Maha Mangala Sutta

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From the October 1993 newsletter:

This year's study program moves from basic Buddhist images, to early Sutras, Mahayana, and Zen. The second class in this series explores the Mangala Sutta, an early Pali discourse or poem for lay Buddhists, which succinctly lays out the life and values that we cultivate, based on the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Jewels. This four-week class, our first venture into early Buddhism in several years, will be taught by our friend Rev. Piyasilo.

Piyasilo was a Theravada monk for twenty years and is the founder of the Dharmafarers community in Malaysia, a small, lay Buddhist group exploring right livelihood and engaged Buddhism. He is in Berkeley for an extended stay as a Visiting Scholar at Cal. This class will look at the basic structure of the Mangala Sutta, various commentaries, and its direct application in our daily life. 
