Sangha Talks

Sangha (IPA: [sɐnɡʱɐ]) is a Pali word used in many Indian languages, including Sanskrit which means "association", "assembly", "company" or "community"; in these languages, sangha is frequently used as a surname. In a political context, it was historically used to denote a governing assembly in a republic or a kingdom, and for a long time, it has been used by religious associations, including Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. Given this history, some Buddhists have stated that the tradition of the sangha represents humanity's oldest surviving democratic institution.
In Buddhism, sangha refers to the monastic communities of bhikkhu (monks) and bhikkhuni (nuns). These communities are traditionally referred to as the bhikkhu-sangha or the bhikkhuni-sangha. As a separate category, those Buddhists who have attained any of the four stages of enlightenment, whether or not they are members of the monastic community, are referred to as the āryasaṅgha ("noble Sangha").
According to the Theravada school and Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, the term sangha does not refer to the community of unenlightened sāvakas (lay followers) nor does it refer to the community of Buddhists as a whole. The Theravada school uses the term parisā ("assembly") or catuparisā ("fourfold assembly") to refer to the bhikkhu, bhikkhunī, upāsaka, and upāsikā.
Title | Speaker | |
Courage, Part 2 Doubt, Buddha Ancestors, Attachment, Renunciation, Sangha, Continuous Practice, Hate... |
Oct 31 2020 |
New Members Meeting Offering, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha, Aspects of Practice, Zoom, Practice Period,... |
Sep 14 2020 |
Public Dokusan 6 Six Realms, Teacher-and-Student, Nirvana, Politics, Zoom, Doubt, War, Sangha, Dragons... |
Aug 14 2020 |
Public Dokusan Zoom, Practice Period, Silence, Discrimination, Daily Life, War, Emotions, Sangha,... |
May 29 2020 |
Joyful Effort Sangha, War, Enthusiasm, Politics, Patience, Silence, Bell, Culture, Lay |
Mar 01 2020 |
Does Big Mind Care Big Mind, Offering, Anger, Sangha, Vow, Lay |
Jan 18 2020 |
The Mother Line of BuddhismSerial: BZ-02709 0103
War, Peace, Teacher-and-Student, Hindrances, Offering, Samsara, Sangha, Patience,... |
Oct 20 2019 |
Three Treasures: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Bodhisattva Ceremony, Precepts, Sangha, Chanting, Greed, Non-violence,... |
Feb 23 2019 |
Precepts Precepts, Karma, Anger, Monastic Practice, Samadhi, Birth-and-Death, Sangha,... |
Dec 01 2018 |
Way-Seeking Mind Talk Blue Cliff Record, Building, Book of Serenity, Emotions, Lineage, Sangha, Gratitude,... |
2018 |
Paramitas: DanaDana Paramita, Attachment, Branching Streams, Offering, Right Speech, Precepts, Greed... |
Nov 18 2017 |
Not Always So Religion, Priest, Gratitude, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student, Enemies, Culture,... |
Mar 18 2017 |
Buddha's Birthday Buddha's Birthday, Sangha |
Apr 02 2016 |
Friday Zazen Refresher Posture, Beginners, Concentration, Silent Illumination, true dharma, Happiness,... |
Mar 06 2015 |
Hearing the Cries of the World Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Peace, Sangha, Constancy, Priest-and-Lay,... |
Jan 31 2015 |
Differences in Zen and Psychotherapy Big Mind, Commitment, Conversation, Buddha Ancestors, Vow, Sangha, Discrimination,... |
Jul 05 2014 |
Precepts Following Our Way of Life Precepts, Ego, Duality, Oneness, Non-duality, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Sangha,... |
Jun 14 2014 |
Taking Refuge In the Three Bodies of Buddha Peace, Big Mind, Religion, Buddha Nature, Mandala, Heart Sutra, Demons, Sangha,... |
Mar 08 2014 |
Berkeley Zen Center in 2013Serial: BZ-02344 Saturday Lecture Work, Practice Period, New Year, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Family Practice, Ego... |
Dec 14 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shelterless Shelter Three Treasures, Sangha, Gratitude, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Practice Period, Vow,... |
Oct 12 2013 |
The Dharma of MoneySerial: BZ-02329 History of BZC Finances, Saturday Lecture Money, Building, Fundraising, Priest, Sangha, Patience, Chanting, Observe, training... |
Sep 28 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
Paul Tanzillo MemorialSerial: BZ-02733 Heart Sutra, Dai Hi Shin Dharani
Sangha, Chanting, confusion, War, Priest |
Jul 10 2013 |
Don't Slam the Door Precepts, Buddha Ancestors, Gratitude, Teacher-and-Student, Bell, Vow, Attachment,... |
Mar 02 2013 |
Our Minor PreceptsSerial: BZ-02275 Saturday Lecture Precepts, Renunciation, Emotions, Humility, Sangha, Conversation, Beginners, Patience... |
Nov 17 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fundraising at BZCSerial: BZ-02266 History of BZC, Saturday Lecture balance, Practice Positions, Volunteer and Hired Labor, Adaptations of Zen in America
Sangha, Fundraising, Practice Position, American, Building, training, Enthusiasm,... |
Sep 22 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ryokan's Waka PoemsSerial: BZ-02257 Part 2 of 2 Offering, Attachment, Lay, Greed, Precepts, Repentance, Sangha, Discrimination,... |
Aug 04 2012 2 |
Bodhisattva CeremonySerial: BZ-02252 3 Pure Precepts, Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva, Repentance, Vow, Repentance, Evil, Precepts, Karma, Vow, Four Noble... |
Jul 07 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sangha Practice Berkeley Zen Center, Four Noble Truths, Sangha, Liberation, Bodhisattva Precepts,... |
Mar 31 2012 |
Dharma KaleidescopeSerial: BZ-02225 Bodhisattva Ceremony, Saturday Lecture Peace, Lay Practice, Platform Sutra, Evil, Evil, Karma, New Year, Platform Sutra,... |
Jan 07 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Our Approach To Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-02174 Peaceful and Harmonious Abiding, One-Day Sitting Sangha, Ango, Practice Period, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Commitment,... |
May 07 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
You Can't Make a Date with EnlightenmentSerial: BZ-02149 Not Always So, Rohatsu Day 7 Sangha, Duality, Intuition, Composure, Buddha Nature, Humility, Continuous Practice,... |
Dec 11 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Direct Experience of RealitySerial: BZ-02146 Suzuki Roshi, Rohatsu Day 4 Idealistic and Realistic Zen
First Principle, Bell, Continuous Practice, Birth-and-Death, Repentance, Sangha,... |
Dec 08 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Building and Maintenance History of the Berkeley Zen CenterSerial: BZ-02125 Sangha, Saturday Lecture Monastic Practice, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha |
Sep 11 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Loving Speech Right Speech, Patience, Four Foundations, Offering, Precepts, Lay Ordination, Karma,... |
Jul 31 2010 |
Berkeley Zendo and MoneySerial: BZ-02094 Mandalas, Saturday Lecture Sojun's early practice, Sangha, Supporting Practice
Samsara, Sangha, Samsara, Building, Enemies, Nirvana, Practice Position, Culture,... |
Apr 17 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Taking Refuge Attachment, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Hate, Soto Zen, Anger, Fox, Demons, Impermanence... |
Mar 13 2010 |
Spiritual Friendship Practice Period, War, Interdependence, Sangha, Impermanence, Chanting, Separation,... |
Dec 05 2009 |
Forbearance Practice Khanti Paramita: Engaged Buddhism (Prison Work): Serial No. 01075Paramitas, Engaged Buddhism, Lotus Sutra, Politics, Two Truths, Absolute-and-Relative... |
Nov 29 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Precepts and ZazenSerial: BZ-01158 Harmonizing Buddha Nature, Instincts, and Desires, Saturday Lecture Precepts, Zazen, Desire, Buddha Nature, Precepts, Concentration, Buddha Nature,... |
Sep 13 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Taking Care: Paramitas, Precepts and Eightfold PathSerial: BZ-01003 Illumination Without Hindrance, Saturday Lecture Precepts, Vinaya, Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Precepts, Platform Sutra, Hindrances,... |
Oct 13 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #61Serial: BZ-01002 Raising a Particle of Dust, Saturday Lecture Sangha, Community, BCR-61, Dragons, Soto Zen, Teacher-and-Student, Silence, Lineage,... |
Oct 06 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
June 14th, 2007, Serial No. 01057, Side A Karma, Constancy, Ordinary Mind, Buddha Nature, Continuous Practice, Birth-and-Death... |
Jun 14 2007 |
Commmentary on "Respect for Things" (from Not Always So)Serial: BZ-01408B Faith is Synonymous for Enlightenment, Saturday Lecture Faith, Enlightenment, Big Mind, Culture, Bodhisattva Way, Building, Soto Zen, Bowing... |
Dec 09 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sojun Gives Doan and Kokyo Training: Chanting and BellsSerial: BZ-01046 Class Bell, Heart Sutra, Chanting, Harmonizing, Don't Know Mind, training, Sangha,... |
Oct 28 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddha's Pointing at the GroundSerial: BZ-01207 Indra's Planting a Blade of Grass, Saturday Lecture SER-4, Sanctuary, Book of Serenity, Lotus Sutra, Sangha, Buddha's Birthday,... |
Dec 10 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 30th, 2005, Serial No. 01339, Side C Teacher-and-Student, Mahayana, Manjushri, Sangha, Conversation, Precepts |
Jul 30 2005 |
Precepts, Student-Teacher RelationshipSerial: BZ-00598 Sesshin Day 4 Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Precepts, Observe, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Big Mind... |
Mar 26 2005 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Martin Luther King TributeSerial: BZ-01380 Saturday Lecture Martin Luther King, Current Events, Discrimination, American, War, Culture, Monastic... |
Jan 17 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 26th, 2003, Serial No. 01364 Big Mind, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period, Commitment, Addiction, Instruction,... |
Oct 26 2003 |
August 2nd, 2003, Serial No. 01352, Side A Peace, Right Effort, Don't Know Mind, War, Happiness, Daily Life, Religion,... |
Aug 02 2003 |