Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Anger, Karma, Demons...
Jun 23 2001
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00101A

Saturday Lecture

Breath, Maylie Scott, Daily Life, Liberation, Harmonizing, Practice Period, Don'...
May 19 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Three Natures

Serial: BZ-00099B

Saturday Lecture

Pure Existence, Daily Life, Big Mind, Two Truths, Discrimination, Ego, confusion,...
Mar 24 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence of Mind & the Five Hinderances

Serial: BZ-00130A

One-Day Sitting

Hindrances, Hindrances, Daily Life, Doubt, Big Mind, Nirvana, Attachment, Buddha...
Feb 19 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Never Disparaging

Lotus Sutra, Bowing, Discrimination, Anger, Karma, Happiness, Evil, Nirvana,...
Jan 27 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Tozan and Aspects of Self

Practice Period, Giving-and-Taking, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Soto Zen, Building...
Nov 25 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

How Love Drives the World

Serial: BZ-00122B

Saturday Lecture

Love, Emotions, Hate, Anger, Buddha Nature, War, Ego, Attachment, Peace, Cultivation...
Nov 04 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Abhidharma, Six Factors, Two Aspects

Serial: BZ-00121B

Saturday Lecture

Abhidharma, Intuition, Practice Period, Composure, Hate, Building, Anger, Samadhi,...
Oct 28 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentary

Serial: BZ-00916

Class 4 of 5

Anger, Karma, Attachment, Nirvana, Liberation, Obstacles, Four Noble Truths, Vow,...
Oct 07 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentary

Serial: BZ-00917

Class 2 of 5

Offering, Attachment, Passions, Anger, Karma, Nirvana, Nirvana Sutra, Impermanence,...
Sep 23 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Sixth Precept "No Fault Finding"

Serial: BZ-00059

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Big Mind, Anger, Hate, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Evil, Daily Life, Non-duality...
Jul 15 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Ignoring and Being Ignored

Serial: BZ-00208B

Women's sesshin lecture

Anger, Culture, Impermanence, Ego, Intimacy, Enemies, Observe, Conversation, Hate,...
Apr 02 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Joshu Asks: “Use or Be Used”

Serial: BZ-00206B

Sesshin Day One

Ordinary Mind, Anger, Lay, Evil, Posture, Interdependence, Rinzai, Patience, Vow,...
Mar 24 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddha's Parinirvana/His Last Teaching

Serial: BZ-00204A

The 8 Awarenesses of an Enlightened Being, Saturday Lecture

Parinirvana, Eight Awarenesses, Enlightenment, Eight Awarenesses, Anger, Samadhi,...
Feb 19 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Attachment and Death

Impermanence, Attachment, Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Practice Period, Tassajara...
Feb 05 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00202B

Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Anger, Duality, Branching Streams, Composure, Happiness...
Jan 29 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Precious Mirror Samadhi: The Five Ranks

Serial: BZ-00928

Class 7 of 8

Five Ranks, Discrimination, Subject-and-Object, Big Mind, Precious Mirror, Nirvana...
Nov 11 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Precious Jewel Mirror Samadhi, 7 of 8

Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Five Ranks, Discrimination, Mandala, Subject-and-Object,...
Nov 11 1999
7 of 8

Marathon Practice of Intention

Serial: BZ-00199B

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Intention, Renunciation, Subject-and-Object, Big Mind, Zazen Mind,...
Nov 06 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Precious Mirror Samadhi, 2 0f 8

Serial: BZ-00860

Fall practice period 

Precious Mirror, Samadhi, Five Ranks, Anger, vexations, five aspects, Big Mind,...
Sep 30 1999
2 of 8

Precious Mirror Samadhi, class 2 of 8

Precious Mirror, Liberation, Five Ranks, Non-duality, Samadhi, Big Mind, Precepts,...
Sep 30 1999
2 of 8

Courage and Encouragement

Conversation, Building, Peace, Anger, Karma, Ego, Intimacy, Passions, Evil, Bell...
Jul 24 1999
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00158B

Saturday Lecture Part 7 of 8

Genjokoan, Anger, Daily Life, Concentration, Subject-and-Object, Aspects of Practice...
Jul 17 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

July 17th, 1999, Serial No. 00674, Side A

Anger, Daily Life, Concentration, Subject-and-Object, Aspects of Practice, Heart...
Jul 17 1999

Diversity, Wisdom & Kindness

Culture, Hindrances, Berkeley Zen Center, American, Doubt, training, Mindfulness,...
May 01 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Suzuki Roshi: His Way as Others Told Me

Priest, Culture, War, American, Precepts, Religion, Peace, Emotions, Anger, Rinzai...
Apr 24 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Seccho and Her Spirit are Separated

Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Chanting, Sangha, Aspects of Practice, Transmission...
Apr 11 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s Guidelines for Studying the Way

Serial: BZ-00840

Part 1 of 4

Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Continuous Practice, Hate, Six Realms, Attachment,...
Oct 29 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Keeping Precepts: Vows

Vow, Obstacles, Offering, Anger, New Year, Transmission, Bodhisattva Vow, Dharma...
Sep 12 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Shodoka:Song of Enlightenment (Pt.1)

Serial: BZ-00436B

Sesshin Day 1

Shodoka, Enlightenment, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Karma, Equanimity, Subject-and-...
Sep 05 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Self, No-Self

Serial: BZ-00340B

Saturday Lecture

Nirvana, Birth-and-Death, confusion, Impermanence, Happiness, Patience, Greed, Anger...
Jan 18 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva Ceremony: Repentance

Serial: BZ-00340A

Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva Ceremony, Repentance, Repentance, Forgiveness, Priest, Evil,...
Jan 10 1998
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00339B

Saturday Lecture

Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Anger, Buddha Nature, New Year, Karma, confusion, Samsara,...
Dec 13 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Rigth Concentration

Serial: BZ-01067

Rohatsu Day 3

Mindfulness, Right Effort, Concentration, American, Dependent Origination, Don't...
Dec 03 1997
Berkeley Zen Center


Intimacy, Buddha Ancestors, Peace, Separation, training, Culture, Anger, Patience,...
Nov 08 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #48

Serial: BZ-00323A

Fish In Net, Saturday Lecture

BCR-48, Commitment, Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Lay, Ego, Rinzai, Interview, Observe...
Oct 04 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Recognizing Enlightenment

Serial: BZ-00322B

Saturday Lecture

Enlightenment, Koan, Doubt, Constancy, Discrimination, Duality, Buddha Nature,...
Sep 26 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Unlearning Racism: They are our Children

American, Culture, Building, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Funeral, Silence, Greed, training...
Sep 20 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra

Practice Period, Conversation, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Oneness,...
Jun 28 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice and the Emotions: Anger

Anger, Practice Period, resistance, Demons, Interdependence, Emotions, Conversation,...
Jun 07 1997
Berkeley Zen Center
