Gratitude Talks
Showing 167 talks
Title | Speaker | |
PreceptsSerial: BZ-00535 Class 6 of 6 Offering, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Six Realms, Interdependence, Gratitude... |
Jun 12 1997 6 Berkeley Zen Center |
June 12th, 1997, Serial No. 01462, Side A Precepts, Attachment, Offering, Buddha Nature, Six Realms, Interdependence, Gratitude... |
Jun 12 1997 |
Practice and Daily Life Gratitude, Commitment, Silence, Passions, Mindfulness, Precepts, Religion, War, Peace... |
Nov 17 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dana & The ParamitasSerial: BZ-00788B Saturday Lecture Dana, Renunciation, Gratitude, Patience, Ego, Offering, Precepts, Attachment,... |
Nov 09 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vimalakirti Sutra: Suffering, Interdependence Manjushri, Interdependence, resistance, Evil, Instruction, Anger, Gratitude, Mahayana... |
Nov 02 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Karma and Feeling One’s Inherent Beauty Karma, Culture, Sangha, Gratitude, Big Mind, Heart Sutra, confusion, Building,... |
Jul 27 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Vimalakirti SutraSerial: BZ-00244 Class 1 of 5 Ordinary Mind, Mahayana, Monastic Practice, Gratitude, Liberation, Lay, Heart Sutra,... |
Feb 29 1996 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #57Serial: BZ-00748 Lecture BCR-57, Attachment, resistance, Hsin Hsin Ming, Duality, Non-duality, Soto Zen,... |
Jan 27 1996 Tassajara |
Bodhisattva CeremonySerial: BZ-00813B Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva Ceremony, Karma, Precepts, Evil, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Gratitude, Four... |
Jan 13 1996 Berkeley Zen Center |
Gratitude, Constant Practice and the ConsciousnessesSerial: BZ-00815A Rohatsu Day 7 Gratitude, Consciousness, Gratitude, Big Mind, Ego, Buddha Nature, Aspects of... |
Dec 09 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00817A Rohatsu Day 2 Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Karma, Evil, Nirvana, Impermanence, Family Practice,... |
Dec 04 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Jodo Shinshu Practice Buddha Nature, Soto Zen, Priest, Birth-and-Death, Anger, Karma, Gratitude, Chanting,... |
Sep 23 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Cultural Differences/Family Practice Soto Zen, Culture, First Principle, Lay Practice, Demons, Gratitude, Lay, Lineage,... |
Jul 22 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Metta SuttaSerial: BZ-00830B Saturday Lecture Metta Sutta, Anger, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Peace, Nirvana, Gratitude,... |
Jul 01 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Picking and Choosing Practice Period, Teacher-and-Student, Instruction, Emotions, Funeral, Obstacles,... |
Jun 18 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Takubetsu SesshinSerial: BZ-00743 Sesshin Dharma Transmission, Transmission, American, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Priest,... |
Apr 05 1995 Green Gulch Farm |
Chiji Shingi and Metta Sutta: Transformative States of ConsciousnessSerial: BZ-00762 Class 7 of 10 Discrimination, Absolute-and-Relative, Soto Zen, Practice Period, Buddha Nature,... |
Mar 09 1995 7 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00741 Lecture Practice Period, Gratitude, Discrimination, Daily Life, Samadhi, Concentration,... |
Mar 01 1995 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Chiji Shingi and Metta Sutta: Chiji ShingiSerial: BZ-00759 Class 4 of 10 Building, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Manjushri, Lineage, New Year, Buddha... |
Jan 26 1995 4 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Ceremonies, Intention and GratitudeSerial: BZ-00948A Lecture Bodhisattva Ceremony, Vow, Gratitude, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Karma, Demons,... |
Dec 17 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bendowa III: Falling into Emptiness, Story of MichaelSerial: BZ-00952A Rohatsu Day 3 Blue Cliff Record, Samadhi, Bell, Heart Sutra, Funeral, Gratitude, Silence, Mahayana... |
Dec 06 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #69Serial: BZ-00936B Nansen Draws a Circle, Sesshin Day 2 Nansen, BCR-69, Manjushri, Obstacles, New Year, Doubt, Gratitude, resistance, Observe... |
Sep 04 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Touching the Moment of No Time in Our Busy Lives: Constancy, Merging, VacationsSerial: BZ-00939A Lecture Bodhisattva Ceremony, Silence, Birth-and-Death, Bell, Vow, Karma, Obstacles, Sangha,... |
Jul 23 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #50Serial: BZ-00940A Saturday Lecture BCR-50, Samadhi, Doubt, Platform Sutra, confusion, Lotus Sutra, Birth-and-Death,... |
Jul 16 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Summer PracticeSerial: BZ-00739 Lecture Practice Period, Daily Life, Doubt, Don't Know Mind, Aspects of Practice, Non-... |
Jul 13 1994 |
The PreceptsSerial: BZ-00942B Lecture Vow, Bodhisattva Vow, Precepts, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training, Bodhisattva... |
Jun 25 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00235 Class 2 of 5 Sanctuary, Subject-and-Object, Gratitude, Building, Continuous Practice, Buddha Mind... |
May 12 1994 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Three Kinds of Pain: Physical, Emotional, ExistentialSerial: BZ-00983A Beginners' Sitting Beginners, Gratitude, Birth-and-Death, Bell, Silence, Separation, Culture, Religion,... |
Jan 09 1994 Berkeley Zen Center |
Maha Mangala SuttaSerial: BZ-00215 From the October 1993 newsletter: This year's study program moves from basic Buddhist images, to early Sutras, Mahayana, and Zen. The second class in this series... Precepts, Humility, Sangha, Gratitude, New Year, Happiness, Religion, Beginners, Evil... |
Nov 11 1993 3 of 4 Berkeley Zen Center |
Unknown TitleSerial: BZ-00112 Lecture Practice Period, Commitment, Daily Life, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Gratitude,... |
Apr 17 1993 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Ten Precepts: Eighth and Ninth PreceptsSerial: BZ-00620 Class 5 of 6 Anger, Precepts, Emotions, Bowing, Vow, Gratitude, Ordination, Culture, Greed,... |
Feb 11 1993 5 Berkeley Zen Center |
Balance: Relax Your MindSerial: BZ-00639B Lecture Culture, Buddha Nature, Samsara, Gratitude, Bodhidharma, Evil, Concentration, Bell,... |
Oct 10 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shosan CeremonySerial: BZ-00708A Ceremony Shosan, Forgiveness, Right Effort, Silence, Practice Period, Gratitude, Peace,... |
Jun 15 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Who Do We Bow To?Serial: BZ-00683B Saturday Lecture Bowing, Buddha Nature, Gratitude, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bowing, Lineage, Happiness,... |
Jan 18 1992 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tozan's Five RanksSerial: BZ-00625 Lecture Gratitude, Five Ranks, Sixth Patriarch, Absolute-and-Relative, Manjushri, Dharma... |
Oct 19 1991 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Talk to Tokubetsu SesshinSerial: BZ-00624 Sesshin Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Building, Gratitude, confusion,... |
Oct 13 1991 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #93Serial: BZ-00750A True Self is Expressed, Saturday Lecture BCR-93, Emotions, Gratitude, Enthusiasm, American, Building, War, training |
Sep 21 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shusho CeremonySerial: BZ-00969 Ceremony Practice Period, Three Treasures, Giving-and-Taking, Sangha, Attachment, Dragons,... |
Jul 01 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shoyoroku: Case #4Serial: BZ-00688A Establish a Sanctuary, Saturday Lecture Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Subject-and-Object, Offering, Peace, Gratitude, Building, War... |
Jan 19 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Thanksgiving Gratitude, Attachment, Daily Life, Non-attachment, Subject-and-Object, Teacher-and-... |
Nov 24 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
October 6th, 1990, Serial No. 01479 Silent Illumination, true dharma, Soto Zen, Daily Life, Samadhi, Book of Serenity,... |
Oct 06 1990 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Bodhidharma Travels EastSerial: BZ-00511A Saturday Lecture Bodhidharma, First Principle, Bodhidharma, Gratitude, Intuition, Attachment, Big Mind... |
Jul 07 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Remembrances of Maurine StuartSerial: BZ-00510B Lecture Lotus Sutra, Berkeley Zen Center, Anger, Buddha Nature, Transmission, Gratitude,... |
Mar 25 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Faith to DoubtSerial: BZ-00497A Lecture Doubt, Buddha Nature, Gratitude, Sixth Patriarch, Cultivation, Mahayana, confusion,... |
Feb 24 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mind Refresher CakesSerial: BZ-00376A Sesshin Day 1 Koan, Deshan, Dragons, Lineage, Gratitude, Passions |
Jun 21 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
Suzuki Roshi Memorial service Bowing, American, Instruction, Priest, Humility, Gratitude, Lineage, Tassajara Zen... |
Dec 03 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Compassion Gratitude, Vinaya, Religion, Patience, Silence, Greed, Mahayana, Nirvana, War,... |
Oct 15 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Unknown TitleSerial: BZ-00826 Lecture, Sesshin day 5 Four Noble Truths, Precepts, Blue Cliff Record, Interview, Posture, Vow, Anger,... |
Jun 19 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Trust Yourself to YourselfSerial: BZ-00891A Lecture, sesshin day 3 Gratitude, Posture, Daily Life, Conversation, Nirvana, Concentration, Tassajara Zen... |
Jun 17 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
January 13th, 1988, Serial No. 00302Serial: BZ-00302 Wednesday Lecture Passions, Mindfulness, Practice Period, Building, Offering, Aspects of Practice,... |
Jan 13 1988 |