Berkeley Zen Center Talks

Showing 1270 talks

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Title Speaker

Dogen's Eight Aspects of Practice

Serial: BZ-01418

Commentary by Deshimaru from "Ring of the Way", Saturday Lecture

Eight Aspects, Dogen, Deshimaru, Birth-and-Death, Karma, Karmic Consequences, Ego,...
Feb 10 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Birth and Death

Serial: BZ-01416

Saturday Lecture

Feb 03 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Kidzendo: Oneness of Opposites

Serial: BZ-01415

"The Teaching is Just for You", Saturday Lecture

Non-duality, Dragons, Ego, Aspects of Practice, Lotus Sutra, Big Mind, Two Truths,...
Jan 27 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Ryokan’s Poetry

Serial: BZ-01412

Teaching Retreat, part 1 of 2

Discrimination, Non-discrimination, Instruction, Peace, training
Jan 20 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Ryokan’s Poetry

Serial: BZ-01413

Teaching Retreat, part 2 of 2

Branching Streams, Subject-and-Object, Lotus Sutra, Peace, Dragons, Discrimination,...
Jan 20 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice in the New Year: This is It!

Serial: BZ-01411

Saturday Lecture

Practice, New Year, confusion, Birth-and-Death, Instruction, Ordinary Mind, Hate,...
Jan 13 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Commmentary on "Respect for Things" (from Not Always So)

Serial: BZ-01408B

Faith is Synonymous for Enlightenment, Saturday Lecture

Faith, Enlightenment, Big Mind, Culture, Bodhisattva Way, Building, Soto Zen, Bowing...
Dec 09 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Zendo Forms

Serial: BZ-01407

Serving, Mokugyo, Chanting, Rohatsu Day 7

Meal Serving, Chanting, Mokugyo, Instruction, Doanryo, New Year, Bowing, Chanting,...
Dec 03 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on "Find Out For Yourself"

Serial: BZ-01406

Suzuki-rôshi's lecture in "Not Always So", Rohatsu Day 6

Buddha, Suzuki Roshi, Intuition, Daily Life, Instruction, Bell, Don't Know Mind...
Dec 02 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Big Mind

Serial: BZ-01405B

Dharmakaya/Sambhogakaya/Nirmanakaya, Rohatsu Day 5

Trikaya, Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya, Monkey Mind, Big Mind, Buddha Nature...
Dec 01 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on talk by Suzuki-rôshi on Concentration

Serial: BZ-01403

Rohatsu Day 3

Concentration, Suzuki Roshi, Concentration, Posture, Big Mind, resistance, Eight...
Nov 29 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on "Brown Rice is Just Right"

Serial: BZ-01401

Suzuki-rôshi's lecture in "Not Always So", Rohatsu Day 1

Suzuki Roshi, Teacher-and-Student, Pure Existence, Monastic Practice, Sixth Patriarch...
Nov 27 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Gratitude for Adversity

Serial: BZ-01400B

The Nun and the Stars, Saturday Lecture

Gratitude, Composure, Non-duality, Hate, Enemies, Continuous Practice, War, Anger...
Nov 25 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Precepts - Minor Precepts as Attitude

Serial: BZ-01398

Our own Vinaya that will help our Practice, Monday Morning

Precepts, Vinaya, Precepts, Humility, Bodhisattva Precepts, Emotions, Vinaya,...
Nov 13 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Sojun Gives Doan and Kokyo Training: Chanting and Bells

Serial: BZ-01046


Bell, Heart Sutra, Chanting, Harmonizing, Don't Know Mind, training, Sangha,...
Oct 28 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Realizing the Precepts in Practice

Serial: BZ-01395

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Vow, Practice Period, Observe, Repentance, Buddha Ancestors,...
Oct 28 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Halloween and Seijiki

Serial: BZ-01393

Saturday Lecture

Seijiki, American, Offering, Religion, Evil, Demons, Six Realms, Culture, War,...
Oct 21 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Aspects of Practice

Serial: BZ-01392

Fall 2006, Saturday Lecture

Aspects of Practice, Practice Position, Daily Life, Offering, Aspects of Practice,...
Oct 14 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Eventual Transition of Abbacy

Serial: BZ-01389

Practice Positions Complete Practice; Small and Large Equal, Saturday Lecture

Practice Position, Transmission, Practice Position, Dharma Transmission, Ego,...
Sep 30 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #10

Serial: BZ-01384

"You Empty-Headed Fool", Sesshin Day 2

BCR-10, Darkness and Light, Buddha Nature, Duality, Rinzai, Birth-and-Death, Daily...
Sep 03 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #76

Serial: BZ-01181

Tanka's "Have You Had Your Dinner Yet?", Sesshin Day 1

Tanka, BCR-76, Light-and-Darkness, Offering, Daily Life, Teacher-and-Student, Evil,...
Sep 02 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

State of the World Address: Causes and Excuses

Serial: BZ-01175

Power: Manipulation Through Maintaining Chaos, Saturday Lecture

Politics, Religion, War, Peace, Evil, Emotions, Anger, Attachment, Forgiveness,...
Jul 22 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on "Komyo-zo Zammai" by Koun Ejô

Serial: BZ-01174

Storehouse of Radiant Light Samadhi, One-Day Sitting

Koun Ejô, Concentration, Samadhi, Hate, Discrimination, Gaining Mind, Liberation,...
Jul 16 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Suffering: How We Create It

Serial: BZ-01171

The Meaning of Forgiveness and How We Free Ourselves, Saturday Lecture

Suffering, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Anger, Emotions, Hate, War, training,...
Jun 24 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Spirit of Shuso Ceremony

Serial: BZ-01170

Sesshin Day 5

Shuso Ceremony, Teacher-and-Student, Intuition, training, Dharma Transmission,...
Jun 18 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Parenting as Shikantaza

Serial: BZ-01169B

Sesshin Day 4

Four Noble Truths, Passions, Bell, Lay, Attachment, Interdependence, Enemies, Culture...
Jun 17 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

The Paramitas: Meditation

Serial: BZ-01169A

Sesshin Day 3

Samadhi, Composure, Renunciation, Right Effort, Big Mind, Monastic Practice, Peace,...
Jun 16 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

What Does It Mean to Practice Prajna Paramita?

Serial: BZ-01167

Sesshin Day 2

Heart Sutra, Religion, Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Practice Period, Non-duality,...
Jun 15 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

The Paramitas

Serial: BZ-01166

Patience and Enthusiastic Effort, Sesshin Day 1

Effort, Patience, Virya, Enthusiasm, Practice Position, Composure, Thoroughness,...
Jun 14 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Lay Ordination

Serial: BZ-01239

Tradition of Sewing Buddha's Robe, Saturday Lecture

Lay Ordination, Sewing, Joshin-san, Precepts, Priest, Ordination, Lay, Commitment,...
Jun 10 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Worldly Life and Pure Practice

Serial: BZ-01237

Kid Zendo: Circles, Saturday Lecture

Daily Life, Practice, Birth-and-Death, Precepts, Daily Life, Interview, Greed, Doubt...
May 27 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

How Sojun Gives Zazen Instruction

Serial: BZ-01045


Posture, Instruction, Observe, Daily Life, Interview, Bowing, Enemies, training...
May 20 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: Dealing with a Problematic Public Library Patron

Serial: BZ-01236D

Saturday Lecture

Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Anger, Practice Position, Interview, Lay Practice, Soto...
May 20 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence and Action of Prajna

Serial: BZ-01235

Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Hui Neng, Poetry, Precepts, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Duality, Buddha Nature,...
May 13 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Prajna Paramita - Dana

Serial: BZ-01233

Introduce Practice Period Shuso, One-Day Sitting

Prajna Paramita, Dana, Shuso, Daily Life, Happiness, Practice Period, Precepts,...
May 07 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-01232

Saturday Lecture

Heart Sutra, Duality, Samadhi, Attachment, Oneness, Samsara, Nirvana, Non-duality,...
May 06 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Six "Wrong" Ways of Practice

Serial: BZ-01231

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Obstacles, Aspects of Practice, Family Practice, Instruction, Interview,...
Apr 29 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Preparation for Practice Period

Serial: BZ-01229

Saturday Lecture

Practice Period, Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Pure Existence, Lay Practice, Daily...
Apr 15 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Three Doors of Liberation

Serial: BZ-01228

Emptiness, Signlessness, Aimlessness, One-Day Sitting

Liberation, Emptiness, Discrimination, Non-discrimination, Oneness, Big Mind, Birth-...
Apr 09 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

(I, along with) All Beings, Am the World Honored One

Serial: BZ-01227B

Saturday Lecture

Buddha's Birthday, Buddha Nature, Buddha's Birthday, Buddha Ancestors,...
Apr 08 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

History of Berkeley Zen Center Pt. II

Serial: BZ-01222B

Kid Zendo: Figures on the Altar, Saturday Lecture

Berkeley Zen Center, Teacher-and-Student, Dharma Transmission, Priest, Transmission,...
Mar 18 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

What Are We Doing Here?

Serial: BZ-01220

History of Berkeley Zen Center Pt. I, Saturday Lecture

Berkeley Zen Center, Dogen, Lay Practice, Priest, Lay, Heart Sutra, Dharma...
Mar 04 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Fukanzazengi Part II

Serial: BZ-01218

Zazen Anecdotes, Sesshin Day 3

Fukanzazengi, Sojun Mel Weitsman, Meditation, Posture, Don't Know Mind,...
Feb 20 2006
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-01217

Part I, Sesshin Day 2

Fukanzazengi, Silent Illumination, Lineage, Discrimination, Daily Life, Sanctuary,...
Feb 19 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddha's Paranirvana

Serial: BZ-01216B

Birth, Death, Nirvana, Sesshin Day 1

Parinirvana, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Big Mind, Four Noble...
Feb 18 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Encouragement for Upcoming Sesshin

Serial: BZ-01215

Thoughts on his early days, Saturday Lecture

Sesshin, Sojun Mel Weitsman, Pure Existence, Karma, Monastic Practice, Soto Zen,...
Feb 11 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

“Poems are not Poems”: The Poetry of Ryokan

Serial: BZ-01213

Teaching Retreat, part 1 of 2

Priest, Silence, Discrimination, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Beginners,...
Feb 04 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

The Poetry of Ryokan

Serial: BZ-01214

Teaching Retreat, part 2 of 2

Dharma Transmission, Discrimination, Building, Gratitude, New Year, Transmission,...
Feb 04 2006
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-01211

Saturday Lecture

Bell, Bell, Chanting, Subject-and-Object, Separation, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva...
Jan 21 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Sutra on Breathing

Serial: BZ-01210D

One-Day Sitting

Breath, Happiness, Four Foundations, Birth-and-Death, Mindfulness, Subject-and-Object...
Jan 14 2006
Berkeley Zen Center
