Shikantaza Talks
Shikantaza (只管打坐) is Dogen's Japanese translation of the Chinese phrase zhǐguǎn dǎzuò (只管打坐 / 祇管打坐), "focus on meditative practice alone", although many modern Western practitioners have interpreted this very differently. The phrase was used by Dogen's teacher Rujing, a monk of the Caodong school of Chan Buddhism, to refer to the meditation-practice called "silent illumination" (Chinese: 默照禅), or "serene reflection", taught by the Caodong master Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157). In Japan, it is associated with the Zen Soto school, Dogen's offshoot of Caodong. Some practitioners teach that shikantaza means that one should not focus attention on a specific object (such as the breath), instead "just sitting" in a state of conscious awareness. However, the 13th-century origin of the expression indicates a general emphasis on meditation in any form as sufficient for spiritual enlightenment. The original teaching was meant to criticize the complicated ceremony, abstruse study, endless tracing of spiritual lineage, and other aspects of Buddhism that even by the 12th century had been identified as excessive.
Title | Speaker | |
The Four Establishments Of Mindfulness Mindfulness, Shikantaza, Consciousness, Concentration, Mahayana |
Jun 18 2021 |
Fukanzazengi, Part 2 Dragons, Non-thinking, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Shikantaza |
May 15 2021 |
ZenTalk Priest, Anger, Karma, Shikantaza, Delusion |
Mar 06 2021 |
Zazen and the Seven Factors of EnlightenmentSerial: BZ-02227 Beneficial Attachment, One-Day Sitting Passive and Active Zazen
Shikantaza, Posture, Breath, Zazen, Monkey Mind, Concentration, Big Mind, Mindfulness... |
Jan 21 2012 Berkeley Zen Center |
Jhanas and Shikantaza ArhatsSerial: BZ-02189 Shuso ceremony, Sesshin Day 5 Intuition, Shikantaza, Consciousness, Intuition, Karma, Repentance, Birth-and-Death,... |
Jun 19 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shikantaza - Basic Zen PracticeSerial: BZ-02017 Saturday Lecture Shikantaza, Continuous Practice, Pure Existence, Composure, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Feb 28 2009 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazen, Sanshimopo, and Doshin: Foundations of PracticeSerial: BZ-01112 Shikantaza, Guidance, and Way-Seeking Mind, Saturday Lecture Shikantaza, Zazen, Way-Seeking Mind, Ego, Continuous Practice, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Feb 02 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
True Humility and Buddha's PracticeSerial: BZ-01101 Bare Attention and Not Anticipating, Rohatsu Day 3 Practice, Shikantaza, Humility, Buddha Mind, Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Anger... |
Dec 04 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shikantaza: Calm MindSerial: BZ-00570 Sesshin Day 1 Shikantaza, Birth-and-Death, Posture, Silent Illumination, Bowing, Big Mind, Buddha... |
Feb 20 2005 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Shikantaza Practice (from "Not Always So")Serial: BZ-01275B Exhaling, Letting Go, Impermanence, One-Day Sitting Shikantaza, Impermanence, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Daily Life, Continuous Practice... |
Jul 11 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Suzuki-rôshi 100th Birth MemorialSerial: BZ-01265 Gutei's One Finger, Monkey Mind, Saturday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Monkey Mind, Shikantaza, Monkey Mind, Gaining Mind, Obstacles, Practice... |
May 29 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shikantaza: "To Forget The Self"Serial: BZ-00190A Saturday Lecture Shikantaza, Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice, Soto Zen, Offering, Renunciation,... |
Jan 16 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
ShikantazaSerial: BZ-00357B One-Day Sitting Shikantaza, Posture, Beginners, Bowing, resistance, Concentration, Pure Existence,... |
Feb 16 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zazen and ShikantazaSerial: BZ-00415B Saturday Lecture Zazen, Shikantaza, zen meditation, Instruction, Posture, Concentration, Building,... |
Jun 15 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shikantaza, Kensho, Jijuyu SamadhiSerial: BZ-00432A Saturday Lecture Shikantaza, Kensho, Jijuyu Zanmai, Dharma Transmission, Building, Daily Life,... |
Mar 10 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |