Doubt Talks

Showing 288 talks

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Title Speaker

Lay Ordination and Priest Ordination

Serial: BZ-00661A

Sesshin Day 1

Ordination, Priest-and-Lay, Priest, Ordination, Lay, Lay Practice, Karma, Commitment...
Mar 13 1993
Berkeley Zen Center

March 11th, 1993, Serial No. 00263

Four Noble Truths, Culture, Nirvana, Religion, Karma, Enthusiasm, Anger, Hindrances,...
Mar 11 1993

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00645A

Rohatsu Day 7

resistance, Doubt, stubbornness, Duality, Fundraising, Harmonizing, Obstacles,...
Dec 06 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

November 21st, 1992, Serial No. 00643, Side B

Practice Period, Non-violence, War, Interdependence, Vow, Doubt, Avalokiteshvara,...
Nov 21 1992

November 19th, 1992, Serial No. 01483

Doubt, Commitment, Intuition, Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Big Mind, Darkness and...
Nov 19 1992

October 19th, 1992, Serial No. 01482

Dragons, Karma, Fox, Bodhisattva Ceremony, Repentance, Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Doubt,...
Oct 19 1992

September 12th, 1992, Serial No. 00637, Side B

Buddha Mind, Religion, Politics, Non-violence, Doubt, Concentration, American, Peace...
Sep 12 1992

Dogen's Kajo Fascicle in Shogobenzo Continued

Serial: BZ-00637A

Sesshin Day 3

Dogen, Shobogenzo, Buddha Ancestors, Dharma Transmission, Doubt, Building, Enthusiasm...
Sep 07 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Kajo Fascicle in Shogobenzo

Serial: BZ-00636B

Everyday Activity: Drinking Tea and Eating Rice, Sesshin Day 2

Shobogenzo, Daily Life, Buddha Ancestors, Non-duality, Doubt, War, Peace
Sep 06 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

Mumonkan: Case #19

Serial: BZ-00711A

Ordinary Mind Is the Way, Saturday Lecture

Ordinary Mind, MM-19, Ordinary Mind, Doubt, confusion, Religion, Hate, Culture,...
Jun 07 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

April 9th, 1992, Serial No. 00605

Lotus Sutra, Silent Illumination, Doubt, Rinzai, Instruction, Six Realms, true dharma...
Apr 09 1992


Serial: BZ-00685B

Saturday Lecture

Genjokoan, Buddha Nature, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Precepts, Absolute-and-Relative,...
Feb 29 1992
Berkeley Zen Center

December 29th, 1991, Serial No. 00735, Side A

Serial: BZ-00735A

Sunday Lecture

Pure Existence, Ego, Interview, Doubt, New Year, Offering, Don't Know Mind,...
Dec 29 1991

Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi

Serial: BZ-00733A

Sesshin Day 5

Ordinary Mind, Precious Mirror, Doubt, Instruction, Building, Peace
Dec 17 1991

Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi, Tozan's Five Ranks

Serial: BZ-00732

Sesshin Day 4

Concentration, Religion, Absolute-and-Relative, Doubt, Mindfulness, Transmission,...
Dec 16 1991

Vijnana: Mind Consciousness

Serial: BZ-00706A

Manas, the Sixth Consciousness, Rohatsu Day 2

Consciousness, Subject-and-Object, Buddha Nature, Doubt, Dragons, Sixth Patriarch,...
Dec 02 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Hui-Neng's Verse to Monk and Laity

Serial: BZ-00703A

Fault Finding, One-Day Sitting

Hui Neng, Precepts, Platform Sutra, Passions, Posture, Hindrances, Lay, Sixth...
Nov 04 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Why Do We Do Zazen?

Serial: BZ-00714B

Just Say "Yes!", Sesshin Day 3

Zazen, Offering, Birth-and-Death, Ego, Ordinary Mind, Fox, Doubt, Priest, Demons,...
Sep 02 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Path of Purification, Negative Space, Humanity and Nematoads

Serial: BZ-00972A


Concentration, Culture, Doubt
Aug 10 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Nine Patch Quilt

Serial: BZ-00966B

Sesshin day 2

Half-Smile, Building, Patience, Passions, Continuous Practice, Posture, American,...
Jun 27 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Time-Being

Serial: BZ-00966A

Sesshin Day 1

Time-Being, Dream World, Pure Existence, Doubt, Peace, Non-discrimination, Intuition...
Jun 26 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Title Unknown

Serial: BZ-00726

Lecture part 2, part 1 is missing

Hindrances, Addiction, Practice Period, Buddha Nature, Anger, Doubt, Lay, Ego,...
May 13 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Pali Canon Sutra on Right View (Middle Way)

Serial: BZ-00700A


Heart Sutra, Attachment, Doubt, causation, Hate, training, Lay
Apr 13 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Dogen's Guidelines

Serial: BZ-00692A

Immersing/Obstructing in the Way, Saturday Lecture

Absolute-and-Relative, Non-duality, resistance, Lotus Sutra, Intuition, Birth-and-...
Mar 23 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

The “Stuff” of Life and Waking Up

Serial: BZ-00690B


Daily Life, Renunciation, training, Samsara, Beginners, Happiness, Observe, Doubt,...
Mar 09 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Fundamentalism, Prayer, Orthodoxy: Science and Religion

Serial: BZ-00690A


Hate, Religion, First Principle, Evil, Doubt, Samsara, Mahayana, Politics,...
Mar 02 1991
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra: Paramitas, Skandas, Emptiness, Bodhisattva Way

Serial: BZ-00266

Class 2 of 4

Heart Sutra, Four Noble Truths, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Hindrances, Don'...
Feb 14 1991
Berkeley Zen Center


Serial: BZ-01517B

Mindfulness of Forms, Rohatsu Day 3

Mindfulness, Instruction, Offering, Dogen, Composure, Bowing, Duality, Samsara,...
Dec 04 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

The Eightfold Path

Serial: BZ-00695A

One-Day Sitting

Eightfold Path, Concentration, Right Speech, Mindfulness, Four Noble Truths, Right...
Nov 11 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Heart Sutra

Serial: BZ-00494A


Heart Sutra, Chanting, Doubt, Hindrances, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Posture,...
Oct 13 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #25

Serial: BZ-00493A

Saturday Lecture

BCR-25, Birth-and-Death, resistance, Emotions, Daily Life, Priest, Ego, Hindrances,...
Sep 23 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Blue Cliff Record: Case #86

Serial: BZ-00388A

It's Everywhere, Sesshin Day 1

BCR-86, Evil, Buddha Nature, Darkness and Light, Discrimination, Duality, Light-and-...
Sep 01 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Ordinary Mind is the Way

Serial: BZ-00506B

One-Day Sitting

Ordinary Mind, Ordinary Mind, Posture, Ego, Practice Period, Eight Aspects, Doubt,...
May 12 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Faith to Doubt

Serial: BZ-00497A


Doubt, Buddha Nature, Gratitude, Sixth Patriarch, Cultivation, Mahayana, confusion,...
Feb 24 1990
Berkeley Zen Center

Pope's Edict

Serial: BZ-00503B

Saturday Lecture

Religion, Doubt, New Year, Practice Period, Renewal, War, Peace, Building
Dec 16 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Eating Rice, Drinking Tea

Serial: BZ-00387

Everyday Activity and Dharma, Saturday Lecture

Daily Life, Buddha Ancestors, Priest, resistance, Lineage, Doubt, training, Ego...
Nov 11 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: BZ-00377A

Sesshin Day 3

Duality, Buddha Nature, Subject-and-Object, Oneness, Dharma Transmission, Doubt,...
Jun 23 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

Six Factors of Consciousness

Serial: BZ-00371B

Sesshin Day 2

Consciousness, Monkey Mind, Doubt, Hindrances, Posture, Anger, Ego, Daily Life, Hate...
Mar 18 1989
Berkeley Zen Center

December 11th, 1988, Serial No. 00329

Serial: BZ-00329

The fourth day of Rohatsu sesshin at Tassajara. 

Birth-and-Death, Posture, Buddha Nature, Bowing, resistance, Continuous Practice,...
Dec 11 1988
4 of 7
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

The Eyes of Practice

Serial: BZ-00832B

Saturday Lecture

Practice, stubbornness, Instruction, Harmonizing, Buddha Mind, Oneness, Renewal,...
Aug 20 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

The Five Hindrances

Serial: BZ-00832A

Saturday Lecture

Hindrances, Attachment, Anger, Hindrances, Doubt, Platform Sutra, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Aug 06 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

June 12th, 1988, Serial No. 00299

Serial: BZ-00299

Sunday Lecture

Ordinary Mind, Doubt, Attachment, Koan, Daily Life, Intuition, Soto Zen, confusion,...
Jun 12 1988

Ordinary Mind

Serial: BZ-00896B


Ordinary Mind, confusion, Don't Know Mind, Doubt, Daily Life, Fundraising,...
Jun 11 1988
Berkeley Zen Center

December 13th, 1987, Serial No. 00304

Serial: BZ-00304

Sesshin Day 6

Lineage, Religion, Silence, Diversity, Lotus Sutra, Doubt, Subject-and-Object,...
Dec 13 1987

December 11th, 1987, Serial No. 00306, Side A

Serial: BZ-00306A

Sesshin Day 4

Ego, Buddha Nature, Peace, resistance, Continuous Practice, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Dec 11 1987
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Title unknown

Serial: BZ-00905A

Saturday Lecture

Discrimination, Culture, Doubt, War, Mahayana, confusion, Peace, Emotions, Attachment...
Jun 27 1987
Berkeley Zen Center

Chi Men's Lotus Flower, Lotus Leave

Serial: BZ-00337

Sunday Lecture

Religion, Gratitude, Lay, Teacher-and-Student, Interdependence, Doubt, Peace...
May 31 1987

May 3rd, 1987, Serial No. 01486

Religion, Gratitude, Lay, Teacher-and-Student, Interdependence, Doubt, Peace...
May 03 1987

March 4th, 1987, Serial No. 00334

Serial: BZ-00334

Sesshin Day 5

Concentration, Doubt, Posture, Equanimity, Mindfulness, Silent Illumination, Nirvana...
Mar 04 1987

Tenzo Kyokun Pt.IV

Serial: BZ-01529B

Issan and the Cow, Rohatsu Day 4

Tenzo Kyokun, Issan, Daily Life, Dragons, Practice Period, Priest, Bowing, Offering,...
Dec 04 1986
Berkeley Zen Center
