Suffering Talks

Duḥkha (; Sanskrit: दुःख, Pali: dukkha) "suffering", "pain", "unease", or "unsatisfactoriness", is an important concept in Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. Its meaning depends on the context, and may refer more specifically to the "unsatisfactoriness" or "unease" of craving for and grasping after transient 'things' (sense objects, including thoughts), expecting pleasure from them while ignorant of this transientness. In Buddhism, dukkha is part of the first of the Four Noble Truths and one of the three marks of existence. The term also appears in scriptures of Hinduism, such as the Upanishads, in discussions of moksha (spiritual liberation).

While the term dukkha has often been derived from the prefix du- ("bad" or "difficult") and the root kha ("empty," "hole"), meaning a badly fitting axle-hole of a cart or chariot giving "a very bumpy ride," it may actually be derived from duḥ-stha, a "dis-/ bad- + stand-", that is, "standing badly, unsteady," "unstable."

From Duḥkha on Wikipedia

Showing 7 talks

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Title Speaker

Three Marks Of Existence

Three Dharma Seals, Impermanence, No-Self, Suffering, Nirvana, marks of existence, ...
Aug 08 2020

Genjo Koan - Section 10B-Part-3

Serial: BZ-02250

Transformation at the Base, Sesshin Day 5]

Live life one moment at a time


Suffering, Birth-and-Death, Intuition, Emotions, Dragons, Passions, Religion...
Jun 24 2012
Berkeley Zen Center

The Four Noble Truths

Serial: BZ-02163

Routine and Depression, Saturday Lecture

Suffering, Faith, Karma, Death-and-Dying, Four Noble Truths, Hate, Liberation, Daily...
Mar 05 2011
Berkeley Zen Center

Case 43 - Tozan's No Heat No Cold

Serial: BZ-02114

Absolute and Relative or Essence and Function, Saturday Lecture

Five Ranks, Birth-and-Death, Suffering, Precepts, Five Ranks, training, Birth-and-...
Jul 10 2010
Berkeley Zen Center

Suffering: How We Create It

Serial: BZ-01171

The Meaning of Forgiveness and How We Free Ourselves, Saturday Lecture

Suffering, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Anger, Emotions, Hate, War, training,...
Jun 24 2006
Berkeley Zen Center

Vimalakirti Sutra; Suffering

Serial: BZ-00706B

Rohatsu Day 3

Vimalakirti, Suffering, Duality, Manjushri, Oneness, Non-duality, Silence, Blue Cliff...
Dec 03 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Suffering and Intention

Serial: BZ-00968A

Sesshin Day 5

Suffering, Intention, Emotions, Karma, Don't Know Mind, Religion, Lay, Tassajara...
Jun 30 1991
Berkeley Zen Center