Dragons Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Encountering the True DragonSerial: BZ-00704A Lecture Dragons, Anger, Beginners, Posture, Culture, War, Sangha, Interview, Bowing, Lineage... |
Nov 16 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Talk to Tokubetsu SesshinSerial: BZ-00624 Sesshin Practice Period, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Building, Gratitude, confusion,... |
Oct 13 1991 |
Book of Serenity: Case #91Serial: BZ-00714A More of Dreams, Sesshin Day 2 SER-91, First Principle, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Dragons, Buddha Nature,... |
Sep 01 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shusho CeremonySerial: BZ-00969 Ceremony Practice Period, Three Treasures, Giving-and-Taking, Sangha, Attachment, Dragons,... |
Jul 01 1991 Berkeley Zen Center |
GenjokoanSerial: BZ-00697B Rohatsu Day 5 Transmission, Birth-and-Death, Separation, Dragons, Hindrances, Religion, Peace,... |
Dec 06 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 3rd, 1990, Serial No. 01478Serial: BZ-01478 Lecture sesshin day 5 Dragons, Posture, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Nature, Karma, Hindrances, confusion,... |
Nov 03 1990 Unknown Location |
Avatamsaka SutraSerial: BZ-00259 Class 2 of 5 Manjushri, Vow, Mindfulness, Five Ranks, Dragons, Equanimity, Attachment, Birth-and-... |
Nov 01 1990 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan Case 19: Ordinary Mind is the Way Ordinary Mind, Big Mind, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Dragons, Teacher-and-Student... |
Aug 03 1990 Tassajara Zen Mountain Center |
Ungan and YakusanSerial: BZ-00514B Sesshin day 3 Birth-and-Death, Hate, Teacher-and-Student, confusion, Practice Period, Attachment,... |
Jun 22 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #2Serial: BZ-00514A The True Way Is Not Difficult, Sesshin Day 2 BCR-2, Hate, Duality, Hsin Hsin Ming, Discrimination, confusion, Dragons, Attachment... |
Jun 21 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sun Faced Buddha/Moon Faced BuddhaSerial: BZ-00505A Saturday Lecture Buddha, Koan, Subject-and-Object, Buddha Nature, Constancy, First Principle, Observe... |
May 19 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Earth DaySerial: BZ-00508 Saturday Lecture Earth Day, Precepts, Happiness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Buddha Nature, Dragons... |
Apr 22 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
PleasureSerial: BZ-00509A Lecture Addiction, Half-Smile, Dependent Origination, Vow, Lotus Sutra, Offering, Culture,... |
Mar 31 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
Self NatureSerial: BZ-00497B Lecture Ego, Subject-and-Object, Mahayana, Precepts, Ordinary Mind, Concentration, Buddha... |
Mar 03 1990 Berkeley Zen Center |
ChristmasSerial: BZ-00502A Lecture Peace, Impermanence, Buddha Nature, Four Noble Truths, Bodhisattva Ceremony,... |
Dec 23 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #7: Pt. 1Serial: BZ-00381 "You Are, Echo", Sesshin Day 1 BCR-7, Buddha Mind, Karma, Dragons, Absolute-and-Relative, Big Mind, confusion, Daily... |
Sep 03 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tokusan Brings His BowlsSerial: BZ-00377B Sesshin Day 4 Tokusan, Bell, Monastic Practice, Dragons, Lineage, Peace, Anger |
Jun 24 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mind Refresher CakesSerial: BZ-00376A Sesshin Day 1 Koan, Deshan, Dragons, Lineage, Gratitude, Passions |
Jun 21 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
New BellSerial: BZ-00375B Saturday Lecture Bell, Bell, Culture, Ego, Teacher-and-Student, Peace, Dragons, Posture, War |
Jun 17 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Tathagata has One Language First Principle, Dragons, Continuous Practice, Hate, Emotions, Anger, Bodhidharma,... |
Jun 1989 Berkeley Zen Center |
September 10th, 1988, Serial No. 00366, Side A confusion, Dragons, Big Mind, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Priest, Rinzai, Bowing,... |
Sep 10 1988 |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #51: Seppo’s “What is it?”Serial: BZ-01498A Seppo's "What Is It?", Saturday Lecture Issan, confusion, Dragons, Big Mind, Instruction, Buddha Nature, Priest, Rinzai,... |
Sep 10 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Sesshin LectureSerial: BZ-00892A Sesshin Day 2 Duality, Darkness and Light, Light-and-Darkness, Oneness, Anger, Birth-and-Death,... |
Sep 04 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Unknown Title Teacher-and-Student, Dharma Transmission, Obstacles, Transmission, Daily Life, Light-... |
Aug 28 1988 Green Gulch Farm |
Teacher and StudentSerial: BZ-00893A Saturday Lecture Teacher-and-Student, Teacher-and-Student, Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Buddha... |
Aug 27 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Trust Yourself to YourselfSerial: BZ-00891A Lecture, sesshin day 3 Gratitude, Posture, Daily Life, Conversation, Nirvana, Concentration, Tassajara Zen... |
Jun 17 1988 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tightrope LectureSerial: BZ-00902A Lecture Heart Sutra, Hindrances, Practice Position, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Lay, Fox,... |
Dec 12 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
Posture, Breath, AttitudeSerial: BZ-00904B Saturday Lecture Posture, Breath, Posture, Dragons, Happiness |
Nov 21 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
August 17th, 1987, Serial No. 00311Serial: BZ-00311 Sesshin Day 3 Passions, Bell, Beginners, Dragons |
Aug 17 1987 |
Genjokoan VSerial: BZ-00907B Sesshin Day 4 Genjokoan, Passions, Offering, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Dragons |
Jun 07 1987 Berkeley Zen Center |
Tenzo Kyokun Pt.IVSerial: BZ-01529B Issan and the Cow, Rohatsu Day 4 Tenzo Kyokun, Issan, Daily Life, Dragons, Practice Period, Priest, Bowing, Offering,... |
Dec 04 1986 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mountain Seat CeremonySerial: BZ-00427B Ceremony Gratitude, Dragons, Bodhidharma, Happiness, War |
May 19 1985 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mind in ZazenSerial: BZ-00405A Rohatsu Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind, Zazen, Building, Sixth Patriarch, Concentration, Enemies... |
Dec 03 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Fifth Precept: Do Not Deal in IntoxicantsSerial: BZ-00394B Saturday Lecture Precepts, Precepts, Priest-and-Lay, Culture, Attachment, American, Buddha Nature,... |
Sep 08 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Dream WorldSerial: BZ-00430 Realm of Desire versus Reality, One-Day Sitting Desire, Daily Life, Dream World, Lay Practice, Lay, Dragons, Interview, Enemies,... |
Feb 13 1984 Berkeley Zen Center |
Book of Serenity: Case #2Serial: BZ-00418A The Highest Truth is Emptiness, Rohatsu Day 6 Emptiness, SER-2, Enlightenment, Bodhidharma, Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Practice... |
Dec 1983 Part 1 of 2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Mumonkan: Case #35 -- Seijo's Soul SeparatedSerial: BZ-00046B Unifying Body, Mind and the Way, Saturday Lecture MM-35
Koan, Birth-and-Death, War, Peace, Dragons, Offering, Instruction, Doubt, Emotions,... |
Jan 22 1983 Berkeley Zen Center |
Shakuhachi BlowingSerial: BZ-00047 Music Bell, Rinzai, Dragons, Teacher-and-Student, Chanting, Happiness, Evil, War, Peace... |
Nov 28 1982 |
Gakudo Yojin-Shu Section 5Serial: BZ-00044A Need to Find True Teacher, Saturday Lecture Gakudo Yojin-Shu, Dragons, Hindrances, Monastic Practice, Teacher-and-Student,... |
Nov 20 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Dogen's Fukanzazengi and Practice RealizationSerial: BZ-00043A Saturday Lecture Duality, Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Doubt, Sixth Patriarch, Absolute-and-Relative,... |
Oct 23 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
Blue Cliff Record: Case #35Serial: BZ-00034A Manjushri's "3's" and "3's"; Nondiscrimination, Saturday Lecture BCR-35
Non-discrimination, Koan, Manjushri, Dragons, Conversation, Sixth Patriarch, Monastic... |
Jul 03 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
The Importance of StudySerial: BZ-00018 Saturday Lecture Religion, Study Period, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Daily Life, Rinzai, Dragons,... |
Jan 23 1982 Berkeley Zen Center |
November 8, 1980, serial no. 00027BSerial: BZ-00027B Saturday Lecture Right Effort, Discrimination, Concentration, Gratitude, Dragons, Liberation, Greed... |
Nov 08 1980 Berkeley Zen Center |
Unknown Date, Serial 00168, Side B Birth-and-Death, Lotus Sutra, Ordinary Mind, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, Funeral... |
The Book of SerenitySerial: BZ-00240 Class 2 of 5 Dragons, Absolute-and-Relative, Obstacles, Discrimination, Attachment, Five Ranks,... |
2 Berkeley Zen Center |
Taxi Priest, Politics, Dragons, Interview, Soto Zen, Instruction, Religion, Doubt,... |
Unknown Date, Serial 00526 Observe, Dragons, Enemies, Fox, Bell, Posture, Instruction, War, Peace, Lay |
Passage to JapanSerial: BZ-00553 Part 1 of 3 Practice Position, Culture, Lay, Heart Sutra, Transmission, Dragons, Intuition,... |
1 |
Passage to JapanSerial: BZ-00554 Part 2 of 3 Transmission, Building, Dragons, American, Priest, Lineage, Doubt |
2 |