Dream World Talks

Showing 26 talks

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Title Speaker

The Story of Buddha's Enlightenment

Four Noble Truths, Evil, Dream World, Lay, Bowing, Oneness, Liberation, Chanting,...
Dec 10 2011

Living Authentically

Buddha Nature, Dream World, Passions, training, Mindfulness, Separation, Sanctuary,...
Dec 04 2010

Waking Up From the Dream of Economic Security

Serial: BZ-01090B

Saturday Lecture

Enemies, Happiness, Dream World, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Practice Period,...
Feb 07 2009
Berkeley Zen Center

No Gaining Mind

Serial: BZ-01444

Sesshin Day 5

Pure Existence, Ego, Dream World, Gaining Mind, Discrimination, Big Mind, Practice...
Jun 24 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Nothing Outside of Practice

Serial: BZ-01420

"Treasury of Radiant Light Samadhi" by Koun Ejô, Sesshin Day 2

Samadhi, Dream World, Darkness and Light, Renunciation, Samadhi, Chanting, resistance...
Feb 18 2007
Berkeley Zen Center

Emotions and Attachment

Serial: BZ-00574

Sesshin Day 7

Emotions, Attachment, Attachment, Four Noble Truths, Dream World, Emotions, Two...
Feb 26 2005

Ordinary Mind and Buddha Mind

Serial: BZ-00573

Sesshin Day 6

Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind, Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind, Composure, Continuous...
Feb 25 2005

The Eighth Characteristic of an Enlightened Person

Serial: BZ-01298

No Babbling (Idle Talk), Saturday Lecture

Enlightenment, Precepts, Right Speech, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Silence, Ego...
Dec 11 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

Love, Holistic Approach: Love and Intimacy as a Wide Path of Practice

Serial: BZ-01282B


Transmission, Passions, Culture, Dream World, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Buddha...
Oct 02 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

October 2nd, 2004, Serial No. 01569

Transmission, Culture, Dream World, Passions, Precepts, Monastic Practice, Lineage,...
Oct 02 2004

Gakudo Yojunshi, Point #8

Serial: BZ-01268

Moving and Stillness, Sesshin Day 2

Gakudo Yojin-Shu, Stillness, Dream World, Birth-and-Death, Bowing, Dharma...
Jun 17 2004
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case # 82

Serial: BZ-01349C

Eternal Moment: Time, Transformation and Two Truths, Saturday Lecture

Time, Two Truths, BCR-82, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Blue Cliff Record, Non-...
Jul 19 2003
Berkeley Zen Center

May 15th, 2003, Serial No. 00294

Mindfulness, Anger, Daily Life, Four Foundations, Demons, Subject-and-Object, Observe...
May 15 2003

Pros and Cons of Religion

Serial: BZ-00096

Saturday Lecture

Religion, Religion, Evil, Dream World, Diversity, Karma, Discrimination, Bodhisattva...
Dec 01 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

Discrimination, Non-discrimination, and Essence of Mind

Serial: BZ-00098A

Saturday Lecture

Discrimination, Discrimination, Dream World, Attachment, Posture, Platform Sutra,...
Mar 17 2001
Berkeley Zen Center

March 9th, 2000, Serial No. 00932

Lotus Sutra, Dream World, Doubt, Buddha Ancestors, Emotions, Impermanence, Karma,...
Mar 09 2000

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

Serial: BZ-00201A

Into the New Millennium, Saturday Lecture

Sandokai, Branching Streams, Branching Streams, New Year, Big Mind, Religion, Two...
Dec 11 1999
Berkeley Zen Center

December 14th, 1996, Serial No. 00781, Side A

Anger, Dream World, Separation, Conversation, Happiness, Offering, Culture, Building...
Dec 14 1996

Hui Neng's Instruction on Dhyana and Imperturbability

Serial: BZ-00800A

Rohatsu Day 4

Hui Neng, Dhyana, Imperturbability, Big Mind, Dream World, Discrimination, Samadhi,...
Jun 22 1996
Berkeley Zen Center

March 2nd, 1994, Serial No. 00227

Precepts, Practice Period, Priest, Culture, Dream World, Lay, Ordination, Interview,...
Mar 02 1994

Book of Serenity: Case #91

Serial: BZ-00714A

More of Dreams, Sesshin Day 2

SER-91, First Principle, Dream World, Subject-and-Object, Dragons, Buddha Nature,...
Sep 01 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #20

Serial: BZ-00694B

Nansen's Flower; Dreaming, Sesshin Day 1

Nansen, BCR-20, Dream World, Separation, Intuition, Attachment, Precepts, American...
Aug 31 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Time-Being

Serial: BZ-00966A

Sesshin Day 1

Time-Being, Dream World, Pure Existence, Doubt, Peace, Non-discrimination, Intuition...
Jun 26 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Baseball and Effort

Serial: BZ-00380A

Saturday Lecture

Dream World, Non-duality, Right Effort, Continuous Practice, Patience, Mahayana,...
Jul 29 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Fundamentals of Zazen

Serial: BZ-00885A

Saturday Lecture

Zazen, Posture, Instruction, Beginners, Dream World, Commitment, Enemies,...
Feb 07 1987
Berkeley Zen Center

The Dream World

Serial: BZ-00430

Realm of Desire versus Reality, One-Day Sitting

Desire, Daily Life, Dream World, Lay Practice, Lay, Dragons, Interview, Enemies,...
Feb 13 1984
Berkeley Zen Center