Fasting Talks
Showing 22 talks
Title | Speaker | |
The Little Hare and the FruitSerial: BZ-02217 Seeing Things "As It Is", Saturday Lecture Non-discrimination, Birth-and-Death, Impermanence, Bell, Birth-and-Death, Fasting,... |
Dec 03 2011 Berkeley Zen Center |
Zenki and ShojiSerial: BZ-02202 Part 3 of 4, study sesshin Birth-and-Death, Karma, Samsara, Nirvana, confusion, Fasting, Daily Life,... |
Sep 04 2011 3 |
Five Ranks ClassSerial: BZ-02121 Katsuki Sekida's Commentary
Five Ranks, Cultivation, Passions, Karma, Concentration, Lotus Sutra, training,... |
Aug 19 2010 7 |
Transformation of Consciousness into the Eight-fold WisdomSerial: BZ-02045 Be careful of estatic states', Sesshin Day 4 Homeless Kodo, Silent Illumination, Offering, Gratitude, Silent Illumination, Evil,... |
Jun 20 2009 Berkeley Zen Center |
3 Topics: Takuhatsu, Identity Action, Ryokan Plays with ChildrenSerial: BZ-01110 Part 1 of 2 teaching retreat Separation, Soto Zen, American, Gratitude, Mahayana, Transmission, Discrimination,... |
Jan 26 2008 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
July 1st, 2006, Serial No. 01172, Side B Ego, American, War, Happiness, Humility, Peace, Fasting, Evil, Patience, Culture... |
Jul 01 2006 |
Basic Buddhism: The Life of BuddhaSerial: BZ-00466 Class 1 of 4 Four Noble Truths, Religion, Fasting, Renunciation, Demons, Interview, Chanting,... |
Feb 20 2003 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
FormsSerial: BZ-00095A One Day Sitting Precepts, resistance, Repentance, Soto Zen, Observe, Lay Ordination, Birth-and-Death... |
Nov 18 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Monk/Fox and The Law of KarmaSerial: BZ-00129A One-Day Sitting Hyakujo, Monks, Fox, Karma, Fox, causation, Karma, Dependent Origination, Birth-and-... |
Jan 20 2001 Berkeley Zen Center |
Way seeking Mind Talks Politics, Religion, War, Fasting, Practice Period, Building, Peace, Emotions,... |
Feb 1997 Berkeley Zen Center |
Happiness and LoveSerial: BZ-00948B Saturday Lecture Happiness, Love, New Year, Happiness, Liberation, Equanimity, Attachment, Buddha Mind... |
Jan 07 1995 Berkeley Zen Center |
Practicing with Flexible Mind within Forms: The Practice of Recovering Zazen MindSerial: BZ-00649A Lecture Family Practice, Don't Know Mind, Fasting, training, Diversity, Sangha,... |
Feb 27 1993 Berkeley Zen Center |
Introduction to Buddhism: Personal HistorySerial: BZ-00282 Class 1 of 5 Four Noble Truths, Lay, Renunciation, Religion, Lineage, Fasting, Dependent... |
Jan 16 1992 1 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen’s “Zenki”: Undivided Activity; Zenki and ShojiSerial: BZ-00275 Class 3 of 3 Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Separation, Teacher-and-Student, Fasting, Fox, Funeral,... |
Jun 13 1991 3 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #41Serial: BZ-00492B Bodhidharma Pacifying Eka's Mind, Saturday Lecture Bodhidharma, Eka, MM-41, Bodhidharma, Ordinary Mind, Eka, Non-attachment, Attachment... |
Sep 22 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Life and DeathSerial: BZ-00897A Lecture Happiness, Birth-and-Death, Fasting, Nirvana, Evil, Heart Sutra, Tassajara Zen... |
May 07 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
December 9th, 1987, Serial No. 00308Serial: BZ-00308 Rohatsu Day 2 Intuition, Fasting, American, Anger, Impermanence, Hindrances, Nirvana, Offering,... |
Dec 09 1987 |
Buddha’s BirthdaySerial: BZ-01485 Lecture Buddha's Birthday, Buddha Mind, Religion, Fasting, Offering, Renewal, Interview... |
Apr 05 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fast For LifeSerial: BZ-00396B Not Attaching to Life, Saturday Lecture Fasting, Attachment, Birth-and-Death, Fasting, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Vow,... |
Sep 03 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Fasting and Everyday LifeSerial: BZ-00400B Saturday Lecture Fasting, Fasting, Daily Life, Peace |
Aug 06 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #43Serial: BZ-00006B How Can We Avoid Heat and Cold?, Saturday Lecture BCR-43 Koan, resistance, Non-violence, Fasting, Anger, Dana, Daily Life, Building, training... |
Mar 05 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
MK 6-10 Emotions, Precepts, Funeral, Interview, Lineage, Fasting, American, Addiction,... |