Lineage Talks

Showing 229 talks

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September 11, 2001 Anniversary; Victims on Both Sides

Serial: BZ-01246

Following in the Steps of the British and Roman Empires, Saturday Lecture

Karma, Karma, American, War, Equanimity, Emotions, Evil, Building, Lineage, confusion...
Sep 11 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Bendowa

Serial: BZ-01253

Saturday Lecture

Bendowa, Repentance, Samadhi, Six Realms, Offering, Oneness, Lineage, Demons, Rinzai...
Mar 06 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

March 1st, 2004, Serial No. 01019, Side A

Lotus Sutra, Transmission, Lineage, Intimacy, Karma, Nirvana Sutra, Conversation, Fox...
Mar 01 2004

February 23rd, 2004, Serial No. 01018, Side A

Fox, Karma, Absolute-and-Relative, causation, Daily Life, Bell, Funeral, Culture,...
Feb 23 2004

November 29th, 2003, Serial No. 01369

War, Commitment, Enemies, Bell, Practice Position, Vow, Culture, Peace, Lineage, Evil...
Nov 29 2003

November 6th, 2003, Serial No. 01015, Side A

Posture, Dharma Transmission, zen meditation, Lineage, Observe, Transmission, Culture...
Nov 06 2003

June 19th, 2003, Serial No. 01344

Four Noble Truths, Liberation, training, Hindrances, Lineage, Karma, Attachment, Non-...
Jun 19 2003

April 24th, 2003, Serial No. 00296

Book of Serenity, Silent Illumination, Posture, Practice Period, Rinzai, Dragons,...
Apr 24 2003

April 17th, 2003, Serial No. 00297

Teacher-and-Student, Transmission, Mundane Life, First Principle, Lineage, Sixth...
Apr 17 2003

April 10th, 2003, Serial No. 00298

Mahayana, Transmission, Silence, Buddha Mind, Culture, Heart Sutra, Lineage, Posture...
Apr 10 2003

January 4th, 2003, Serial No. 00177, Side B

New Year, Priest, War, Lineage, Zoom, Soto Zen, Lotus Sutra, Aspects of Practice,...
Jan 04 2003

Consciousness in Buddhist Practice

Serial: BZ-00171A


Big Mind, Interdependence, Subject-and-Object, Anger, Karma, Lay, Heart Sutra,...
Nov 09 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

September 14th, 2002, Serial No. 00210, Side A

Four Noble Truths, Instruction, Right Speech, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Sep 14 2002

How to Draw Sound From the Bell

Serial: BZ-00152A

Sesshin Day 5

Bell, Bell, Precepts, Soto Zen, Chanting, Mindfulness, Practice Period, Doubt, Lay,...
Jun 23 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Instructions for the Cook: Tenzo Kyokun

Serial: BZ-00452

Class 4 of 5

Dragons, Monastic Practice, Buddha Nature, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jun 06 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

June 1st, 2002, Serial No. 00148, Side B

Teacher-and-Student, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Berkeley Zen Center, Intimacy,...
Jun 01 2002

Tenzo Kyokun

Serial: BZ-00147A

One-Day Sitting

Tenzo Kyokun, Practice Position, Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
May 11 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

April 11th, 2002, Serial No. 00445

Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Ordination, Lineage, Observe, Vow, Transmission,...
Apr 11 2002

October 25th, 2001, Serial No. 00475

Lineage, Transmission, Culture, Aspects of Practice, Eight Awarenesses, Birth-and-...
Oct 25 2001

October 18th, 2001, Serial No. 00474, Side A

Heart Sutra, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Chanting, Hindrances, Aspects of...
Oct 18 2001

October 11th, 2001, Serial No. 00476

Teacher-and-Student, Lineage, Transmission, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors,...
Oct 11 2001

May 5th, 2001, Serial No. 00100, Side A

Berkeley Zen Center, Rumi, Priest, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Instruction,...
May 05 2001

Interview with Sojun Mel Weitsman

Serial: BZ-00128

1 of 2

Dharma Transmission, Priest, Transmission, training, Religion, Ordination, Building,...
Jan 05 2001
1 of 2
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi's Practice Instructions

Serial: BZ-00125B

Rohatsu Day 2

Hongzhi, Practice, Birth-and-Death, Dependent Origination, Ordinary Mind, Instruction...
Dec 05 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

October 21st, 2000, Serial No. 00121, Side A

Concentration, Lineage, training, Current Events, Culture, Instruction, War,...
Oct 21 2000

July 20th, 2000, Serial No. 00852

Silent Illumination, Lineage, Interview, Soto Zen, Attachment, Chanting, Obstacles,...
Jul 20 2000

July 13th, 2000, Serial No. 00853

Silent Illumination, Lineage, Doubt, Dharma Transmission, Buddha's Birthday,...
Jul 13 2000

July 6th, 2000, Serial No. 00854

Lotus Sutra, Blue Cliff Record, Lineage, Monastic Practice, Lay, Intimacy, Practice...
Jul 06 2000

May 18th, 2000, Serial No. 00164

Rinzai, Lineage, Transmission, Fox, Dharma Transmission, Lotus Sutra, Doubt, Teacher-...
May 18 2000

April 1st, 2000, Serial No. 00208, Side A

Chanting, Lineage, Buddha Ancestors, Diversity, Ordination, Precepts, Hate, Vow, War...
Apr 01 2000

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00198B

Rohatsu Day 1

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Big Mind, Soto Zen, Observe, Discrimination, Branching...
Nov 29 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

October 23rd, 1999, Serial No. 00197, Side B

American, Dharma Transmission, Lineage, Absolute-and-Relative, Transmission, Priest,...
Oct 23 1999

Diversity, Wisdom & Kindness

Culture, Hindrances, Berkeley Zen Center, American, Doubt, training, Mindfulness,...
May 01 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Guidelines For Studying The Way (Pt.2)

Serial: BZ-00188A

Saturday Lecture

Dogen, Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, New Year, Beginners, resistance, Lineage,...
Dec 12 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

2nd Precept: Take Not What is Not Given

Precepts, Vow, Liberation, Dependent Origination, Lineage, Renunciation, Conversation...
Nov 21 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Traditional Practice

Dragons, Religion, American, Vimalakirti, Priest, Lineage, Evil, Culture, training...
Sep 26 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Dharma Transmission

Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Practice Period, Lineage, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Sep 19 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Zaikke Tokudo (Jukai)

Serial: BZ-00351A

Saturday Lecture

Zaike Tokudo, Jukai, Ordination, Precepts, Lay Ordination, Lineage, Karma, Buddha...
Jun 20 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Working with Forms and Precepts

Precepts, Evil, Practice Period, Bodhisattva Vow, Attachment, Diversity, Lineage,...
Apr 25 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Priest Practice

Serial: BZ-00341B

Saturday Lecture

Practice, Priest, Priest, Ordination, Renunciation, Lay, Lay Practice, Commitment,...
Jan 31 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00784B

Rohatsu Day 3

Dragons, Daily Life, Equanimity, Samadhi, Hindrances, Lineage, Separation, Posture,...
Dec 04 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s Going Beyond Buddha

Heart Sutra, Soto Zen, Silent Illumination, Buddha Ancestors, Building, Rinzai,...
Aug 24 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record Case #18

Separation, Blue Cliff Record, Transmission, First Principle, true dharma, Dharma...
Jun 29 1996
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00801A

Sesshin Day 2

Composure, Composure, Anger, Emotions, Don't Know Mind, Subject-and-Object,...
Jun 20 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Tung Shan’s Poem

Serial: BZ-00803A

Shusho talk #1

Practice Period, Blue Cliff Record, Soto Zen, Lineage, Birth-and-Death, Offering,...
May 18 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra

Serial: BZ-00249

Class 1 of 9

Platform Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Evil, Demons, Discrimination, Ordination, Karma,...
May 09 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi's Practice Instructions

Serial: BZ-00810B

Emptying Out, Transfer Merit, Saturday Lecture

Hongzhi, Practice, Merit, Silent Illumination, Instruction, Book of Serenity, Samadhi...
Feb 25 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Trip to India: Buddhist Culture

Culture, Conversation, Lay, Heart Sutra, Lineage, Daily Life, Building, Chanting,...
Feb 04 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #15

Serial: BZ-00812A

Tungshan's 60 Blows; Teacher Student Relationship, Saturday Lecture

Dongshan, Teacher-and-Student, MM-15, Bell, resistance, causation, Lineage, Interview...
Jan 20 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva Ceremony

Serial: BZ-00819B


Bodhisattva Ceremony, Repentance, Sangha, Lineage, Right Speech, Duality, Lotus Sutra...
Nov 04 1995
Berkeley Zen Center
