Work Group Recording 2

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Okay, great. So then the speaker will speak, supposedly, and then it's question and answer. Is that something that we're doing at Sessheen? Yes. Okay. So during the question and answer, I think this is optional. You can unspotlight the speaker doing the same thing that you did to spotlight them. That's optional because sometimes it's nice to just hear the person ask the question and still focus on the speaker who's being asked the question. But I think that's up to you. And then this is the script they have. Now we have a number of minutes. We want to hear from as many voices as possible. There's two ways that you can ask your question. The first is to click on chat. and chat your question to me. And the second is to click on participants and click where it says raise hand.


So I just want to say that, you know, I'll be recording Sojan. So I'll be setting up his viewing. Right. And then Mary Beth, you're going to be taking the questions. I'm just all I'm doing is the camera. On Sojan. Yeah. Right. So let's see here. One of the things that's hard to do, so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna make, Mary Beth, I'm gonna make you the host. Let's see here. And then I'm gonna talk you through how to make me the host afterwards. But I'm gonna make you the host. I think I've done that. Okay, so now you're the host, Mary Beth. Okay. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to raise my hand because you can't raise hand if you're co-host or co-host. So do you see it? Yes.


Okay, great. So what'll happen is when you raise your hand, it puts you in the top of the queue for it to be called on. And what they've been saying is please lower your hand and unmute yourself. So when I go to speak, I would lower my hand. And then I would unmute myself and then ask people to mute themselves afterward. If people are struggling with that, then hopefully one of your co-hosts will pick up on that or you can just see them. And that's a time when you're going to want to mute the individual instead of doing mute all, because if you mute all, you'll accidentally mute Sojin. Yes. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. But another handy thing is that the Zoom will put all muted participants below any unmuted participants.


So if someone's unmuted in that participants list, they'll be at the top, even if they don't have their hand raised. Okay, great. So it won't be too hard to find them by looking at that participants list. Okay. Great. But other people just raise their physical hand. Yeah, I think that's up to you because it's really hard. I mean, if there's been like 100 people in there and you'd have to scroll through to look for that, And so it is, I mean, it is an accessibility issue for people who aren't able to raise their virtual hand, but it's pretty hard to do. So if you see someone with their hand up, I say go for it, their physical hand up, but it is pretty hard to like sift through and see that. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't be paying that much attention to what's being said. I'll be looking for that. Yeah.


Okay, so that's the Q&A. And then are we doing any chanting at the end of the Q&A during session? I mean, we would do the regular bodhisattva vows. Yeah, it's just like the end of the lecture. Okay, great. So at the end, you invite everyone to unmute themselves and chant through the bodhisattva vows one time through. And then the symbol is the director's hands are in gaucho means begin. And then once that's done, you probably will want to do mute all again, or here we are. So, and record, ask participants to remute themselves or use mute all. Probably mute all because then I could just speak, right? Yeah. And then this was me kind of making things up.


So I'm gonna go back to here. So after question and answer, announce what's next. And I believe, let's go back to your thing here, it's Kinhin. So we'll have the... Oh, do you have the times? Because I'm not clear on what time the talk is supposed to end. I'm not either, so I'm just going off your schedule, but I imagine that Kinhin, if it's at 11.15 that you question and answers need to be done by 11.15 or actually they need to be done by 11.10. It's like it's 11.10 and then the announcements come. Yeah. Are they doing announcements as well? I should. Okay. So, and I would tell everybody else afterwards to leave and then we'll come back to every, you know, ask anybody who's not in the session to leave without saying anything.


Okay. So I'm going to add back the regular Saturday stuff. Okay. Um, so I'll add that back cause I think that has the timing here. And then we're back into Kinhin, which you've done. Zazen, which you've done. And then service, which I'll write up sort of the instructions for. And then we have lunch break. And I imagine that you'll probably also close the Zendo during lunch break. Yes. And then open it back up about 15 minutes before Zazen. Yes. OK, great. And then we've got our same kind of thing here with Zazen and Kinhin. And then, yeah, back to refuges. So during these, are you going to have everyone say them like the Bodhisattva vows?


We hadn't, I wouldn't think so. Okay. Is it just going to be you or is it going to be? It will probably be Lori. Okay. So you'll do the Kokyo. and, um, uh, Hosan, Doan, I guess. Yeah. Okay. Um, and then the last thing that you'll do here is, um, rename yourself to Berkeley Zen Center. Um, and I believe that's pretty much it. Everything else is taken care of. So you'll rename yourself to whatever our regular name is, and then, um, you end the session. Um, and then log out, right? Yeah. And then log out. I have a question that, um, Hosan asked about automatic noise reduction. He thought it was in the settings and he thought that people have that on.


And that's one of the reasons why the bells sound so bad during Zazen because it's not, going through all the way, the sound. Do you know anything about that? I don't. I mean, I've heard of that setting. Under the, when you do the mute and you can go to audio settings. Advanced settings. Yes. So like there's suppressed persistent background noise, intermittent. These are auto. And maybe if we disabled them, it would sound better. I'm going to disable them on mine. So Mary Beth, I'm not sure what you're looking at. Could you share your screen? Is it a Zoom? Is it the online Zoom?


Right next to my mute microphone. I went to audio settings when I clicked on the little thing. I clicked on audio settings and then I went to advanced and then I am disabling the persistent background noise, suppressing the persistent background noise. I'm just going to get my bells. You see where she is, Kelsey. I do now. And Mary Beth, you know, just enough to be very dangerous. No, just typically we won't want people to do this. So this is kind of not part of the training because we don't want people to mess with the overall settings for the account, but- It's not, oh, because I'm plugged in as- When you are, yeah, you would be plugged in as BZC. Can I just test and see what the sound of the bell sound like with this? Yes. But maybe it's a setting that we should enable anyways.


Yeah. Just enough to do some real damage. Yeah, pretty much. So here. How beautiful. Does it sound good? Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to make. How many people are going to go in there if you just make that the default? That they're disabled? Yeah, I actually just did it right now. So, because I'm in the BCC account. Great. So that'll probably, that'll be the same. So you don't have to do that. Okay. But that may make all of our bells sound so much better. I know. Thank you. Yeah. Okay, anything else? So I need to update that document a little better and then I'll share it with you so you can make as many, you know, changes to it as you need.


Thanks for all your hard work, Jose. Yes, really, I wasn't expecting all of this. You haven't met Jose before. I was happy to make my own set of notes. Well, that's fine. I'm going to be hopefully helping people. We have some trainings we're going to offer for the whole community so that people can help to facilitate the Zoom platform more and more. So this was a trial one of one of those, but I think we still need the session more hammered out before it's actually a training that we would share with people. Because we're just making it up right now. Yeah, it's great. I'm happy to be a part of it at this point. Well, and maybe you could smack erase part of this tape. I think I'm probably just going to delete them because I don't think I don't think they're going to be useful for people.


I also like I thought that maybe I could show my Zoom screen because there's a setting that allows you to do that. And it didn't work. And so I enabled it before this call, but it didn't work. So what I'll probably do is just take screenshots of what I'm talking about so that when I do an actual training, there's you can actually see what I'm talking about, about like, oh, go here to click to then rename and all that. So, yeah, this might not have been the best one to record because Mary Beth and I have questions for each other. about Sasheen, you know, that's unrelated. Yeah. Well, it's the first one, so. Yeah. Well, I think you're going to do awesome because you've got a good handle on this. So I will actually, so I will not be there. I am kind of taking the weekend easy because it's Ben's birthday on Friday. So we're, yeah, we're going to celebrate.


But if you have any questions leading up to it, feel free to reach out to me and Judy also can help. Okay. You're going to share with me the document? Yeah. I'm going to update it a little bit and then I'll share. So I'll try and get that to you. I'll see if I can update it by tonight and if not, then by tomorrow. Okay. Can I be a part of that too? Can you send me that as well? Yeah. Well, we're putting it in like a big, we have a like BCC online programs, big folder storage thing. So we'll put it in there and then we'll share it with you guys specifically as well. Okay. Great. That's wonderful. I feel fine taking the Saturday director's role, but I don't know what Jerry and them decided. So I think I have to intermesh with them. I think it's going to be more complicated. I would say if you want to send them a follow-up email and say that in our training when you were discussing it with me that I suggested that we just keep the same person as the host throughout for ease of technical stuff.


And you can just throw that in there because I do think that it doesn't make a lot of sense to swap between people. We wouldn't do that on a regular session and yeah. Is it okay if I go in, so we're not in there, or we are in there right now. Yeah. So, like, I could go in in the middle of the night if I wanted to. Yes, but who knows who you'll find in the window in the middle of the night. So, yes. You will need to just make sure that no one else is using it. So if you email, I know I have a view of the Zoom scheduler. So does Hozon, Mary Duryea, and Judy and Jerry. So all of us can see that calendar. So if you're like, I need to practice and it's a certain time of day, just you can shoot one of us an email.


There'll be a more formal way for asking for it at some point, but for now that's fine. So I can, like after this call, you can practice.

