Separation Talks
Title | Speaker | |
February 21st, 1988, Serial No. 01499Serial: BZ-01499 Second day of sesshin at Green Gulch Farm. Blue Cliff Record, Lotus Sutra, Enemies, Concentration, Separation, Posture, Ego... |
Feb 21 1988 2 of 7 Green Gulch Farm |
February 20th, 1988, Serial No. 01500Serial: BZ-01500 First day of sesshin at Green Gulch Farm. Posture, Instruction, Separation, Building |
Feb 20 1988 1 of 7 Green Gulch Farm |
Sesshin LectureSerial: BZ-00900A One-Day Sitting Separation, Priest, confusion, Duality, Vow, Emotions, Lay |
Jan 23 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
December 14th, 1987, Serial No. 00303Serial: BZ-00303 Sesshin Day 7 Attachment, Karma, Heart Sutra, Separation, Hate, Precepts, Culture, Ego |
Dec 14 1987 |
August 18th, 1987, Serial No. 00720Serial: BZ-00720 Sesshin Day 4 Ego, Don't Know Mind, Building, confusion, Mindfulness, Separation |
Aug 18 1987 |
July 18th, 1987, Serial No. 00338Serial: BZ-00338 Lecture Pure Existence, Posture, Separation, Offering, Attachment |
Jul 18 1987 |
GenjokoanSerial: BZ-00906 Saturday Lecture Genjokoan, Intimacy, Daily Life, Bell, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-Object, Samadhi... |
Jun 13 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
March 1st, 1987, Serial No. 00332Serial: BZ-00332 Sesshin Day 2 Gratitude, Priest, Bowing, Oneness, Observe, Separation, Lay |
Mar 01 1987 |
February 28th, 1987, Serial No. 00718Serial: BZ-00718 Sesshin Posture, Beginners, Building, Instruction, Humility, Bowing, Chanting, Separation... |
Feb 28 1987 |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00894B Lecture Ordination, Transmission, Priest, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Family Practice,... |
Nov 22 1986 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Bodhisattva WaySerial: BZ-00875B Saturday Lecture Bodhisattva Way, Karma, Samsara, Emotions, Attachment, Bowing, Big Mind, Hindrances,... |
Apr 25 1986 Berkeley Zen Center |
Seven Factors of Enlightenment: Part IISerial: BZ-00869A Second Factor: Investigation, Deep Analysis, Rohatsu Day 5 Enlightenment, Concentration, Posture, stubbornness, Building, Harmonizing,... |
Dec 05 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Investigation and the Five Controlling FacultiesSerial: BZ-00865A Saturday Lecture Concentration, Mindfulness, Doubt, Zazen Mind, Daily Life, resistance, Karma,... |
Oct 19 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Fifth Precept: Do Not Deal in IntoxicantsSerial: BZ-00394B Saturday Lecture Precepts, Precepts, Priest-and-Lay, Culture, Attachment, American, Buddha Nature,... |
Sep 08 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Difficulties in Daily Life PracticeSerial: BZ-00390B Saturday Lecture Practice, Daily Life, Daily Life, Family Practice, Monastic Practice, Patience,... |
Jul 07 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Wanting to Sit/Should SitSerial: BZ-00434A Sesshin Day 1 Zazen, Daily Life, Posture, Concentration, Separation, Lay |
May 19 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #42Serial: BZ-00418B The Girls Comes Out of Samadhi, Rohatsu Day 7 Samadhi, MM-42, Four Noble Truths, Manjushri, Samadhi, Hindrances, Concentration,... |
Dec 1983 Part 2 of 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Being Intimate with PracticeSerial: BZ-00416A Lecture Intimacy, Mindfulness, Separation, Culture, Anger, Interview, resistance, Bell,... |
Oct 15 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Enlightenment in Soto ZenSerial: BZ-00402A Saturday Lecture Enlightenment, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, Soto Zen,... |
Sep 10 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Eight Ways of an Enlightened Person IISerial: BZ-00399B Saturday Lecture Enlightenment, Buddha Nature, Eight Aspects, Concentration, Right Speech, Samadhi,... |
Jul 02 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Bodhisattva MindSerial: BZ-00003B Saturday Lecture Building, Enthusiasm, Mindfulness, Separation, training, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Apr 23 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Finding Yourself on Every MomentSerial: BZ-00005A Renewing Our Practice, Saturday Lecture Dharma Transmission, Teacher-and-Student, Transmission, Building, Separation,... |
Mar 12 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Posture: Gravity and SpiritSerial: BZ-00046A Saturday Lecture Subject-and-Object, Posture, Chanting, Beginners, Interview, Concentration,... |
Jan 15 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Pre-Practice versus PracticeSerial: BZ-00040A The "Gap", Saturday Lecture Attachment, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Lay Practice, resistance, confusion,... |
Oct 02 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Self-Centered Meets the AbsoluteSerial: BZ-00041B Sesshin Day 2 Ego, training, resistance, Separation, Duality, Building |
Sep 26 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
WorkSerial: BZ-00035 Saturday Lecture Building, Lay Practice, Enthusiasm, Mindfulness, Separation, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Aug 14 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Three TreasuresSerial: BZ-00023 Saturday Lecture Three Treasures, Precepts, Effort, Sangha, Monastic Practice, Lotus Sutra, Daily Life... |
Nov 14 1981 Berkeley Zen Center |
Right Effort and Right ThoughtSerial: BZ-00026A Saturday Lecture Right Effort, Right Thought, Noble Eightfold Path, Study, Focus, Right Effort,... |
Nov 15 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 15, 1980, Serial No. 01061 Right Effort, Monastic Practice, Sixth Patriarch, Soto Zen, Daily Life, American,... |
Nov 15 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Meaning of Study PeriodSerial: BZ-00027A Lecture, 30 Day Study Period Study Period, Subject-and-Object, New Year, Daily Life, Absolute-and-Relative,... |
Nov 03 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 3rd, 1980, Serial No. 01059 Study Period, Subject-and-Object, Daily Life, Absolute-and-Relative, Funeral,... |
Nov 03 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 3rd, 1980, Serial No. 01511, Side A Study Period, Subject-and-Object, Daily Life, New Year, Absolute-and-Relative,... |
Nov 03 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
Diversity Diversity, Separation, Hate, War, Right Speech, Culture, training, Gratitude, Non-... |
The Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00240 Class 2 of 5 Dragons, Absolute-and-Relative, Obstacles, Discrimination, Attachment, Five Ranks,... |
2 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00241 Class 3 of 5 Birth-and-Death, Duality, Hsin Hsin Ming, Non-duality, Buddha Nature, Doubt, Buddha... |
3 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00243 Class 5 of 5 Hate, Duality, Five Ranks, Absolute-and-Relative, Emotions, Samadhi, Attachment,... |
5 Berkeley Zen Center |
Unknown Date, Serial 01182 Birth-and-Death, Absolute-and-Relative, Religion, Don't Know Mind, Big Mind,... |
Title UnknownSerial: BZ-00110 One-Day Sitting Intuition, Big Mind, Ordinary Mind, Bell, Don't Know Mind, Daily Life, Buddha... |
Unknown year, July 1st, Serial 00528Serial: BZ-00528 A short talk on Zazen, followed by many questions and answers: Dealing with sleepiness, a crying child, a restless mind, pain in the legs, etc. "For a Zen student,... Zazen, Thich Nhat Hanh, Posture, Daily Life, Discrimination, Peace, Dogen, Building,... |
Jul 01 |
Aspects of PracticeSerial: BZ-00460 Class 2 of 3 Aspects of Practice, Oneness, Separation, Duality, Gratitude, Chanting, Birth-and-... |
2 Berkeley Zen Center |