Passions Talks

Showing 235 talks

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Title Speaker

October 14th, 2000, Serial No. 00918

Offering, Attachment, Mindfulness, Liberation, Karma, Sixth Patriarch, Passions,...
Oct 14 2000

October 7th, 2000, Serial No. 00916

Anger, Karma, Attachment, Nirvana, Liberation, Obstacles, Four Noble Truths, Vow,...
Oct 07 2000

September 23rd, 2000, Serial No. 00917

Offering, Attachment, Passions, Anger, Karma, Nirvana, Nirvana Sutra, Impermanence,...
Sep 23 2000

Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Samantabhadra

Serial: BZ-00060A

Saturday Lecture

Bodhisattva, Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Samantabhadra, Manjushri, Practice Position...
Jul 29 2000
Berkeley Zen Center

July 27th, 2000, Serial No. 00851

Transmission, Dragons, Passions, Heart Sutra, Buddha Nature, Beginners, Conversation...
Jul 27 2000

June 12th, 2000, Serial No. 00520

Don't Know Mind, Doubt, Culture, Religion, Conversation, Hate, Manjushri,...
Jun 12 2000

April 22nd, 2000, Serial No. 00163, Side B

Culture, Silence, Daily Life, American, War, Ego, resistance, Chanting, Passions,...
Apr 22 2000

Precious Mirror Samadhi, 8 of 8

Serial: BZ-01548


Five Ranks, Buddha Nature, Big Mind, Culture, Observe, Duality, Karma, Patience,...
Nov 25 1999

October 9th, 1999, Serial No. 00196, Side A

Monastic Practice, Half-Smile, Passions, Practice Period, Buddha Mind, Dharma...
Oct 09 1999

July 24th, 1999, Serial No. 00157, Side A

Conversation, Building, Peace, Anger, Karma, Ego, Intimacy, Passions, Evil, Bell...
Jul 24 1999

Buddhist Perspective On The Littleton Tragedy

Serial: BZ-00075

Saturday Lecture

Current Events, War, Evil, Greed, Passions, Culture, Emotions
May 08 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

November 12th, 1998, Serial No. 00838

Happiness, Intimacy, Equanimity, Instruction, New Year, Obstacles, Don't Know...
Nov 12 1998

Blue Cliff Record: #9

Serial: BZ-00353B

Joshu's 4 Gates, Saturday Lecture

Joshu, BCR-9, Enemies, Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Passions, Ego, Non-duality,...
Jul 18 1998
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-00357B

One-Day Sitting

Shikantaza, Posture, Beginners, Bowing, resistance, Concentration, Pure Existence,...
Feb 16 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

Monkey Mind & Controlling the Passions

Serial: BZ-00783B

Saturday Lecture

Monkey Mind, Intention, Monkey Mind, Demons, Greed, Lay Practice, Passions,...
Jan 18 1997
Berkeley Zen Center

November 17th, 1996, Serial No. 00787, Side B

Gratitude, Commitment, Silence, Passions, Mindfulness, Precepts, Religion, War, Peace...
Nov 17 1996

Shosan and Shuso Ceremony Preparation

Serial: BZ-00800B

Appropriate Question and Respons, Sesshin Day 5

Shosan, Shuso, Ceremony, Practice Period, Karma, Commitment, Conversation, Ego,...
Jun 23 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

May 24th, 1996, Serial No. 00250

Attachment, Buddha Nature, Dharma Transmission, Don't Know Mind, Sixth Patriarch...
May 24 1996

Blue Cliff Record: Case #17

Serial: BZ-00806A

Saturday Lecture

BCR-17, First Principle, Bodhidharma, Samadhi, resistance, Concentration, Separation...
Apr 20 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

March 28th, 1996, Serial No. 00248

Silence, Duality, Heart Sutra, Right Effort, Non-duality, Passions, Don't Know...
Mar 28 1996

March 21st, 1996, Serial No. 00247

Liberation, Anger, Passions, Manjushri, Attachment, Impermanence, Lay Practice,...
Mar 21 1996

March 7th, 1996, Serial No. 00245

Liberation, Vow, Silence, Dharma Transmission, Mahayana, Heart Sutra, Evil, New Year...
Mar 07 1996


Serial: BZ-00749

Eight Awarenesses, Lecture

Eight Awarenesses, Eight Awarenesses, Nirvana, Eight Aspects, Mindfulness, Samadhi,...
Feb 15 1996

Vimilakitri Sutra: Habits

Liberation, Silence, Mahayana, Enemies, Discrimination, confusion, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Jan 27 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Rite of Passage - Ceremony and Ritual

Serial: BZ-00813A

Saturday Lecture

Ceremony, Family Practice, Karma, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Repentance, Bell,...
Jan 06 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00816A

Rohatsu Day 4

Thoroughness, Buddha Nature, Ego, resistance, Posture, Religion, Repentance, Enemies...
Dec 06 1995
Berkeley Zen Center

Yurt Lecture

Serial: BZ-00747


Continuous Practice, Bell, Big Mind, Diversity, Buddha Mind, Sangha, Anger, Heart...
Aug 21 1995

March 14th, 1995, Serial No. 00763

Peace, Equanimity, Forgiveness, Eight Aspects, Continuous Practice, Manjushri,...
Mar 14 1995

March 11th, 1995, Serial No. 00912, Side B

Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Bodhidharma, Perfect Wisdom, Practice Period, Mahayana...
Mar 11 1995

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-00950A

Rohatsu Day 6

Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Nirvana, causation, Subject-and-Object, Karma, Lotus...
Dec 09 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

August 14th, 1994, Serial No. 00937, Side A

Hindrances, Anger, Doubt, Emotions, Aspects of Practice, Bowing, Passions, Culture,...
Aug 14 1994

July 2nd, 1994, Serial No. 00941, Side A

Renunciation, Interdependence, Subject-and-Object, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jul 02 1994

June 18th, 1994, Serial No. 00942, Side A

Vow, Silence, Chanting, Passions, confusion, Bell, Mindfulness, Separation, Religion...
Jun 18 1994

May 19th, 1994, Serial No. 00236

Bodhidharma, Dharma Transmission, Subject-and-Object, Transmission, training,...
May 19 1994

Perfection of Wisdom

Serial: BZ-00229

Class 2 of 5

Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Vimalakirti, Precepts, Anger, Right...
Mar 31 1994
Berkeley Zen Center

Platform Sutra: The Four Part Verse and Samadhi/Prajn

Serial: BZ-00549

Class, Part 4 of 10, Winter Practice Period

Attachment, Samadhi, Precepts, Non-attachment, Don't Know Mind, Discrimination,...
Jan 29 1994
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Consistency and the Path to Destiny

Serial: BZ-00669A

Saturday lecture 

Berkeley Zen Center, Constancy, confusion, Practice Period, Chanting, Passions,...
Jun 19 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

May 20th, 1993, Serial No. 00214

Attachment, Passions, Four Noble Truths, Offering, Buddha Nature, Lineage, Don't...
May 20 1993

Non-Attachment as Distinct from Detachment

Serial: BZ-00662B

One-Day Sitting

Non-attachment, Attachment, Peace, Commitment, Passions, Pure Existence, Observe,...
Apr 10 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

January 21st, 1993, Serial No. 00617

Precepts, Giving-and-Taking, Mahayana, Attachment, Passions, Buddha Mind, Emotions,...
Jan 21 1993

November 22nd, 1992, Serial No. 00644, Side A

Addiction, Subject-and-Object, Passions, Vow, Hate, Culture
Nov 22 1992

October 22nd, 1992, Serial No. 00615

Four Noble Truths, Dependent Origination, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Heart Sutra...
Oct 22 1992

September 12th, 1992, Serial No. 00637, Side B

Buddha Mind, Religion, Politics, Non-violence, Doubt, Concentration, American, Peace...
Sep 12 1992

April 4th, 1992, Serial No. 00679, Side A

Concentration, Daily Life, Don't Know Mind, Observe, Anger, Patience, Enemies,...
Apr 04 1992

Zazen Instruction

Serial: BZ-00682B


Zazen, Instruction, Priest, Bowing, Posture, Passions, Concentration, Anger,...
Jan 09 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00693B

Rohatsu Day 7

Religion, Ordinary Mind, Discrimination, Duality, Don't Know Mind, Greed,...
Dec 07 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Avatamsaka Sutra: The Ten Stages; First Two Stages

Serial: BZ-00274

Class 1 of 4

Four Noble Truths, Enthusiasm, Passions, Vow, Lineage, Concentration, Practice Period...
Nov 07 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Hui-Neng's Verse to Monk and Laity

Serial: BZ-00703A

Fault Finding, One-Day Sitting

Hui Neng, Precepts, Platform Sutra, Passions, Posture, Hindrances, Lay, Sixth...
Nov 04 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Nine Patch Quilt

Serial: BZ-00966B

Sesshin day 2

Half-Smile, Building, Patience, Passions, Continuous Practice, Posture, American,...
Jun 27 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen’s “Zenki”: Undivided Activity; Zenki and Shoji

Serial: BZ-00275

Class 3 of 3

Birth-and-Death, Equanimity, Separation, Teacher-and-Student, Fasting, Fox, Funeral,...
Jun 13 1991
Berkeley Zen Center
