Impermanence Talks

Impermanence, also known as the philosophical problem of change, is a philosophical concept addressed in a variety of religions and philosophies. In Eastern philosophy it is notable for its role in the Buddhist three marks of existence. It is also an important element of Hinduism. In Western philosophy it is most famously known through its first appearance in Greek philosophy in the writings of Heraclitus and in his doctrine of panta rhei (everything flows). In Western philosophy the concept is also referred to as becoming.
Title | Speaker | |
Delusion and IgnoranceSerial: BZ-01323 Saturday Lecture Delusion, Ignorance, Happiness, resistance, Greed, Ego, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death... |
May 14 2005 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 21st, 2005, Serial No. 00585 Practice Period, Impermanence, Five Ranks, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Vow, Bowing... |
Mar 21 2005 |
Uchiyama-Roshi: His Teachings on Zazen and LifeSerial: BZ-01304E Teaching Retreat 1 of 2 Funeral, Soto Zen, Samadhi, Impermanence, Vow, Posture, Instruction, American,... |
Feb 05 2005 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
SalvationSerial: BZ-01295 Saving All Beings in Our Zen Practice, Rohatsu Day 5 Dependent Origination, Heart Sutra, Impermanence, Vow, Emotions, Attachment, Six... |
Dec 03 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Heart SutraSerial: BZ-01291D Rohatsu Day 1 Heart Sutra, Form-and-Emptiness, Dependent Origination, Impermanence, Samadhi,... |
Nov 29 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 16th, 2004, Serial No. 01284 Karmic Consequences, Nirvana, Impermanence, Karma, Subject-and-Object,... |
Oct 16 2004 |
Heaven and Hell and NirvanaSerial: BZ-01566 Saturday Lecture Nirvana, Six Realms, Karmic Consequences, Nirvana, Impermanence, Karma,... |
Oct 16 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 21st, 2004, Serial No. 01241 Mahayana, Monkey Mind, Nirvana, Obstacles, Subject-and-Object, Impermanence, Heart... |
Aug 21 2004 |
July 24th, 2004, Serial No. 01277 Mindfulness, Non-duality, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Concentration, Impermanence, Oneness... |
Jul 24 2004 |
Shikantaza Practice (from "Not Always So")Serial: BZ-01275B Exhaling, Letting Go, Impermanence, One-Day Sitting Shikantaza, Impermanence, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Daily Life, Continuous Practice... |
Jul 11 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
May 20th, 2004, Serial No. 01023, Side B Lotus Sutra, Chanting, Duality, Aspects of Practice, Heart Sutra, Gaining Mind,... |
May 20 2004 |
May 13th, 2004, Serial No. 01022, Side A Karma, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Diversity, Attachment,... |
May 13 2004 |
March 27th, 2004, Serial No. 01257 Impermanence, Berkeley Zen Center, Silence, Diversity, Birth-and-Death, Practice... |
Mar 27 2004 |
Buddha's ParinirvanaSerial: BZ-01248 Sesshin Day 1 Parinirvana, Nirvana, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Buddha's Birthday,... |
Feb 14 2004 Berkeley Zen Center |
Taking Care of Ourselves as PracticeSerial: BZ-00172B Excercise and Eating--Mind, Body and Spirit Work Together, Saturday Lecture Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Discrimination, Mindfulness, Subject-and-Object, Birth-... |
Nov 30 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
15 Sutras from the Old Way: Meghiya (Friendship)Serial: BZ-00457 Class 4 of 5 Right Speech, Attachment, Impermanence, Lovingkindness, Commitment, Cultivation,... |
Oct 03 2002 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Rivers and Tides: Four Foundations of MindfulnessSerial: BZ-00211 Lecture Liberation, Four Foundations, Mindfulness, Culture, Instruction, Building, Emotions,... |
Sep 21 2002 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Noble Truths: Eightfold PathSerial: BZ-00444 Class 4 of 4 Right Speech, Right Effort, Happiness, Concentration, Four Noble Truths, Mindfulness... |
Apr 04 2002 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Noble Truths: NirvanaSerial: BZ-00443 Class 3 of 4 Monastic Practice, Nirvana, Mahayana, Liberation, Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Six... |
Mar 28 2002 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Eightfold Path: First Two AspectsSerial: BZ-00097B Rohatsu Day 2 Right Speech, Renunciation, Four Noble Truths, Daily Life, Building, Impermanence,... |
Dec 03 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
BreathSerial: BZ-00101A Saturday Lecture Breath, Maylie Scott, Daily Life, Liberation, Harmonizing, Practice Period, Don'... |
May 19 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practicing with Impermanence: Reference to Maylie’s Illness Berkeley Zen Center, Rumi, Priest, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Instruction,... |
May 05 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Diamond Sutra: CommentarySerial: BZ-00917 Class 2 of 5 Offering, Attachment, Passions, Anger, Karma, Nirvana, Nirvana Sutra, Impermanence,... |
Sep 23 2000 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Noble Truths ClassSerial: BZ-00856 Class 4 of 5 Right Speech, Right Effort, Four Noble Truths, Renunciation, Non-violence,... |
May 04 2000 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Four Noble Truths ClassSerial: BZ-00915 Class 1 of 5 Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Liberation, Separation, Impermanence, Peace, Right... |
Apr 13 2000 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Ignoring and Being IgnoredSerial: BZ-00208B Women's sesshin lecture Anger, Culture, Impermanence, Ego, Intimacy, Enemies, Observe, Conversation, Hate,... |
Apr 02 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s Writings: Commentary on “Enlightenment Unfolds”Serial: BZ-00932 Class 4 of 4 Lotus Sutra, Dream World, Doubt, Buddha Ancestors, Emotions, Impermanence, Karma,... |
Mar 09 2000 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Attachment and Death Impermanence, Attachment, Four Noble Truths, Happiness, Practice Period, Tassajara... |
Feb 05 2000 Berkeley Zen Center |
June 25th, 1999, Serial No. 00165, Side A Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Thoroughness, Continuous Practice, Impermanence, Buddha... |
Jun 25 1999 |
Genjokoan Commentary (Pt. 3/8)Serial: BZ-00753A Sesshin Day 3 Genjokoan, Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Thoroughness, Impermanence, Continuous... |
Jun 25 1999 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Genjokoan Commentary (Pt. 1/8)Serial: BZ-00078A Sesshin Day 1 Genjokoan, Five Ranks, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, Samadhi, Sixth Patriarch, Impermanence... |
Jun 23 1999 Berkeley Zen Center |
Impermanence, Vow and Sojun Vow, Birth-and-Death, Doubt, Obstacles, Karma, Transmission, Bell, Repentance,... |
Dec 02 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s Guidelines for Studying the WaySerial: BZ-00840 Part 1 of 4 Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Continuous Practice, Hate, Six Realms, Attachment,... |
Oct 29 1998 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Five Aspects of PracticeSerial: BZ-00352B Sesshin Day 3 Practice, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative, Continuous Practice, Renunciation,... |
Jun 26 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Title Unknown cognitive process, Observe, Mahayana, Dependent Origination, Religion, Aspects of... |
Jun 06 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Relinquishment and Renunciation Precepts, Impermanence, resistance, Right Effort, Renunciation, Interdependence,... |
May 16 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Self, No-SelfSerial: BZ-00340B Saturday Lecture Nirvana, Birth-and-Death, confusion, Impermanence, Happiness, Patience, Greed, Anger... |
Jan 18 1998 Berkeley Zen Center |
Heart SutraSerial: BZ-00843 Class 2 of 4 Heart Sutra, Separation, Oneness, Mahayana, Zazen Mind, Buddha Nature, Patience,... |
Jul 17 1997 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dukkha & The SelfSerial: BZ-00780B One-Day Sitting Dukkha, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana, Four Noble Truths, Greed, Samsara, Daily Life,... |
Jan 12 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Postures of the Five Hindrances Posture, Doubt, Hindrances, uchiyama, Obstacles, Anger, Mahayana, Culture,... |
Aug 17 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practice in the USA Anger, Impermanence, Hate, American, Ordination, Chanting, Vow, Karma, Samsara,... |
Aug 03 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tung Shan’s PoemSerial: BZ-00803A Shusho talk #1 Practice Period, Blue Cliff Record, Soto Zen, Lineage, Birth-and-Death, Offering,... |
May 18 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Way Seeking MindSerial: BZ-00804A Shuso Talk Practice Period, War, Impermanence, Happiness, Bell, Conversation, Offering, Posture... |
May 06 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vimalakirti SutraSerial: BZ-00247 Class 4 of 5 Liberation, Anger, Passions, Manjushri, Attachment, Impermanence, Lay Practice,... |
Mar 21 1996 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Images Heart Sutra, Offering, Family Practice, Priest, resistance, Chanting, Daily Life,... |
Mar 02 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00817A Rohatsu Day 2 Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Karma, Evil, Nirvana, Impermanence, Family Practice,... |
Dec 04 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo #2Serial: BZ-00824B Sesshin Day 2 Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, Big Mind, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Continuous Practice,... |
Sep 03 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Double Bind of PracticeSerial: BZ-00825A Saturday Lecture Practice, Nirvana, Emotions, resistance, Happiness, Impermanence, Attachment, Aspects... |
Aug 19 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Metta SuttaSerial: BZ-00830B Saturday Lecture Metta Sutta, Anger, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Peace, Nirvana, Gratitude,... |
Jul 01 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan Case #35 Happiness, Blue Cliff Record, Separation, Interview, Buddha Nature, Attachment,... |
Feb 25 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |