Lay Practice Talks
In religious organizations, the laity () consists of all members who are not part of the clergy, usually including any non-ordained members of religious orders, e.g. a nun or a lay brother. In both religious and wider secular usage, a layperson (also layman or laywoman) is a person who is not qualified in a given profession or does not have specific knowledge of a certain subject. The phrase "layman's terms" is used to refer to plain language that is understandable to the everyday person, as opposed to specialised terminology understood only by a professional.
Terms such as lay priest, lay clergy and lay nun were once used in certain Buddhist cultures, especially Japanese, to indicate ordained persons who continued to live in the wider community instead of retiring to a monastery. Some Christian churches utilise lay preachers, who preach but are not clergy. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints uses the term lay priesthood to emphasise that its local congregational leaders are unpaid.
Title | Speaker | |
Getting Stuck Big Mind, Ordinary Mind, Lay Practice, Emotions, Humility |
Aug 28 2021 |
What Now, I Don't Know Book of Serenity, Lay Practice, Ordinary Mind, Patience, Chanting |
Aug 21 2021 |
Public Dokusan 12 Continuous Practice, Lay Practice, Instruction, Karma, Politics, Gratitude, Non-... |
Nov 06 2020 |
Living On A Mountain Dragons, Zoom, Bodhidharma, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Ordination, Priest,... |
Oct 24 2020 |
Don't Be Stingy Precepts, Lay, Separation, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Don't Know Mind,... |
Apr 20 2019 |
The Heart of Priest and Lay Practice Priest, Gaining Mind, Lay, Lay Practice, Ego, Practice Period, Priest-and-Lay,... |
Apr 21 2018 |
Precepts Class 5Serial: BZ-02550 PP Class Precepts, Ego, Culture, Anger, Renunciation, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Emotions, Lay... |
Jun 01 2017 |
Practice in Community Practice Position, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Lay Practice... |
Feb 18 2017 |
Continuous PracticeSerial: BZ-02482 Sesshin Day 1
Mindfulness, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen, Meal Serving, Continuous Practice, Family... |
Jun 08 2016 |
Practice of No Self Practice Period, Monastic Practice, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Lay... |
May 07 2016 |
The Three Bodies of Buddha Priest, Precepts, Lay, Ordination, training, Practice Period, Karma, Lay Practice,... |
Apr 12 2014 |
Lay OrdinationSerial: BZ-02312 History of American Lay Ordination, Saturday Lecture Jukai, Lay Ordination, Lay, Priest, Lay Practice, Precepts, Ordination, Lineage,... |
Jun 15 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
What is the Basis of our ActivitySerial: BZ-02300 Why Do We Chant?, Saturday Lecture Chanting, Suzuki Roshi, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, training, Lay Practice, Priest,... |
Mar 30 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
Raihai TokuzuiSerial: BZ-02261 Study sesshin, part 2 of 4 Fox, Lay Practice, Ordination, Lay, Priest, Lineage, Buddha Ancestors, Transmission,... |
Sep 01 2012 2 |
Dharma KaleidescopeSerial: BZ-02225 Bodhisattva Ceremony, Saturday Lecture Peace, Lay Practice, Platform Sutra, Evil, Evil, Karma, New Year, Platform Sutra,... |
Jan 07 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Becoming A Priest Priest, Vow, Aspects of Practice, Ordination, training, Anger, Lay Practice, Lay,... |
Aug 27 2011 |
It's All Right Here Practice Period, Ordinary Mind, resistance, Branching Streams, Lay Practice, Platform... |
Jun 25 2011 |
Guidelines for PracticeSerial: BZ-02098 One-Day Sitting Forgiveness, Practice Period, Composure, Continuous Practice, true dharma, Lay... |
May 15 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
Buddhism in India and America Lay, training, Religion, Lay Practice, Continuous Practice, Intimacy, Precepts,... |
Mar 20 2010 |
August 28th, 2009, Serial No. 01549, Side B American, War, Culture, Building, Lay Practice, Transmission, Peace, training,... |
Aug 28 2009 |
The Precepts for Zaike TokudoSerial: BZ-02041 Giving and Receiving, Saturday Lecture Zaike Tokudo, Jukai, Lay Practice, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Lineage,... |
Jun 13 2009 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 25th, 2007, Serial No. 00991 War, Patience, Practice Period, training, Lay Practice, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center... |
Aug 25 2007 |
How to PracticeSerial: BZ-00989 Being Creative in Practice, Saturday Lecture Practice, Creativity, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-Object, Daily Life, Big Mind,... |
Aug 11 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 17th, 2007, Serial No. 01276 Monastic Practice, Practice Period, Nirvana, Lay Practice, Soto Zen, Buddha Nature,... |
Jul 17 2007 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #76Serial: BZ-01440 Tanka's "Have You Eaten Yet?", Sesshin Day 1 Tanka, BCR-76, Birth-and-Death, Light-and-Darkness, Lay Practice, Karma, Teacher-and-... |
Jun 20 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Guidelines for Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-01435 Lay Practice Period--Practice your self, not study the self, One-Day Sitting Practice Period, Practice Period, Pure Existence, Lay Practice, Patience, Daily Life... |
May 12 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 17th, 2007, Serial No. 01260 Practice Period, Priest, Lay, Monastic Practice, Karma, Gratitude, Ordination,... |
Apr 17 2007 |
Heart Sutra: Dealing with a Problematic Public Library PatronSerial: BZ-01236D Saturday Lecture Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Anger, Practice Position, Interview, Lay Practice, Soto... |
May 20 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
Preparation for Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-01229 Saturday Lecture Practice Period, Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Pure Existence, Lay Practice, Daily... |
Apr 15 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
History of Berkeley Zen Center Pt. IISerial: BZ-01222B Kid Zendo: Figures on the Altar, Saturday Lecture Berkeley Zen Center, Teacher-and-Student, Dharma Transmission, Priest, Transmission,... |
Mar 18 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
What Are We Doing Here?Serial: BZ-01220 History of Berkeley Zen Center Pt. I, Saturday Lecture Berkeley Zen Center, Dogen, Lay Practice, Priest, Lay, Heart Sutra, Dharma... |
Mar 04 2006 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 4th, 2006, Serial No. 01454 Lay Practice, Priest, Lay, Heart Sutra, Dharma Transmission, Mill Valley, Four Noble... |
Mar 04 2006 |
Dogen's Rules for Monastic PracticeSerial: BZ-01200C Chiji Shingi: The Head Gardener, Saturday Lecture Shingi, Monastic Practice, Practice Period, Monastic Practice, Continuous Practice,... |
Nov 26 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
An Ordination HistorySerial: BZ-01192 Saturday Lecture Ordination, Priest, Priest, Monastic Practice, Lay Practice, Lay, Renunciation,... |
Oct 08 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
September 25th, 2005, Serial No. 01190 Lineage, Chanting, Rinzai, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Sep 25 2005 |
Reflections on My LifeSerial: BZ-01335 76th Birthday, Saturday Lecture Sojun Mel Weitsman, Priest, Lay Practice, Priest-and-Lay, Lay, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Jul 08 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Priest and Lay PracticeSerial: BZ-01325 Saturday Lecture Practice, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Lay, Ordination, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission... |
May 28 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 23rd, 2005, Serial No. 01319, Side B Silence, Bodhidharma, Lay, Practice Period, Bowing, Oneness, Priest, Lay Practice,... |
Apr 23 2005 |
Guidelines for Practice PeriodSerial: BZ-01318B One-Day Sitting Practice Period, Practice Period, Commitment, Forgiveness, Daily Life, Precepts,... |
Apr 16 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Heart Sutra: Practicing NonattainmentSerial: BZ-01316C Saturday Lecture Transmission, Lay Practice, Priest, Politics, Lay, Hindrances, Heart Sutra,... |
Mar 26 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
Way Seeking Mind Pt. 4Serial: BZ-00588 Lecture, second half of part 4 Sojun Mel Weitsman, Way-Seeking Mind, Transmission, Dharma Transmission, Lay Practice... |
Mar 15 2005 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
March 15th, 2005, Serial No. 01572 Transmission, Dharma Transmission, Lay Practice, Monastic Practice, Doubt, Ordination... |
Mar 15 2005 |
February 12th, 2005, Serial No. 01307 Five Ranks, Anger, Peace, Soto Zen, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Karma, Aspects... |
Feb 12 2005 |
Aspects of Practice: DogenSerial: BZ-01029A Class 3 of 4 Bodhisattva Ceremony, Lay Practice, Lay, Buddha Ancestors, Aspects of Practice,... |
Nov 11 2004 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice in Daily LifeSerial: BZ-01280C Integrating the Spiritual and the Mundane, Saturday Lecture Daily Life, Lay Practice, Monastic Practice, Birth-and-Death, Renewal, Duality,... |
Sep 25 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Lay OrdinationSerial: BZ-01266 Saturday Lecture Zaike Tokudo, Three Refuges, Precepts, Priest, Big Mind, Ordination, Lay Practice,... |
Jun 12 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #12Serial: BZ-01258 One-Day Sitting MM-12, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Fox, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Ego,... |
Apr 03 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s Eihei Shingi: Pure Standards for the Zen CommunitySerial: BZ-00578 Class 1 of 5 Monastic Practice, Lay Practice, Cultivation, Aspects of Practice, Dragons, Don'... |
Feb 29 2004 1 Chapel Hill Zen Center |
Dogen’s Eihei Shingi: Pure Standards for the Zen CommunitySerial: BZ-00581 Class 4 of 5 resistance, Instruction, Monastic Practice, Lay Practice, Offering, Lay, Posture,... |
Feb 29 2004 4 Chapel Hill Zen Center |
Eihei Shingi: The KaninSerial: BZ-01373 Rohatsu Day 4 Eihei Shingi, Buddha's Birthday, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, New Year, Lay... |
Dec 04 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |