MM-19 Talks

Showing 4 talks

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Title Speaker

Ordinary Mind is the Way: Mumonkan Case 19

Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Nansen, Joshu, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition,...
Nov 22 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-02003

Mumonkan No. 19, Saturday Lecture

MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition, Gaining Mind, confusion,...
Nov 22 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #19

Serial: BZ-00652B

What is the Way?, Sesshin Day 4

MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Hindrances, Doubt, Aspects of Practice, Humility, Enemies,...
Jun 12 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #19

Serial: BZ-00711A

Ordinary Mind Is the Way, Saturday Lecture

Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Doubt, confusion, Religion, Hate, Culture,...
Jun 07 1992
Berkeley Zen Center