Sixth Patriarch Talks

Dajian Huineng or Hui-neng (traditional Chinese: 大鑒惠能; pinyin: Dàjiàn Huìnéng; Wade–Giles: Ta⁴-chien⁴ Hui⁴-nêng²; Japanese: Daikan Enō; Korean: Daegam Hyeneung; February 27, 638 – August 28, 713), also commonly known as the Sixth Patriarch or Sixth Ancestor of Chan (traditional Chinese: 禪宗六祖), is a semi-legendary but central figure in the early history of Chinese Chan Buddhism. According to tradition he was an uneducated layman who suddenly attained awakening (Chinese: 見性, jianxing) upon hearing the Diamond Sutra. Despite his lack of formal training, he demonstrated his understanding to the fifth patriarch, Daman Hongren, who then supposedly chose Huineng as his true successor instead of his publicly known selection of Yuquan Shenxiu.

Twentieth century scholarship revealed that the story of Huineng's Buddhist career was likely invented by the monk Heze Shenhui, who claimed to be one of Huineng's disciples and was highly critical of Shenxiu's teaching.

Huineng is regarded as the founder of the "Sudden Enlightenment" Southern Chan school of Buddhism, which focuses on an immediate and direct attainment of Buddhist enlightenment. The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch (六祖壇經), which is said to be a record of his teachings, is a highly influential text in the East Asian Buddhist tradition.

From Huineng on Wikipedia

Showing 108 talks

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Title Speaker

Being Time

Buddha Nature, Sixth Patriarch, Doubt, Equanimity, Transmission, Dharma Transmission...
Nov 10 2018

Tea Ladies and Their Mind-Refreshing Teaching

Serial: BZ-02639

Sesshin Open Aspects of Practice


Sixth Patriarch, Heart Sutra, Soto Zen, Priest, Aspects of Practice, Practice Period...
Oct 06 2018

Daikan Eno and The Hundred Dharmas

Serial: BZ-02618

Sesshin Day 2


Repentance, Doubt, Big Mind, Anger, Karma, Greed, Ego, Heart Sutra, Sixth Patriarch,...
Jun 14 2018

Yunmen's Body Exposed in The Golden Wind

Serial: BZ-02467

Class Blue Cliff Record Case 27


BCR-27, Dragons, Buddha Ancestors, Birth-and-Death, Bodhidharma, New Year, Sixth...
Mar 21 2016

Joshu's Wash Your Bowl

Greed, Sixth Patriarch, Ordinary Mind, Bell, Buddha Mind, Repentance, Aspects of...
Feb 20 2016

Medicine and Science Mutual Cure

Serial: BZ-02454

 Blue Cliff Record Case 87


BCR-87, Anger, Duality, Manjushri, Peace, Forgiveness, War, Blue Cliff Record,...
Jan 16 2016

Golden Age of Zen 6th Patriarch

Serial: BZ-02444

Aspects of Practice


Silence, Sixth Patriarch, Nirvana Sutra, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative,...
Nov 07 2015

Ummon's Every Day Is A Good Day - 2

Big Mind, Practice Period, Continuous Practice, Sixth Patriarch, Gratitude, Ego,...
May 30 2015

Five Hindrances

Hindrances, Anger, Doubt, Forgiveness, Continuous Practice, Addiction, Attachment,...
Mar 29 2014

Joshu's Wash Your Bowl

Book of Serenity, Sixth Patriarch, Subject-and-Object, Practice Period, Dragons,...
May 18 2013

What is the Basis of our Activity

Serial: BZ-02300

Why Do We Chant?, Saturday Lecture

Chanting, Suzuki Roshi, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, training, Lay Practice, Priest,...
Mar 30 2013
Berkeley Zen Center

Hokyo Zammai Class

Five Ranks, Perfect Wisdom, Precious Mirror, Doubt, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra,...
Jul 22 2010

June 9th, 2007, Serial No. 01439

Hsin Hsin Ming, Big Mind, Don't Know Mind, Karmic Consciousness, Global Warming...
Jun 09 2007

Commentary on "Brown Rice is Just Right"

Serial: BZ-01401

Suzuki-rôshi's lecture in "Not Always So", Rohatsu Day 1

Suzuki Roshi, Teacher-and-Student, Pure Existence, Monastic Practice, Sixth Patriarch...
Nov 27 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-01232

Saturday Lecture

Heart Sutra, Duality, Samadhi, Attachment, Oneness, Samsara, Nirvana, Non-duality,...
May 06 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Faith and Doubt Types

Serial: BZ-01203B

Rohatsu Day 3

Faith, Doubt, Doubt, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Karma, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra,...
Nov 30 2005
Berkeley Zen Center

June 2nd, 2005, Serial No. 01033, Side A

Birth-and-Death, Ordinary Mind, Buddha Nature, Continuous Practice, Impermanence,...
Jun 02 2005

February 28th, 2005, Serial No. 00771

Discrimination, Ego, Ordinary Mind, Hindrances, Evil, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity...
Feb 28 2005

October 28th, 2004, Serial No. 01027, Side A

Platform Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Cultivation, Birth-and-Death, Lineage, Dharma...
Oct 28 2004

Dogen’s Eihei Shingi: Pure Standards for the Zen Community

Serial: BZ-00582

Class 5 of 5

Funeral, Birth-and-Death, Lay, Buddha Ancestors, Karma, Offering, Sixth Patriarch,...
Feb 29 2004
Chapel Hill Zen Center

April 17th, 2003, Serial No. 00297

Teacher-and-Student, Transmission, Mundane Life, First Principle, Lineage, Sixth...
Apr 17 2003

Instructions for the Cook: Tenzo Kyokun

Serial: BZ-00453

Class 5 of 5

Teacher-and-Student, Six Realms, Demons, Continuous Practice, Big Mind, Karmic...
Jun 13 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

June 13th, 2002, Serial No. 01014, Side A

Teacher-and-Student, Six Realms, Demons, Big Mind, Karmic Consequences, Continuous...
Jun 13 2002

Instructions to the Cook: Tenzo Kyokun

Serial: BZ-00450

Class 2 of 5

Discrimination, Practice Period, Sixth Patriarch, Posture, Instruction, Oneness,...
May 23 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

May 23rd, 2002, Serial No. 01011, Side A

Discrimination, Practice Period, Sixth Patriarch, Posture, Instruction, Bodhidharma,...
May 23 2002

Cultivating the Ground

Serial: BZ-00141B

Comentary on Suzuki Roshi Lecture, Sesshin Day 2

Emptiness, Silence, Buddha Nature, causation, Big Mind, Ego, Karma, Attachment,...
Mar 16 2002
Berkeley Zen Center

Ten Beneficial Dharmas

Serial: BZ-00084A

Saturday Lecture

Anger, Karma, Doubt, Greed, Equanimity, Renunciation, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, Sixth...
Jul 21 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Birth and Death: Dogen’s Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-00487

Class 3 of 4

Birth-and-Death, Continuous Practice, Duality, Oneness, Karma, Sixth Patriarch,...
Nov 16 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

The Diamond Sutra: Commentary

Serial: BZ-00918

Class 5 of 5

Offering, Attachment, Mindfulness, Liberation, Karma, Sixth Patriarch, Passions,...
Oct 14 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Four Noble Truths Class

Serial: BZ-00858

Class 2 of 5

Dependent Origination, Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, War, Sixth Patriarch,...
Apr 20 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #50

Serial: BZ-00195A

Um-mon's “Particle after Particle Samadhi”, Saturday Lecture

Ummon, Samadhi, BCR-50, Attachment, Samadhi, Emotions, Lotus Sutra, Blue Cliff Record...
Sep 11 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Breathing, Theravada/Zen Suffering

Serial: BZ-00194B

Sesshin Day 3

Breath, Theravada, Samadhi, Mundane Life, Attachment, Daily Life, Four Foundations,...
Sep 06 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

I Vow to Save All Sentient Beings

Serial: BZ-00191A

Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Evil, Karma, Repentance, confusion, true...
Jul 31 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Genjokoan Commentary (Pt. 1/8)

Serial: BZ-00078A

Sesshin Day 1

Genjokoan, Five Ranks, Nirvana, Buddha Nature, Samadhi, Sixth Patriarch, Impermanence...
Jun 23 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Lotus Sutra

Serial: BZ-00836

The first in a series of five classes on the Lotus Sutra taught by Ryuei Michael McCormick, a teacher in the Nichiren tradition, and sponsored by Maylie Scott. ...

Lotus Sutra, Sixth Patriarch, Four Noble Truths, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Buddha Nature...
Apr 01 1999
1 of 5
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Zazengi (Pt. 1)

Serial: BZ-00070A

Saturday Lecture

Zazengi, Birth-and-Death, Posture, Buddha Ancestors, Sixth Patriarch, Concentration,...
Mar 27 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

Universe As Medicine

Serial: BZ-00356B

Saturday Lecture

Ummon, Koan, Religion, Manjushri, Bell, Sixth Patriarch, Demons, Ego, Attachment,...
Aug 22 1998
Berkeley Zen Center

Sun Buddha, Moon Buddha

Blue Cliff Record, Mindfulness, Sixth Patriarch, Culture, American, Emotions,...
Aug 02 1997
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00537

Class 4 of 6

Right Speech, Precepts, Attachment, Sixth Patriarch, Conversation, Observe, Bell,...
May 29 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

May 29th, 1997, Serial No. 01460

Right Speech, Precepts, Attachment, Sixth Patriarch, Conversation, Sangha, resistance...
May 29 1997


Serial: BZ-00539

Class 2 of 6

Precepts, Offering, Evil, Buddha Nature, Anger, Sixth Patriarch, Emotions, Addiction...
May 15 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

May 15th, 1997, Serial No. 01457

Precepts, Offering, Evil, Anger, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Addiction, Sixth Patriarch...
May 15 1997

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00808A

Rohatsu Day 4

Instruction, Concentration, Buddha Nature, Sixth Patriarch, Continuous Practice,...
Dec 05 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #46

Serial: BZ-00789A

100 Foot Pole, Barriers in Practice, Saturday Lecture

MM-46, Beginners, Sixth Patriarch, Lotus Sutra, Non-duality, Birth-and-Death, Buddha...
Oct 19 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra

Serial: BZ-00255

Class 7 of 9

Lotus Sutra, Buddha Nature, Heart Sutra, Mahayana, Sixth Patriarch, Samsara, Building...
Aug 08 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Four Boundless Abodes

Serial: BZ-00798B

Saturday Lecture

Brahmaviharas, Anger, Equanimity, Emotions, Sixth Patriarch, Hindrances, Happiness,...
Jul 20 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva Ceremony

Serial: BZ-00799B

Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva Ceremony, Karma, Four Noble Truths, Teacher-and-Student, Buddha Nature,...
Jul 06 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case # 29

Serial: BZ-00802A

Hui Neng "Mind That Moves"; Intentionality, Saturday Lecture

Hui Neng, Intention, MM-29, Bell, Diversity, Silence, Sixth Patriarch, Subject-and-...
Jun 01 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #25

Serial: BZ-00803B

Hui Neng Bed & Bowl, Saturday Lecture

Hui Neng, MM-25, Evil, Lay, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, Dharma Transmission,...
May 25 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra

Serial: BZ-00250

Class 2 of 9

Attachment, Buddha Nature, Dharma Transmission, Don't Know Mind, Sixth Patriarch...
May 24 1996
Berkeley Zen Center
