Enemies Talks

Showing 196 talks

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Title Speaker

November 2nd, 2002, Serial No. 00170, Side B

Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Right Speech, Anger, Dragons, Samadhi, Liberation,...
Nov 02 2002

October 10th, 2002, Serial No. 00458

Karma, Silence, Evil, Ordination, Peace, Equanimity, Enemies, confusion, Nirvana, Vow...
Oct 10 2002

Blue Cliff Record: Case #9

Serial: BZ-00233B

Joshu's Four Gates, Sesshin Day 2

Joshu, BCR-9, Ego, Birth-and-Death, Light-and-Darkness, Buddha Nature, Oneness,...
Sep 01 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

July 20th, 2002, Serial No. 00154, Side B

Dragons, Big Mind, Hate, American, Instruction, Soto Zen, War, Enemies, Tassajara Zen...
Jul 20 2002

April 14th, 2002, Serial No. 00145, Side A

Death-and-Dying, true dharma, Liberation, Vow, Anger, Hate, Rinzai, Enemies, Soto Zen...
Apr 14 2002

March 2nd, 2002, Serial No. 00140, Side A

Oneness, Forgiveness, Ego, Anger, American, Enemies, Attachment, Silence, Chanting,...
Mar 02 2002

January 19th, 2002, Serial No. 00061, Side A

Enemies, Hate, Evil, Non-violence, Religion, Separation, Karma, Birth-and-Death,...
Jan 19 2002


Serial: BZ-00064A

Rohatsu Day 3

Zazen, Concentration, Posture, resistance, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Samadhi,...
Dec 04 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

"Evil" and "Good"

Serial: BZ-00095B

Saturday Lecture

Evil, Evil, Buddha Nature, War, Priest, Enemies, Happiness, Passions, Religion, Peace...
Nov 24 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

November 10th, 2001, Serial No. 00094, Side B

War, Four Noble Truths, Commitment, Enemies, Culture, Non-violence, American,...
Nov 10 2001

September 8th, 2001, Serial No. 00090

Vow, Buddha Ancestors, training, Priest, Patience, American, Forgiveness, Repentance...
Sep 08 2001

Blue Cliff Record: Case #36

Serial: BZ-00099A

Meeting a Person of the Way, One-Day Sitting

BCR-36, Silence, Monastic Practice, Big Mind, Enemies, Bell, Intimacy, Demons,...
Mar 18 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

March 1st, 2001, Serial No. 00131, Side B

Attachment, Karma, Non-attachment, Karmic Consequences, Buddha Nature, Enemies,...
Mar 01 2001

May 11th, 2000, Serial No. 00855

Right Effort, Right Speech, Concentration, Silence, Four Noble Truths, Enemies,...
May 11 2000

Ignoring and Being Ignored

Serial: BZ-00208B

Women's sesshin lecture

Anger, Culture, Impermanence, Ego, Intimacy, Enemies, Observe, Conversation, Hate,...
Apr 02 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00207B

Some personal comments, Sesshin Day 3

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Light-and-Darkness, Branching Streams, Darkness and...
Mar 26 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Buddha's Parinirvana/His Last Teaching

Serial: BZ-00204A

The 8 Awarenesses of an Enlightened Being, Saturday Lecture

Parinirvana, Eight Awarenesses, Enlightenment, Eight Awarenesses, Anger, Samadhi,...
Feb 19 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Guidelines For Studying The Way (Pt.1)

Serial: BZ-00187

Rohatsu Day 7

Dogen, Big Mind, New Year, Ordinary Mind, Interview, Building, Enemies, Observe, Hate...
Dec 06 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Universe As Medicine

Serial: BZ-00356B

Saturday Lecture

Ummon, Koan, Religion, Manjushri, Bell, Sixth Patriarch, Demons, Ego, Attachment,...
Aug 22 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: #9

Serial: BZ-00353B

Joshu's 4 Gates, Saturday Lecture

Joshu, BCR-9, Enemies, Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Passions, Ego, Non-duality,...
Jul 18 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

How We Practice: Dogen's "Thoroughness"

Serial: BZ-00314A

Sesshin Day 2

Practice, Dogen, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, Thoroughness, Bowing, Duality, Non-...
Jun 19 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

What Is Our Practice? Zazen Instruction

Serial: BZ-00313B

Sesshin Day 1

Zazen, Instruction, Practice, Silent Illumination, Posture, Big Mind, Samadhi,...
Jun 18 1997
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00357B

One-Day Sitting

Shikantaza, Posture, Beginners, Bowing, resistance, Concentration, Pure Existence,...
Feb 16 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s Four Methods of Guidance

Buddha Nature, Bodhisattva Vow, Precepts, Vow, Enemies, Bodhisattva Precepts, Lay,...
Oct 26 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra

Serial: BZ-00252

Class 4 of 9

Buddha Nature, Big Mind, Nirvana, Enemies, Samsara, Ego, Attachment, Intimacy, Doubt...
Jun 06 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Vimalakirti Sutra

Serial: BZ-00246

Class 3 of 5

Liberation, Manjushri, Evil, Current Events, Dependent Origination, Lotus Sutra,...
Mar 14 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Vimilakitri Sutra: Habits

Liberation, Silence, Mahayana, Enemies, Discrimination, confusion, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Jan 27 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00816A

Rohatsu Day 4

Thoroughness, Buddha Nature, Ego, resistance, Posture, Religion, Repentance, Enemies...
Dec 06 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

The Four Brahmaviharas

Equanimity, Enemies, Instruction, Patience, Daily Life, Posture, Anger, Intimacy,...
Sep 16 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-00746A


Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice, Dependent Origination, Don't Know Mind,...
Jul 12 1995
3 of 4
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-00745A


Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice, Four Noble Truths, Dependent...
Jul 11 1995
1 of 4
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Master Hongzhi Continued

Serial: BZ-00974B

One-Day Sitting

Hongzhi, Emotions, Silent Illumination, Daily Life, Enemies, confusion, resistance,...
Apr 23 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

Chiji Shingi and Metta Sutta: Metta Sutta

Serial: BZ-00764

Class 9 of 10

Anger, Emotions, Happiness, Ego, Karma, Greed, Duality, Aspects of Practice, Enemies...
Mar 16 1995
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00742


Monastic Practice, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Culture, Practice Period, Enemies,...
Mar 10 1995
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00741


Practice Period, Gratitude, Discrimination, Daily Life, Samadhi, Concentration,...
Mar 01 1995
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Happiness and Love

Serial: BZ-00948B

Saturday Lecture

Happiness, Love, New Year, Happiness, Liberation, Equanimity, Attachment, Buddha Mind...
Jan 07 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

Working with the Precepts

Serial: BZ-00934A


Precepts, Repentance, Vow, Interdependence, Buddha Nature, Enemies, Right Speech,...
Sep 17 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Continuous and Discontinuous Time

Serial: BZ-00935B

Developing Character, Saturday Lecture

Time, Continuous Practice, Peace, Ego, Daily Life, Equanimity, Samadhi, Separation,...
Sep 10 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

The Lankavatara Sutra and Psychoanalysis

Serial: BZ-00939B


Discrimination, Enemies, resistance, Transmission, Duality, Emotions, Attachment...
Jul 30 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Independence: Interdependence, Renunciation and the Three Realms

Serial: BZ-00941A


Renunciation, Interdependence, Subject-and-Object, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jul 02 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Full Awareness of Breathing; On illuminating Thoughts

Serial: BZ-00736

Sesshin Day 4

Posture, Anger, Observe, Intuition, Concentration, Enemies, Discrimination, Daily...
Mar 27 1994
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Peace, Compassion, Response

Serial: BZ-00982


Karmic Consciousness, Peace, Attachment, Rinzai, Culture, Religion, Enemies,...
Jan 12 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Finding Your Place in Practice

Serial: BZ-00660B

Women's Sitting

Posture, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Doubt, Intuition, Enemies, Chanting
Nov 21 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Conference of Buddhist Teachers: Ryozan Enkan’s Dragons (Keizan’s Denkoroku)

Serial: BZ-00629B


Dragons, Blue Cliff Record, Enemies, Instruction, Teacher-and-Student, Heart Sutra,...
Sep 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mind and Heart of Practice in Daily Life

Serial: BZ-00627B


training, Oneness, Anger, Enemies, Lineage, Evil, Hate, Precepts, Posture, Religion...
Aug 28 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #19

Serial: BZ-00652B

What is the Way?, Sesshin Day 4

MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Hindrances, Doubt, Aspects of Practice, Humility, Enemies,...
Jun 12 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Zazengi II

Serial: BZ-00652A

Sesshin Day 3

Fukanzazengi, Concentration, Posture, Subject-and-Object, Observe, Samadhi, Daily...
Jun 11 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Introduction to Buddhism

Serial: BZ-00270

Class 6 of 6

Four Noble Truths, Enemies, Mahayana, Impermanence, Anger, Attachment, Monastic...
Apr 22 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Priest Practice and Lay Practice

Serial: BZ-00661B

Sesshin Day 2

Practice, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Lay Practice, Priest-and-Lay, Lay, Ego, Enemies,...
Mar 14 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

The Fallow Field, Grassroots and the Ginko: The Being that Refused to Evolve

Serial: BZ-00643B


Practice Period, Non-violence, War, Interdependence, Vow, Doubt, Avalokiteshvara,...
Nov 21 1992
Berkeley Zen Center
