The Berkeley Zen Center Audio Archive

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Showing 2941 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Scientific Validation of Zazen

Serial: BZ-00044B Saturday Lecture -
zen meditation, Religion, Concentration, Buddha Nature, Priest, Beginners, Sangha, Equanimity...
Jan 08 1983
Berkeley Zen Center

Home for the Holidays Practicing Our Koan: "What Is This?"

Serial: BZ-00048B -
Religion, Precepts, Dana, Big Mind, Offering, Duality
Dec 18 1982

Shakuhachi Blowing

Serial: BZ-00047 Music -
Bell, Rinzai, Dragons, Teacher-and-Student, Chanting, Happiness, Evil, War, Peace...
Nov 28 1982

Gakudo Yojin-Shu Section 8

Serial: BZ-00048A Conduct (understanding) Zazen Mind, Saturday Lecture -
Gakudo Yojin-Shu, Birth-and-Death, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Nature, true dharma, Posture,...
Nov 27 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Gakudo Yojin-Shu Section 5

Serial: BZ-00044A Need to Find True Teacher, Saturday Lecture -
Gakudo Yojin-Shu, Dragons, Hindrances, Monastic Practice, Teacher-and-Student, Concentration,...
Nov 20 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordination and the Bodhisattva Way

Serial: BZ-00045B Saturday Lecture -
Bodhisattva Vow, Ordination, Bodhisattva Precepts, Priest, Precepts, Lay, Bodhisattva Way,...
Nov 13 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Transient Nature of All Things and No-Self

Serial: BZ-00045A Saturday Lecture -
No-Self, Impermanence, Peace, Ego, Intuition, Birth-and-Death, Interdependence, Enemies,...
Nov 06 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Practice is Enlightenment, Ridgepole Ceremony

Serial: BZ-00043B Saturday Lecture -
Subject-and-Object, Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Building, Study Period, Samadhi,...
Oct 30 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Fukanzazengi and Practice Realization

Serial: BZ-00043A Saturday Lecture -
Duality, Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Doubt, Sixth Patriarch, Absolute-and-Relative, Platform...
Oct 23 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Relationship Between Teacher and Student

Serial: BZ-00040B Saturday Lecture -
Teacher-and-Student, Teacher-and-Student, Family Practice, Ego, Dogen, Daily Life, Obstacles,...
Oct 09 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Women in Buddhism, Ordination

Serial: BZ-00042 -
Ordination, Transmission, Lay, Precepts, Passions, Family Practice, Buddha Nature, American,...
Oct 04 1982

Pre-Practice versus Practice

Serial: BZ-00040A The "Gap", Saturday Lecture -
Attachment, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Lay Practice, resistance, confusion, Separation, Hate,...
Oct 02 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

The Self-Centered Meets the Absolute

Serial: BZ-00041B Sesshin Day 2 -
Ego, training, resistance, Separation, Duality, Building
Sep 26 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Emptiness Means Interdependence

Serial: BZ-00041A Sesshin Day 1 -
Harmonizing, Posture, Heart Sutra, War, Interdependence, Anger, Ego
Sep 25 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Joshu: Wash Your Bowls

Serial: BZ-00036B On Handling Activity, Saturday Lecture -
Continuous Practice, Ego, Bodhidharma, Attachment, Samadhi, Eka, Heart Sutra, Bell,...
Sep 18 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Zen Practice, Psychotherapy, and Feminism

Serial: BZ-00038 -
Culture, Zoom, Religion, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Samadhi, Silence, Hate, Building, Intuition...
Sep 12 1982

Natural Zen and Buddhist Zen

Serial: BZ-00039B Saturday Lecture -
Priest, Commitment, Lay, American, Posture, Buddha Nature, training, Enthusiasm, Beginners,...
Sep 11 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Japanese Practice/American Practice: Differences

Serial: BZ-00039A Saturday Lecture -
Japan, American, Lay Practice, Family Practice, American, Lay, Lotus Sutra, Tassajara Zen...
Sep 04 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

August 21, 1982, Serial No 01528B

Serial: BZ-01528B One-Day Sitting -
Zendo, Sangha, Berkeley Zen Center, Building, Non-violence, Study Period, Karma, Happiness,...
Aug 21 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Work Sesshin: Building the New Zendo

Serial: BZ-00037B -
Study Period, Building, Non-violence, Happiness, Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Aug 21 1982


Serial: BZ-00035 Saturday Lecture -
Building, Lay Practice, Enthusiasm, Mindfulness, Separation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Aug 14 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

The Arms Race: Peace, Nonviolence, Aggression

Serial: BZ-00037A -
Peace, Non-violence, Hate, War, Greed, Karma, Enemies, Evil, Concentration, Conversation...
Aug 07 1982

August 7, 1982, Serial No. 01528A

Serial: BZ-01528A Saturday Lecture -
Peace, Non-violence, Current Events, Peace, Non-violence, Greed, War, Hate, Karma, Evil,...
Aug 07 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #80

Serial: BZ-00033 Does a Baby Have the 6th Consciousness?, Saturday Lecture -
Consciousness, Storehouse Consciousness, Monastic Practice, Discrimination, Buddha Nature,...
Jul 31 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

July 24th, 1982, Serial No. 01516, Side B

Serial: BZ-01516B -
Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Eight Aspects, Concentration, Aspects of Practice, Instruction,...
Jul 24 1982


Serial: BZ-00034B Posture, Attention, Resistance, Naming, One-Day Sitting -
Posture, Harmonizing, resistance, Fox, Composure, Duality, Religion, Peace, Karma...
Jul 16 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Talk on the "Women in Buddhism" Conference

Serial: BZ-00030A -
Chanting, Obstacles, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student, Lineage, Beginners, Observe, Continuous...
Jul 12 1982

Meeting with Berkeley Zen Center

Serial: BZ-00032 -
Lay, Sangha, Lay Practice, Buddha Mind, Soto Zen, Teacher-and-Student, Fundraising, American,...
Jul 08 1982

Blue Cliff Record: Case #35

Serial: BZ-00034A Manjushri's "3's" and "3's"; Nondiscrimination, Saturday Lecture BCR-35   -
Non-discrimination, Koan, Manjushri, Dragons, Conversation, Sixth Patriarch, Monastic Practice...
Jul 03 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #19

Serial: BZ-00036A "Nansen's Everyday Mind in the Way", Saturday Lecture MM-19   -
Nansen, Absolute-and-Relative, Koan, Ordinary Mind, Non-violence, confusion, Mindfulness, Soto...
Jun 26 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

The Heart of Practice Prajna as Compassionate Wisdom

Serial: BZ-00030B Remembering our deepest intention; noble friendship is the entirety of spiritual life; connection between Berkeley ZC and San Francisco ZC. -
Ordination, Heart Sutra, Precepts, Posture, Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Transmission...
Jun 11 1982

Mindfulness and Care: Adapting to Conditions

Serial: BZ-01516A Sesshin -
Mindfulness, Lay Practice, Composure, Lay, Bell, Daily Life, Non-discrimination,...
Jun 1982
Part 1 of 1
Berkeley Zen Center

Women's Practice

Serial: BZ-00031 -
Family Practice, Enthusiasm, Transmission, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Culture, Instruction...
May 30 1982

Problems in Practice

Serial: BZ-00008B Calm Mind in Daily Activities, Saturday Lecture -
Daily Life, Non-violence, training, Continuous Practice, confusion, Daily Life, Building,...
May 28 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #17

Serial: BZ-00029B "Sitting Long and Getting Tired", Sesshin Day 5 BCR-17   -
Composure, Zazen, Koan, First Principle, Ordinary Mind, Samadhi, Composure, Discrimination,...
May 23 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Fundraising for the New Zendo

Serial: BZ-00007B What is Our Basis?, Sesshin Day 4 -
Fundraising, Zendo, Berkeley Zen Center, Sangha, Building, Samadhi, Fundraising, Non-duality,...
May 22 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Vigor During Sesshin

Serial: BZ-00007A Soto and Rinzai Practice Compared, Sesshin Day 3 -
Sesshin, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Composure, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
May 21 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Essence of Mind: The Fifth Paramita

Serial: BZ-00008A Subject and Object--Buddhanature, Saturday Lecture -
Subject-and-Object, Duality, Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature, Daily Life, Subject-and-Object,...
May 15 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Japanese Zen Practice in America

Serial: BZ-00029A -
Meditation, Alan Watts, Buddha Nature, Posture, American, Priest, Ordination, Buddha Nature,...
May 07 1982

Composure: The Third Paramita

Serial: BZ-00009B Saturday Lecture -
Kshanti, Composure, Happiness, training, Monastic Practice, Demons, confusion, Daily Life, Non...
May 01 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Effort: The Fourth Paramita (Virya)

Serial: BZ-00009A Blue Cliff Record: Case #5(?) "Beating the Drum", Saturday Lecture   -
Virya, Koan, Buddha Mind, Patience, Concentration, Chanting, Monastic Practice, Subject-and-...
Apr 24 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Bodhisattva Ceremony Recording

Serial: BZ-00010A Recording of BZC's monthly Bodhisattva Ceremony. The Kokyo is Fran Tribe.  -
Bodhisattva Ceremony, Bodhisattva Way, Hate, Greed, Karma
Apr 18 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Practicing Wholeheartedly with Change

Serial: BZ-00010B Saturday lecture.  -
Attachment, Lay Practice, Bendowa, Impermanence, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Lay, Monastic Practice...
Apr 18 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Dana: The First Paramita

Serial: BZ-00011B Saturday Lecture -
Dana, Study Period, Precepts, Posture, confusion, Concentration, Mindfulness, Daily Life,...
Apr 17 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Six Paramitas and Four Ideas of Giving

Serial: BZ-00012B -
Lotus Sutra, Study Period, Patience, Hate, Religion, Lay
Apr 10 1982

The Meaning of Devotion

Serial: BZ-00011A Saturday Lecture -
Buddha Nature, Emotions, Mahayana, Religion, Heart Sutra, Avalokiteshvara, Ego, Manjushri,...
Apr 03 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Fukudo Lesson

Serial: BZ-00012A Instruction -
Instruction, Zendo, Doanryo, Chanting, Intuition, Interview, Happiness, Bell, Vow, training...
Apr 01 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Study Period Practice/The Six Paramitas Lay Practice

Serial: BZ-00013 -
Study Period, Monastic Practice, Daily Life, Commitment, training, Mahayana, Patience,...
Mar 27 1982

Study Period Practice/The Six Paramitas

Serial: BZ-00014A Lay Practice, Saturday Lecture -
Lay Practice, Teacher-and-Student, Rinzai, Daily Life, Interview, Soto Zen, Concentration,...
Mar 27 1982
Berkeley Zen Center

Celebration of Spring--This Shore, The Other Shore

Serial: BZ-00014B Keepng Your Place, One-Day Sitting -
Sixth Patriarch, Heart Sutra, Nirvana, Happiness, Observe
Mar 20 1982
Berkeley Zen Center
