Manjushri Talks

Manjushri (Sanskrit: मञ्जुश्री, romanized: Mañjuśrī) is a bodhisattva who represents prajñā (transcendent wisdom) of the Buddhas in Mahāyāna Buddhism. The name "Mañjuśrī" is a combination of Sanskrit word "mañju" and an honorific "śrī"; it can be literally translated as "Beautiful One with Glory" or "Beautiful One with Auspiciousness". Mañjuśrī is also known by the fuller name of Mañjuśrīkumārabhūta (मञ्जुश्रीकुमारभूत), literally "Mañjuśrī, Still a Youth" or, less literally, "Prince Mañjuśrī". Another name of Mañjuśrī is Mañjughoṣa.
Title | Speaker | |
The Whole Earth Is Medicine Manjushri, Blue Cliff Record, Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Perfect Wisdom, uchiyama,... |
Oct 17 2020 |
Public Dokusan 5 Don't Know Mind, Four Noble Truths, Anger, Duality, Interview, Building, Non-... |
Jul 31 2020 |
The Practice of Patience Patience, Constancy, Blue Cliff Record, Cultivation, Concentration, Equanimity, Anger... |
Nov 02 2019 |
Don't Be Stingy Precepts, Lay, Separation, Lay Practice, Dharma Transmission, Don't Know Mind,... |
Apr 20 2019 |
Zazen Posture and the Problem of Touch Posture, Big Mind, Conversation, Instruction, Silence, Manjushri, Passions, Culture... |
Sep 08 2018 |
Heart SutraSerial: BZ-02552 Sesshin Day 1
Perfect Wisdom, Heart Sutra, Samadhi, Duality, Avalokiteshvara, Non-duality,... |
Jun 07 2017 |
Talk Rohatsu Day 3 training, Composure, Four Noble Truths, Duality, Emotions, Vow, Priest, Ego,... |
Dec 06 2016 |
Karma Bodhisattva Ceremony Karma, Repentance, Vow, Evil, Bodhisattva Vow, Manjushri, Four Noble Truths, true... |
Aug 20 2016 |
Mary speaks to Dean about silence Silence, Bell, Book of Serenity, Manjushri, Four Foundations, Equanimity, Patience,... |
Apr 16 2016 |
Medicine and Science Mutual CureSerial: BZ-02454 Blue Cliff Record Case 87
BCR-87, Anger, Duality, Manjushri, Peace, Forgiveness, War, Blue Cliff Record,... |
Jan 16 2016 |
Joshu's 4 Gates and Joshu's BridgeSerial: BZ-02337 Rohatsu Joshu, BCR-9, BCR-52, Ego, Manjushri, Lotus Sutra, Hindrances, Fundraising, Culture,... |
Dec 01 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
The State of the World According to SojunSerial: BZ-02285 Saturday Lecture Religion, New Year, Greed, Four Noble Truths, Evil, War, Peace, Enemies, Manjushri,... |
Jan 05 2013 Berkeley Zen Center |
PreceptsSerial: BZ-02176 Bodhisattva Ceremony, Saturday Lecture Karma, Precepts, Karma, Anger, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Bodhisattva Precepts,... |
May 14 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Class 1 - Yunyan Sweeps the Ground Book of Serenity, Absolute-and-Relative, Discrimination, Manjushri, Intuition, Five... |
Jan 27 2011 |
Komyo - Master HongzhiSerial: BZ-02147 Light, Rohatsu Day 5 Koun Ejô, Sandokai, Transmission of Light, Komyozo Zammai, Discrimination, Silent... |
Dec 09 2010 Berkeley Zen Center |
I Love Zazen and Zazen Loves Me Mindfulness, Anger, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Manjushri, Karma, Ego, Concentration,... |
Sep 25 2010 |
Class 5 Absorption In The Treasury Of Light Subject-and-Object, Cultivation, Transmission, Manjushri, Lotus Sutra, Religion,... |
Jun 11 2009 |
Six ParamitasSerial: BZ-02021 Dealing with Suffering, Sesshin Attachment, Patience, Non-attachment, Precepts, Big Mind, Renunciation, Manjushri,... |
Mar 21 2009 Berkeley Zen Center |
Platform Sutra: Non attachment within attachment: Serial No. 01081Serial: BZ-01081 Rohatsu, Day 5, side B Attachment, Samadhi, Composure, Discrimination, Offering, Non-attachment, Platform... |
Dec 11 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Platform Sutra: Non Attachment within AttachmentSerial: BZ-01451 Rohatsu, Day 5 Attachment, Discrimination, Samadhi, Composure, Manjushri, Offering, Non-attachment,... |
Dec 11 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui NengSerial: BZ-02008 Non-attachment Within Attachment, Rohatsu Day 5 Hui Neng, Attachment, Discrimination, Non-attachment, Composure, Offering, Platform... |
Dec 11 2008 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 24th, 2008, Serial No. 01135 Practice Period, Manjushri, Attachment, Blue Cliff Record, Separation, Instruction,... |
May 24 2008 |
Illumination of ZazenSerial: BZ-01099 Absorption in the Treasury of Light, Rohatsu Day 1 Zazen, BCR-, Silent Illumination, Light-and-Darkness, Samadhi, Manjushri, Intuition,... |
Dec 02 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
Three Bodies of BuddhaSerial: BZ-01098 Saturday Lecture Trikaya, Buddha Mind, Buddha Nature, Dogen, Manjushri, Continuous Practice, Dragons,... |
Dec 01 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 10th, 2007, Serial No. 01095 Manjushri, Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature, Doubt, Subject-and-Object,... |
Nov 10 2007 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #76Serial: BZ-01440 Tanka's "Have You Eaten Yet?", Sesshin Day 1 Tanka, BCR-76, Birth-and-Death, Light-and-Darkness, Lay Practice, Karma, Teacher-and-... |
Jun 20 2007 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 26th, 2007, Serial No. 01437, Side D Heart Sutra, Practice Period, Posture, Don't Know Mind, Bowing, Birth-and-Death... |
May 26 2007 |
May 24th, 2007, Serial No. 01054, Side A Manjushri, Heart Sutra, Buddha Nature, Cultivation, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Ordinary... |
May 24 2007 |
Commmentary on "Respect for Things" (from Not Always So)Serial: BZ-01408B Faith is Synonymous for Enlightenment, Saturday Lecture Faith, Enlightenment, Big Mind, Culture, Bodhisattva Way, Building, Soto Zen, Bowing... |
Dec 09 2006 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 11th, 2006, Serial No. 01040, Side A Heart Sutra, Big Mind, Mahayana, Daily Life, Manjushri, Birth-and-Death, Four... |
May 11 2006 |
Lecture on Four VowsSerial: BZ-01208 Kid Zendo, Saturday Lecture Vow, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Manjushri, Religion, Culture,... |
Dec 17 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 19th, 2005, Serial No. 01199 Platform Sutra, Manjushri, Precepts, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Intimacy, Instruction,... |
Nov 19 2005 |
July 30th, 2005, Serial No. 01339, Side C Teacher-and-Student, Mahayana, Manjushri, Sangha, Conversation, Precepts |
Jul 30 2005 |
Sesshin: Tips on Serving, Eating, Kinhin, ZazenSerial: BZ-01329 Sesshin Day 1 Sesshin, Oryoki, Kinhin, Zazen, Instruction, Bell, Posture, Passions, Concentration,... |
Jun 22 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
April 2nd, 2005, Serial No. 01317 Blue Cliff Record, Culture, Buddha's Birthday, Practice Period, Book of Serenity... |
Apr 02 2005 |
February 22nd, 2005, Serial No. 00592 Book of Serenity, Instruction, Offering, Buddha Ancestors, Manjushri, Silence,... |
Feb 22 2005 |
Heart SutraSerial: BZ-01291D Rohatsu Day 1 Heart Sutra, Form-and-Emptiness, Dependent Origination, Impermanence, Samadhi,... |
Nov 29 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 18th, 2004, Serial No. 01030, Side A Dragons, Transmission, Fox, Buddha Ancestors, Lineage, Interview, Lotus Sutra,... |
Nov 18 2004 |
Bravo’s DeathSerial: BZ-01245 Sesshin Lecture Big Mind, Practice Period, Monkey Mind, Renewal, Birth-and-Death, Tassajara Zen... |
Sep 06 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
September 6th, 2004, Serial No. 01575 Big Mind, Practice Period, Monkey Mind, Renewal, Birth-and-Death, Tassajara Zen... |
Sep 06 2004 |
"Evo-revolution"Serial: BZ-01242 Working with Our Problems, Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva Vow, Koan, Manjushri, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Buddha Mind, Religion,... |
Aug 28 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 1st, 2004, Serial No. 01262 training, Bowing, Practice Position, Lay, Bell, Posture, Aspects of Practice,... |
May 01 2004 |
March 15th, 2004, Serial No. 01021, Side B Blue Cliff Record, Precepts, Commitment, Birth-and-Death, Book of Serenity, Manjushri... |
Mar 15 2004 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #5Serial: BZ-01382 Saturday Lecture BCR-5, First Principle, Beginners, Non-duality, Buddha Nature, Manjushri, Duality,... |
Jan 31 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Eihei Shingi: The KaninSerial: BZ-01374 The Kanin, Rohatsu Day 5 Eihei Shingi, Buddha Ancestors, Evil, Monastic Practice, confusion, Dragons, Birth-... |
Dec 05 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Practice of LoveSerial: BZ-01372A Rohatsu Day 3
Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Separation, Duality, Vow... |
Dec 03 2003 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 25th, 2003, Serial No. 01363 Aspects of Practice, Karma, Manjushri, Book of Serenity, Vimalakirti, Soto Zen,... |
Oct 25 2003 |
October 18th, 2003, Serial No. 01362 Posture, Bell, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Ego, Soto Zen, Instruction, Equanimity... |
Oct 18 2003 |
Light in Buddhism: Silent Illumination of Zen Master HongzhiSerial: BZ-00544 Class 6 of 7 Buddha Ancestors, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Buddha Nature, Discrimination,... |
Mar 30 2003 6 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 22nd, 2002, Serial No. 00481 Don't Know Mind, Buddha Mind, Blue Cliff Record, Manjushri, Birth-and-Death,... |
Aug 22 2002 |