Sojun Mel Weitsman Talks

Showing 1430 talks

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You Have Just Enough Problems

Serial: BZ-02066

from 'Not Always So', Saturday Lecture

Intuition, Pure Existence, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Discrimination, Beginners,...
Nov 28 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Hokyo Zammai III

Serial: BZ-02056

100 Circles, Sesshin Day 2, class 3 of 4

Issan, Zazen, Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Five Ranks, Continuous Practice, Discrimination,...
Sep 07 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Hokyo Zammai IV

Serial: BZ-02057

Hobo = Dharma Bum, Sesshin Day 2, class 4 of 4

Hakuin, Sekito Kisen, Tozan, Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Five Ranks, Nirvana Sutra, Ego,...
Sep 07 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Hokyo Zammai I

Serial: BZ-02054

Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi, Sesshin Day 1, class 1 of 4

Five Ranks, Tozan, Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Precious Mirror, Five Ranks, Passions,...
Sep 06 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Hokyo Zammai II

Serial: BZ-02055

Song of the Precious Mirror Samadhi, Sesshin Day 1, class 2 of 4

Five Ranks, Tozan, Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Precious Mirror, Book of Serenity,...
Sep 06 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Joshu's 'Wash your Bowl'

Serial: BZ-02049

Open, unassuming mind, One-Day Sitting,

standing up from zazen

Zazen, Don't Know Mind, Renunciation, Don't Know Mind, Religion, Greed,...
Jul 18 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen is the true reference point

Serial: BZ-02047

Put your behind on the cushion, Saturday Lecture

Drama of life, Thoughts = dream world


Zazen, Ordinary Mind, Instruction, resistance, Precepts, Interview, confusion,...
Jun 27 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

The Swastika as Mandala

Serial: BZ-02046

Sesshin Day 5

Politics, Evil, Happiness, Mandala, Interview, resistance, Transmission, Hate,...
Jun 21 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Transformation of Consciousness into the Eight-fold Wisdom

Serial: BZ-02045

Be careful of estatic states', Sesshin Day 4

Homeless Kodo, Silent Illumination, Offering, Gratitude, Silent Illumination, Evil,...
Jun 20 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Brown Rice is Just Right

Serial: BZ-02043

Cultivating the Empty Field, Sesshin Day 2

Suzuki Roshi, Ordinary Mind, Silent Illumination, Birth-and-Death, Religion, American...
Jun 18 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Hongzhi's Guidepost for the Hall of Pure Bliss

Serial: BZ-02042

Silent Illumination, Sesshin Day 1

Jijuyu Zanmai, Pain, Silent Illumination, Constancy, Silent Illumination, Continuous...
Jun 17 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

The Precepts for Zaike Tokudo

Serial: BZ-02041

Giving and Receiving, Saturday Lecture

Zaike Tokudo, Jukai, Lay Practice, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Priest, Lineage,...
Jun 13 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen Instruction

Serial: BZ-02031


BCR-, Zazen, Posture, Building, Emotions, Beginners, resistance, Religion
May 15 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Who is That One?

Serial: BZ-02028

Shakyamuni and Maitreya are servants of That One, One-Day Sitting

Non-duality, Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya, MM-45, Big Mind, Practice Period...
May 09 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Case #7 - Wash Your Bowl

Serial: BZ-02027

Saturday Lecture

BCR-7, Family Practice, Transmission, Bell, Daily Life, Building, Emotions,...
May 02 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Zazen to Become a Buddha

Serial: BZ-02022

Sitting for 10 Kalpas and Not Attaining Buddha, Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva, MM-9, Karma, Bodhisattva Way, Lotus Sutra, Peace, Bodhidharma, Big Mind...
Mar 28 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Six Paramitas

Serial: BZ-02021

Dealing with Suffering, Sesshin

Attachment, Patience, Non-attachment, Precepts, Big Mind, Renunciation, Manjushri,...
Mar 21 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Shikantaza Basic Zen Practice: Serial No. 01094

Continuous Practice, Pure Existence, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Hindrances, Happiness...
Feb 28 2009

Shikantaza - Basic Zen Practice

Serial: BZ-02017

Saturday Lecture

Shikantaza, Continuous Practice, Pure Existence, Composure, Teacher-and-Student,...
Feb 28 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Waking Up From the Dream of Economic Security

Serial: BZ-01090B

Saturday Lecture

Enemies, Happiness, Dream World, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period,...
Feb 07 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Bicycle Wheel Dharma, Serial No. 01089

Birth-and-Death, Ordinary Mind, Ego, Obstacles, Composure, Soto Zen, Daily Life,...
Jan 31 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Bicycle Wheel Dharma

Serial: BZ-02014

Saturday Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Ordinary Mind, Ego, Obstacles, Composure, Daily Life, Duality,...
Jan 31 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Letting Go

Serial: BZ-02011

Saturday Lecture

Big Mind, Composure, Birth-and-Death, Monastic Practice, Continuous Practice,...
Jan 10 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra. Hui Neng. Commentary on Poem in Section on Praiana

Serial: BZ-01083B

Rohatus, Day 7, second tape

Attachment, Karma, Ego, Big Mind, Non-attachment, Hindrances, Continuous Practice,...
Dec 13 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra. Hui Neng. Commentary on Poem in Section on Prayana

Serial: BZ-01452

Rohatsu, Day 7, side A

Darkness and Light, Attachment, Platform Sutra, Big Mind, Light-and-Darkness, Karma,...
Dec 13 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Commentary on Poem in Section on Prajna

Serial: BZ-02010

Platform Sutra - Hui Neng, Rohatsu Day 7

Hui Neng, Darkness and Light, Attachment, Light-and-Darkness, Karma, Platform Sutra,...
Dec 13 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra: Non attachment within attachment: Serial No. 01081

Serial: BZ-01081

Rohatsu, Day 5, side B

Attachment, Samadhi, Composure, Discrimination, Offering, Non-attachment, Platform...
Dec 11 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra: Non Attachment within Attachment

Serial: BZ-01451

Rohatsu, Day 5

Attachment, Discrimination, Samadhi, Composure, Manjushri, Offering, Non-attachment,...
Dec 11 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-02008

Non-attachment Within Attachment, Rohatsu Day 5

Hui Neng, Attachment, Discrimination, Non-attachment, Composure, Offering, Platform...
Dec 11 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of Hui Neng: Serial No. 01080

Serial: BZ-01080

Rohatsu Day 4, side B

Samadhi, Mahayana, Big Mind, Ego, Posture, Anger, Demons, American, Building, Peace...
Dec 10 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor, Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-01450

Rohatsu Day 4

Samadhi, Big Mind, Mahayana, Posture, Ego, Anger, Passions, confusion, American,...
Dec 10 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-02007

Rohatsu Day 4

Hui Neng, Posture, Ego, Samadhi, Big Mind, Mahayana, Passions, American, Peace,...
Dec 10 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of Hui Neng: Serial No. 01079

Serial: BZ-01079

Rohatsu Day 3, side B

training, Don't Know Mind, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death, Evil, Instruction,...
Dec 09 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-01449

Rohatsu Day 3

Platform Sutra, training, Don't Know Mind, Big Mind, Birth-and-Death,...
Dec 09 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-02006

Rohatsu Day 3

Hui Neng, Don't Know Mind, Birth-and-Death, training, Instruction, Liberation,...
Dec 09 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra: Irritation with Sesshin, helping vs. criticizing: Serial No. 01078

Serial: BZ-01078

Rohatsu Day 2, Side B

Nirvana Sutra, Transmission, Dharma Transmission, Birth-and-Death, Buddha Nature, Don...
Dec 08 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng: Irritation with Sesshin, helping vs. criticizing

Serial: BZ-01183

Rohatsu Day 2

Transmission, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana Sutra, Dharma Transmission, Buddha Nature, Don...
Dec 08 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-02005

Irritation during sesshin/helping versus Criticizing, Rohatsu Day 2

Hui Neng, Transmission, Buddha Nature, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana Sutra, Dharma...
Dec 08 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra: Serial No. 01077

Serial: BZ-01077

Rohatsu Day 1, side B

Buddha Nature, Platform Sutra, Don't Know Mind, Lay, Buddha Ancestors, Evil,...
Dec 07 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-01453

Rohatsu Day 1

Buddha Nature, Buddha Ancestors, Don't Know Mind, Ordination, Big Mind,...
Dec 07 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra of 6th Ancestor Hui Neng

Serial: BZ-02004

Rohatsu Day 1

Hui Neng, Buddha Nature, Buddha Ancestors, Platform Sutra, Don't Know Mind,...
Dec 07 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

How do I take this practice into the world?

Serial: BZ-01076

Koan - Zuigon: Every day calls Master, answers Yes, Saturday Lecture

Zuigan, MM-12, Big Mind, Daily Life, Birth-and-Death, Building, Don't Know Mind...
Dec 06 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way: Mumonkan Case 19

Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Nansen, Joshu, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition,...
Nov 22 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-02003

Mumonkan No. 19, Saturday Lecture

MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Dharma Transmission, Intuition, Gaining Mind, confusion,...
Nov 22 2008
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-01070

Saturday Lecture

Sejiki, Karma, Greed, Happiness, Offering, American
Oct 25 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Perspective on Current Events

Serial: BZ-01164

2008 Market Crash, Etc., Saturday Lecture

Money, War, Enemies, Greed, Eight Aspects, Monastic Practice, Religion, Peace, Demons...
Oct 11 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Just This - Dogen's Fukanzazengi: Have Know Kidzendo

Serial: BZ-01161C

Saturday Lecture

Fukanzazengi, Dogen, Duality, Dragons, Posture, Non-duality, Instruction, Buddha...
Sep 27 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Precepts and Zazen

Serial: BZ-01158

Harmonizing Buddha Nature, Instincts, and Desires, Saturday Lecture

Precepts, Zazen, Desire, Buddha Nature, Precepts, Concentration, Buddha Nature,...
Sep 13 2008
Berkeley Zen Center

Twelve Links of Interdependent Co-Arising

Serial: BZ-01155A

Pratitya Samutpada, Teaching Retreat

Anger, Greed, Karma, Renunciation, Ego, Hindrances, Mindfulness, Emotions, Skandas,...
Aug 31 2008
Part 1 of 2
Berkeley Zen Center

Twelve Links as Conditioned By Delusion and True Minds

Serial: BZ-01156A

Twelve Links, Continued from morning session, Teaching Retreat

Dependent Origination, Dependent Origination, Karma, Mindfulness, Ego, Attachment,...
Aug 31 2008
Part 2 of 2
Berkeley Zen Center
